Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Oh Daddy Dearest, you make my day!

It has been a long time since I've posted anything but honestly, I've had nothing to bitch about until now.
Once again, it's all about Daddy Dearest, except this has nothing to do with his special brand of crazy but rather his selfish actions. 3 years ago, I wanted to attend Conestoga College for Advertising. As per the agreement set in stone by a judge in a court over 10 years ago, he is legally responsible to help pay for things like oh say school. I have never asked this man for anything in my life before. Wait, let me rephrase that, I asked him to come to school related functions but he couldn't be bothered to pull himself away from his fancy toys. He has never helped with anything. He didn't even pick up the damn phone to call me on my birthday. His philosophy as a parent "well if the kids want to see me, they will call me." He has never taken any intitive as a parent except for one distinct conversation we had when I was 17, it went a little something like this. "If you ever get pregnant, the best thing you can do is have an abortion, take it from me. Kids ruin your life." Thanks Dad! Great pep talk, you should work for Planned Parenthood.
Back to my point, because I have drifted off topic.
I wanted to go to school, I wanted an education, I needed help from someone who should have helped me. He refused to help pay for my education, he stated all sorts or crazy legal jargon, that my mom's lawyer had a good laugh at while writing a very formal letter that was actually legal.
I chalked his lack of help up to the same old reason. He is a crap parent. I let it go, I took responsibility for my education and future. I did the only thing I could do, take out a loan. $25,000 and 3 years later I discover he couldn't put me through school because he was too busy attending Conestoga College that year. Same campus, like a creep show. Taunting me for years as a child wasn't good enough, he had to be closer to his "beloved daughter" while better educating himself. Clearly, not working on his Canadian Law Degree. We all have Google search you tool.
When I first learned this tidbit of information, it didn't shock me or upset me. He has always been selfish, he has always put his needs before his kids.
Well, guess what it has had time to sink in and I am a little pissed. This is quite possibly the most selfish thing this man has ever done to me. He couldn't be bothered to take interest in anything I ever did, the least he could do was at least give me an honest answer as to why he couldn't help me. As with everything else, he had to tell stories and spin webs of lies that in the end only hurt himself.
Daddy Dearest, if you ever read this I want you to know the following:
I want you to know that I am educated with two diplomas that I worked for all on my own without your help. I also want you to know that when I remember that you have recently lost everything and had to move in with your mother in law, it makes my day. I smile because your selfish behavior has cost you everything. You couldn't be bothered with your family and now your precious toys have all been taken away. No more motorcycles or carpentry shops or whatever else your selfish, grinch sized heart desired. Merry Christmas, I know mine will be because I may be in debt from school but at least I have a family that loves me (and a career).