Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Day in the Life of Daisy

Daisy is the youngest and smallest member of our family weighing only 1 pound and 12 ounces. She is only ten weeks old but has quite the attitude and leads a very interesting life for a little dog.

Her day begins by being let out of her crate after crying until my mom feels bad enough and lets her out. After this, the big dogs are let out in to the backyard for their morning routine. If you are not careful Daisy and Maggie the Cat will both make a run for the back door. If the cat gets out, she will be gone ALL DAY and then KK will be mad ALL DAY that her cat escaped. We try to avoid this type of incident.
If Daisy escapes she can only run around the deck because her legs are too short to get down the stairs. However, catching her isn't easy either. She has been known to run between your legs like a cartoon character or fake you out by pretending to go in one direction when really she will run in the other direction. Lately, I have compared her to a guinea pig. She is small, with short legs and runs as fast as her little legs will take her.
While the dogs are outside, we make our rounds cleaning up any messes the dogs may have made in the early morning hour. Sometimes, chewed kleenex, shredded plastic bags or food that they have sneaked during the night. For example, Maggie and the dogs were in cahoots the other night and ate an entire bag of turnover cookies. My mom was not impressed to say the least.
Daisy will run to the gigantic water cooler and drink like the big dogs and eat out of their bowls like the big dogs. She does have her own bowl but she prefers to eat there.
Hardwood floors need a ton of sweeping. So, while the big dogs run around outside, bark at the swings, or chase each other we sweep the floors followed by the use of a Swiffer Sweeper. Now, Daisy has a strong distaste for the broom and the Swiffer as she begins to chase the broom and Swiffer, barking and growling. Generally, "terrorizing" the broom and Swiffer like the part Terrior she is.
When the big dogs are ready to come in, they play a game that we like to call "Last one inside gets their face bitten." For some reason, whichever dog is last to come in has to be playfully attacked by the others. I guess, they are like kids in the sense that the last one in is the rotten egg.
There is a hurricane of dogs as they play and begin to dump out their toy bin. Eventually, someone will check the mail and Daisy must follow that person to the front door, then race you back to the living room. If flyers are brought in, Daisy will pull them under the couch and hide them for later in the day.

Around this time, the dogs crash out for a little while. If Grandma comes for a visit, there is another dog hurricane. These dogs will do ANYTHING for Grandma.
Then, they terrrorize the house some more, and wait by the door to play outside. Again, we have to watch out for Daisy and Maggie. Daisy will wait by the door crying and scratching to go out with the big dogs. If someone is dressed for the day, they will take her out to the yard beyond the deck.
When they all come in, Daisy will pull out her hidden flyers and begin to chew them, antagonizing the other dogs to play her game. This is when the Terriors is the house become Terrorists. A whirlwind of dog will sweep the living room, leaving only victims in their path, you know squeak toys, ball, chew toys and anything else they feel they are entitled to (old toothbrushes, ear plugs, lots of dirty socks etc).
After some playing, it's time for another nap. We quickly and quietly clean their mess because they do not like their toys moved.
As the day goes on, Daisy will jump from one person's lap to the other, taking a quick nap but only after licking your entire face.
You can always tell when Daisy is on the move, we put a bell on her. Around dinner time, they all sit in a line, hoping to catch any piece of food that might "accidentally" fall in their direction.
In the evening, Daisy and her mama Ruby like to roll around on the couch, making grunting noises and playfully biting and nipping at each other. Blankets are the victim. They will pull and unfold the blanket, pulling it across the couch and when they are tired, they collapse into a dog pile on the blanket.
This is the spoiled life of our dogs and the daily adventures of a tiny white dog.

1 comment:

DILLIGAF said...

My kinda dog!!! Go Daisy!!!!