Sunday, May 27, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
This is my best friend Liz, you all know her as "L." Yesterday she left for Holland. She moved back there to live with her mom and younger siblings. She may return in January. It all depends on how things go in Holland and if she can get a job there making more money than here. She's a millright...is that how you spell it? i have no idea. We all have to wait until January and hope that she decides to come back. While she's gone, we won't be able to celebrate her birthday with her, she won't be here to celebrate her boyfriend's birthday, she won't be here to get drunk of her ass with me this summer which is what we were all looking forward to, this is so bizarre for all of us. She only told us she was leaving two weeks ago and we all thought she was just talking but when she came to see me at work earlier this week to say her goodbyes to me, I knew that she really was going away. Hopefully she will return, I really hope she does.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Three Things
This got me thinking, if I were to get in a RV and be able to bring only three things what would I bring? I couldn't decide between the following items:
- my hair straightener
- my ipod
- my bear that I've had since I was a baby
- photo albums
- a journal to keep track of my adventures
I really don't know what I would I would bring. Tell me what you would bring on an adventure with no destination and your clothes /hygenic products are already taken care of and your immediate family members are with you.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
This was just my place to vent and whine about how "unfair" my life is. I never suspected that anyone other than my mom and Heidi would read it. I didn't think that anyone would come across my blog and find it interesting.
Today I have a few readers who stop by my blog everyday and leave comments so I know that they were there.
Dilling nominated me for a Thinking Blogger award. I think that is awesome and I am really excited about this because it means that someone reads my blog and thinks its good. It's not just a rant line.
I have no idea who I will nominate. This is going to take some serious thinking. I enjoy all the blogs read and I think they are all great. I think they all have something to offer. So if you haven't already, check out my links list because they are all good.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Friday, May 04, 2007
Rubber + Heat = Fire
Since Spencer's mother drove us up there we were forced to participate in her errands since we had about 90 minutes to kill.
She had to go to Canadian Tire to return a steering wheel cover that she didn't want for whatever reason. We decided to wait in the car. After what seemed like an eternity, she returned with a new steering wheel cover. As we were driving back to the house she told us that the representative from the Automotive department told her to put the cover in the microwave for a minute because it would allow for the cover to bend, and mold to the steering wheel better. Spencer and I looked at her like she was crazy and as Spencer tried to tell her that it would be a really bad idea to put the cover in the microwave I tried to maintain my laughter.
When we returned to the house, Spencer's mother tried to cram the cover into the microwave and go figure it didn't fit. Since she was determined to put the cover in the microwave, we needed to find a way to shove it in there. Spencer folded it about 3 times, threw it in the microwave and slammed the door closed before it could pop back open. I stood there laughing.
After debating how long it should be in there, they decided that they would check on it after 30 seconds. 30 seconds came and past. Spencer opened the microwave door to find a flaming steering wheel cover. Smoke and the scent of burning rubber filled the kitchen in a matter of seconds. Spencer's mom grabbed the cover and threw it out on the front porch at which point she proceeded to rant about the fool jackass who sold her the damn steering wheel cover and told her to put it in the microwave.
Spencer and I laughed.
Then we took pictures.
And we laughed some more.
I'm not sure if the steering wheel cover was returned to Canadian Tire or not but I'm sure it was or will be interesting when she returns to the store with the remains of a rubber steering wheel cover.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Spencer and I looked pretty punk rock. . .for a non metal band. We painted our fingernails black and what not. Spencer wore a fishnet shirt. I on the otherhand wore some beat up jeans and a bright pink sweater. It didn't matter though because we bought some concert tees.
The first two opening bands really sucked. Seriously. The first band was so terrible I thought it was a joke. I was waiting for someone to come on stage and say "Haha, you are all on candid camera." It never happened.
When Finger Eleven finally came on I was so excited. I remained calm for fear of scaring the boyfriend with my stupidity and excitement. Heidi and my mother know exactly what I am talking about.
As usual with every concert, there is some idiot who gets too drunk and stumbles around and just makes a general ass of himself. This idiot found himself located in our general area. The first couple times we tolerated him, then he spilled beer all over me and started pushing me around.
SO, what did we do to get even? Well, Spencer pushed him and made him spill the remainder of his beer, while I elbowed him in the face, all before he was escorted out of the building by five bouncers. This idiot made me miss my fav song off the new album, but I still got to see "One Thing" and "Paralyzer" so it was pretty awesome.
The show seemed to go pretty fast and I wasn't done rocking out but like all good things it must come to an end.
Overall Finger Eleven puts on a really good show and I have yet to see a crappy concert. So I've only been to three but they have all been really good.
Spencer and I are already planning the next one because we hope that this will be a summer full of concerts.