Tuesday, January 05, 2010

I had to call the Government of Canada today and complete a change of address. I never realized how complicated a process it could be. First of all they encourage you to complete this task online however, in order to do that you must know all your tax information from the previous year. This is something that I most definitely do not know off the top of my head and to be quite honest I am not sure where my tax returns are. I have an idea of where it could be and it is most likely there but I don't feel like digging a box out of my closet and sorting through "important" paperwork. Well, when I tried to complete it online, the website crashed and I was unable to do anything anyways.
So I tried calling the numbers that were listed on a form I had received from the Government. The first number was an automated answering machine that gave me many options, however not one of them was able to complete the task needed which was a simple change of address.
The second number, was a direct number to a human being! I couldn't believe it. But as luck would have it - the answer machine answered my call saying that no one was available to take my call. At this point, I could have screamed. Screamed my lungs out until all the windows in the house shattered but I didn't.
I waited a few minutes and tried calling the number for the human being yet again. Finally someone answered and was able to help me. The best part, I didn't need any of my tax return information as requested on their website. I answered a few simple questions and in a few short minutes, my address was changed.
I really don't understand why the Government feels the need to make everything so complicated. I have a theory that they do it this way simply to drive us all insane. I would say that it is "like pulling teeth" but I have assisted in that procedure and let me tell you, pulling teeth is a lot less complicated and much faster than having to deal with the Government.
After half an hour or more, a simple address change was completed, that's all I needed, all I asked for and it was more complicated than almost anything I have ever done.


DILLIGAF said...

It's in the nature of governments babe.

It's all part of the 'we are in control' mentality that they all have.

Personally I wouldn't have bothered.

I think our government still think I live at an adddress I had 30 years ago.

Fine by me.

I'd rather the bastards never knew where I was.

Have a Happy and peaceful New Year babe xxx

DILLIGAF said...

ps...glad you posted. I was beginning to think you'd got sent down for some'at...bank robbery or whatever...;-)

DILLIGAF said...

pps...change me linky thingy from Preacherman will yer?

Ta babe x

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Okay, I FINALLY fixed the link!
I didn't fall off the face of the earth - just didn't know what to blog about. I will be around.

Biddie said...

You just changed your address?
Lol at 4D thinking that YOU would a bank. He must have you and I confused :)