Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Why Yes, I am a Sex God

Out of all my friends, I have the least amount sex, this is a known fact and I'm not ashamed of it either. It's not about the quantity, more about the quality. Keep that in mind. However, that being said, why do they all come to me with their sexual snafus. Ladies, pick up an issue of Cosmo, browse the net, go to the library, anything but me. I don't need ALL the details, some are okay but not all of them. If you don't like it rough, tell him, if you don't like hickies tell him. They aren't mind readers. It's not just the ladies but the men coming to me as well with their questions. Did I miss my calling as a sex education teacher? Why me? Why do I actually answer their questions or research the answers, well my curiousity gets the better of me. Sometimes it's interesting or disgusting or just plain confusing but at least I am knowledgeable.
Why do I need to research anal bleaching? Why did I actually do it, well it piqued my interest to be honest and as suspected I found it gross. Why do I get asked what the best condoms are? I get all sorts of these questions. I don't effing know and I would think that everyone has their own preference. So,the only conclusion I can come to is that I am a Sex God and these people worship me. It's the only logical explanation. I am indeed a SEX GOD.

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