Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day 3 of School

Today will be my third day of school, and so far I am enjoying it. However, today we are learning WHMIS. Last month, when I had to WHMIS for work, I said "If I have to do WHMIS one more time this year, I am going to dump acid on my eyes and end it all." I realise that it's a bit extreme, but seriously, I could do it in my sleep. I have done WHMIS every year since grade nine, that's six years of WHMIS. Grrrrr. stupid WHMIS.
Yesterday we did some anatomy (which I love), we learned the classifications of cavities, the names of all the teeth in the mouth, the names of the different surfaces. It was much better than the first day. The first day we read out loud the chapter on microbiology. SOOOO BORING! The homework is brutal, hours and hours of it and this is just prestudy.
I have the first two weeks of school off from work, so I get to miss all the Halloween crap. I hear it's brutal and extremely busy. But I'm not there so I don't care. Melanie, my latest partner in crime, texts me everyday, telling me how much she hates it and wants me to come back. I can't blame her, I am pretty entertaining. We do a whole lot of nothing all day, well we play dress up. I have been a cop, an indian princess, an airline attendant, a Ruby Goddess (whatever that is). My fav costume though is Bat Girl. I've worn that one a couple times. Melanie has been a cowgirl, a cop, and I don't even know what else. We have probably tried on the majority of the women's costumes. The scariest costume Melanie ever wore was .... Michael Jackson. Pretty Creepy.
Tonight, I am going shopping with my Mom. I have to get the rest of my school supplies...scrubs for the clinic, a lab coat and safety googles. I'm sure it's going to be pretty hot. Maybe I will take a picture and post it.
Tomorrow Saw V opens up and I am very excited. Spencer and I have watched the first four to make sure we know what is happening when we go to see it tomorrow night. it is rumoured that Donnie Wahlberg will be reprising his role as Eric Matthews.

And he is taking me to Applebee's. I've never been there before but we can't keep going to Crabby Joe's together or they are going to put us to work, most of the servers know us by name.
Saturday, we are going to one of my fav places, the Pumpkin Patch. We need us some pumpkins. Ruby is terrified of them and I can't wait to see Bumble's reaction - after all he is afraid of his own reflection.

It looks like it's going to be a great weekend.
Hope you have a great weekend too.
P.S. I love hearing NKOTB on the radio again, I crank it in the car when Spencer is driving. I think he dies a little inside when I do that to him.


Biddie said...

Sing song -y voice) You love Donnie Walberg! LOL.
Spencer does too (in a manly way, of course) so you can't tell me that he dies a little inside when you blast the music.
I wish that I could see them every month, they were THAT good.
Are the dogs going to the pumpkin patch? They will pee on the pumpkins. They are knobs.
I am soo glad that you are liking school so far. I still don't know if I will let you work on my teeyh, though. I hate any kind of dental work.

Biddie said...

oops. I meant TEETH.

captain corky said...

The mozzarella sticks at Applebee's are amazing. Everything else is hit or miss.

Have you been watching Smallville? Please don't let school get in the way of Smallville. ;)

Season 8 is by far the best. A big part of it has to do with the removel of that wretched actress who played Lana Lang and the other part has to do with the wonderful actress who plays Lois. Lois > Lana.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Donnie is not in the fifth movie, turns out Eric Matthews really is dead, not too hard to believe since his head was crushed between two blocks of ice.
Oh and the fifth one did not close up any of the loose ends from Saw 4, such as "why were there two Jigsaw bodies?" We still don't know and it is completely open for a sixth, it felt as though the guys who write the movie didn't know what they should do, so they just stopped and said "Hey, when we get more ideas we will make a sixth and close some loose ends up." And what was in the box that Jigsaw left for his ex-wife Jill Tuck. No one ever mentioned it after she received it.
The fifth movie also had too much police drama and not enough of the other good stuff, like blood and gore and torture scenes. It has never really explained what happened to the victim's families that were affected such as in the first one Dr. Larry Gordon, sure his wife and child got away from Zep but did Dr. Gordon ever make it out of the warehouse? What the hell happened to Daniel Matthews, Eric's son, he was found but is he dead? We don't know.
Also Julie Benz is not looking her best especially with dark hair, however I will still love her.
Writers of Saw, I am dissatisfied and looking for explainations so you better get on with the sixth installment and don't make me wait until Halloween 2009.

dilling said...

don't ou have a scrubs costume from work you could just "borrow" for a while?

Michael Colvin said...

I've not seen that film but I'm guessing it's not a musical...