Tuesday, October 28, 2008

14 Thousand Dollars

I am so stressed out right now. Unbelieveably stressed. My stomach is in knots and flip flopping. My hands are shaking and I can barely concentrate. I found out yesterday that my student loan for school wasn't approved and unfortunately I do not have 14 thousand dollars laying around. I have a meeting at noon to see if I can pay for school somehow. Otherwise, I can't attend class this afternoon.
I hope that I can find 14 thousand dollars somewhere. (Without a student loan from the government I can not afford to go to school again.)I just want to know how a school can charge that much for education? Seriously, you want people in the medical field but you make the programs so ridiculously expensive that no one can afford it. I don't understand.
I really want to go to school, I am enjoying it so much and it feels right. I still did my homework and everything for today, I studied for two exams. One is a WHMIS exam and I studied, don't they know that WHMIS bores me to death and I can think of worse things that I would rather do than WHMIS?
I hope I can work something out, because I do not want to work at "Party Packagers, your perfect party superstore" for the rest of my life.


CindyDianne said...

Oh! I.am.so.sorry. I'll be praying that everything works out for you. I understand what it is like to be daunted by how you are going to pay for school!

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I finally got everything worked out yesterday, with seconds to spare because I had three exams. The longest, most nerve wracking day and a half. So glad it's over.

Biddie said...

But KC, it really IS your perfect party superstore.
Just saying.

CindyDianne said...

Oh yay KC. I am so glad you got it worked out!