Sunday, February 11, 2007

All the Hours in a Day

I've been doing some thinking. Thinking about time that it is and how much of it I actually use for something productive during the week.
There are 168 hours in a week. (24 x 7 =168)
I spend 25 hours a week in class.
I spend 20 hours a week at work.
I spend 13 hours a week on the bus, getting to work and school. This time does not include, the time spend using transit for fun stuff.
If I sleep 8 hours a night during the week, I get 56 hours of sleep.
So let's add this up...
= 114

So 168 hours
- 114 hours
= 54

My question is what do I do with the remaing 54 hours in the week?
Well, let me evaluate the last month...
Every Friday night for the last month I have spent about 3-4 hours with my insignificant other.
I spend about 2 hours a week doing homework or assignments, either at home or on my break at school.
I spend what feels like an eternity on MSN, the computer or listening to music ... six hours/wk
Then I watch ER, Supernatural, Medium and Crossing Jordan. These shows are all one hour long. So that's another 4 hours to add to the list.
Let's add these numbers up...
+ 4
= 16

- 16
= 38

My next question is where the hell does the rest of this time go?!?!?!
I feel exhausted and as if there is never enough time to get things done.
I think that the rest of this time goes to me getting more sleep, working on projects, talking on the phone or just sitting on my mother's furniture like an eternal bump.
My last question is what do you guys do with your time? Where does it all go? I think when you look at it this way and actually put the numbers all together it's scary. It's scary to realize how much time you use and how much of it you waste.


Biddie said...

Did you add in all of the time that you waste on the phone with Insignificant? All of the 'you hang up' moments? Or how about the time you spend watching reruns of Friends on DVD? The time that you spend getting caught up on the happenings of Pinevalley and/or Okdale? How about all of the time you spend bugging your sisters?
Yup, I think that it might be all accounted for....Plus, last week you spent an hour grocery shopping.

Biddie said...

I wrote Okdale....Might be time for bed...Okdale. I love it.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I haven't watched an episode of Friends or All My Children or As The World Turns in a very long time.

Biddie said...

Ummm, yeah. You made me watch All My Children today so that I could tell you whether or not Jr and Babe make up before she dies. You are not THAT far out of loop!

Bunny said...

You forgot to factor in bathroom time!! I know I spend about an hour every morning just showering & dressing! Or waiting to use the facilities!!
See, you're not wasting as much time as you thought!! :-)

Heidi the Hick said...

But wait! All my extra time is taken up with sweeping and dish washing and laundry! KC, where did you factor in dishwashing????

Ok I've spent my whole day blogging so I have to get off my ass and walk my dog before the two of melt into the couch. See ya.

captain corky said...

I heard somewhere that people spend over a year of their lives in the bathroom. Since I'm going to be spending so much time there I'm going to be making some major improvements to the bathroom, including adding a TV.

ldbug said...

There is a vortex, yes a vortex that sucks away all the time we can't recall/account for.

It's a very scary vortex.