Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I haven't been around in blogland recently. Mostly because I didn't know what to write about or what to say. I've bitched about work until I'm blue in the face, there's no more school to complain about. Right now, it's up to me to tell you about my every day adventures and to be honest, I never really thought my life was interesting or that my writing was that good.
This was just my place to vent and whine about how "unfair" my life is. I never suspected that anyone other than my mom and Heidi would read it. I didn't think that anyone would come across my blog and find it interesting.
Today I have a few readers who stop by my blog everyday and leave comments so I know that they were there.
Dilling nominated me for a Thinking Blogger award. I think that is awesome and I am really excited about this because it means that someone reads my blog and thinks its good. It's not just a rant line.
I have no idea who I will nominate. This is going to take some serious thinking. I enjoy all the blogs read and I think they are all great. I think they all have something to offer. So if you haven't already, check out my links list because they are all good.


captain corky said...

I think you're a really good writer and I really enjoy reading your rants!

CindyDianne said...

K - It is great fun to read your posts, ranting or not! Keep it up!


Congrats on the nomination.

Be careful about getting into this nominating thing. Most blogs aren't really that good - which doesn't mean they aren't a good read - but nominations sound all professional n stuff. It makes blogs start to sound part of the establishment.

As it happens you are a good writer but do it for you and only you.

Got nominated for some'at or other once n the bloke wouldn't shut up so I told him to fuck off. (Wonder if that's why he withdrew the nomination for whatever it was?)