I'm sitting here in class, completely confused by a chart that a software program known as INS has created about bottled water and the adult population. Eventually the instructor gave us a ten minute break which thank god we recieved because I think my brain was about to explode from math and such.
Well, my enemy in the program gets up from his chair and begins skipping through the classroom. Any movement he makes, aggravates not because he looks like a complete jack ass but because he thinks that everyone is watching and he must put on a stellar performance. Because you never know when talent agents are going to come bursting through the classroom door to take him away for broadway performances across the globe.
Slowly but surely he makes his way towards me. I know that he hates me and I hate him but to get under my skin he must come and make smart ass comments.
He starts reading over my shoulder, thats not annoying much. He starts browsing the photos I keep in my binder. Then without delay he starts firing off remarks about how the people in my photos look and how he would never be caught dead looking like that, blah blah, blah. At this point I'm not listening I could care less. I just want him to stop buzzing around me.
Then to try and keep the conversation going, he begins talking about the INS charts and how confusing they are. I keep ignoring him, pretending he is not there, hoping that he will go away. Far away.
Disappointed by the fact that I would not engage in useless conversation with him he drifts back to his seat across the room.
Now I sit here wondering where those talent agents are and when they are going to come busting into the college to take him away.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
College was not supposed to be like this.
There wasn't supposed to be all this high school drama crap.
People were supposed to be kind and friendly.
They weren't supposed to be shallow and self centred.
I hate college.
I hate advertising.
I hate riding the bus.
I hate people,that I don't know or people that I do know and don't like.
I hate Web Techniques, Adobe Illustrator, Quark Xpress etc.
I hate computer labs.
I'm enjoying this ranting.
It's making me feel better.
There wasn't supposed to be all this high school drama crap.
People were supposed to be kind and friendly.
They weren't supposed to be shallow and self centred.
I hate college.
I hate advertising.
I hate riding the bus.
I hate people,that I don't know or people that I do know and don't like.
I hate Web Techniques, Adobe Illustrator, Quark Xpress etc.
I hate computer labs.
I'm enjoying this ranting.
It's making me feel better.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I was up early enough to see the sunrise this morning. It was gorgeous but then it reminded me that I was up this freakin early for school. Anyways, I thought that I would share a picture of it from my camera phone. This picture was actually sent to me about a month ago when Spencer was working nights. The crew sent him on a coffee run and he managed to grab this picture with a tray full of coffee.

Friday, September 07, 2007
The Filthy Habit
I must rant about this. It has been driving me nuts.
I hate smoking and everything about it.
Everywhere I go on campus there is some asshole with a cigarette in his hand or mouth. They're standing in the bus shelters that are clearly labelled "No Smoking."
I really believe that there is no reason for people my age to be smoking. With everything we know about smoking, with all the help there is in Ontario to help smokers quit there should be no one smoking.
Smoking in Ontario is practically illegal and yet they won't put down the tube full of toxins.
In Ontario, smokers are no longer allowed to smoke indoors of any restaurant or public building.
Smokers are not allowed to smoke in any covered area including bus shelters, restaurant and bar patios.
Last year the government implemented a law which bans parents/guardians from smoking in their vehicles when they are children present.
I am so sick and tired and going outside and walking through clouds of smoke.
I'm sick and tired of inhaling other people's bad habits.
This bad habit does not only affect the smoker themselves but it affects the people around them. Second hand smoke is just as bad as smoking itself.
I'm also tired of smokers claiming that they have rights. Yes they do have rights but when your filthy habit begins to affect the others around you it is no longer a right. Also, smoking is not a right it is a privledge, it is a choice that one makes of their own free will. If you want to smoke in peace, go into your home, all by yourself and smoke away. No one will bother you there, no one can take away your "right."
As a non smoker I can say that smoking is YOUR bad habit and I did not choose to inhale chemicals and toxins into my body.
The next time I am waiting in the bus shelter or any other public place and I kindly ask you to move aside because the smoke is bothering, don't tell me about your rights, just move.
If you refuse to use the resources that the region has provided for you to help quit, if you refuse to abide by the laws, if you refuse to ignore the facts, then you have made your choice. And you have to live it with it. Not me.
I hate smoking and everything about it.
Everywhere I go on campus there is some asshole with a cigarette in his hand or mouth. They're standing in the bus shelters that are clearly labelled "No Smoking."
I really believe that there is no reason for people my age to be smoking. With everything we know about smoking, with all the help there is in Ontario to help smokers quit there should be no one smoking.
Smoking in Ontario is practically illegal and yet they won't put down the tube full of toxins.
In Ontario, smokers are no longer allowed to smoke indoors of any restaurant or public building.
Smokers are not allowed to smoke in any covered area including bus shelters, restaurant and bar patios.
Last year the government implemented a law which bans parents/guardians from smoking in their vehicles when they are children present.
I am so sick and tired and going outside and walking through clouds of smoke.
I'm sick and tired of inhaling other people's bad habits.
This bad habit does not only affect the smoker themselves but it affects the people around them. Second hand smoke is just as bad as smoking itself.
I'm also tired of smokers claiming that they have rights. Yes they do have rights but when your filthy habit begins to affect the others around you it is no longer a right. Also, smoking is not a right it is a privledge, it is a choice that one makes of their own free will. If you want to smoke in peace, go into your home, all by yourself and smoke away. No one will bother you there, no one can take away your "right."
As a non smoker I can say that smoking is YOUR bad habit and I did not choose to inhale chemicals and toxins into my body.
The next time I am waiting in the bus shelter or any other public place and I kindly ask you to move aside because the smoke is bothering, don't tell me about your rights, just move.
If you refuse to use the resources that the region has provided for you to help quit, if you refuse to abide by the laws, if you refuse to ignore the facts, then you have made your choice. And you have to live it with it. Not me.
Monday, September 03, 2007
looking back on four months
. ....... . .OF SUMMER.
The summer has officially come to an end. Tomorrow I will be back at school. Dreadfully. I'm not looking forward to this at all. I can tell you that much, I hope that if I keep reminding myself that it's only eight more months, I can survive it.
But anyways, in a more positive note. I have had the last four months off, and here's what I did.
- The Kickoff (the month of May) of the summer began with a concert in Toronto at the Kool Haus. We went and saw Finger Eleven on May 11th.
- L's goodbye party at the hotel. Yeah, we threw her a sweet party at the Comfort Inn.
- Jesse's may 24 party. I called in sick to work ALL weekend. Spencer and I did two full trays of jello shooters and then a girl puked on my feet.
- I say goodbye to L. She leaves for Holland. We cry and then I give her my aviators, because she doesn't want anyone to see her crying. We promise to write and call each other but we don't.
- At the end of may, Spencer and I spent four days in beautiful Niagara Falls, we did some stupid tourist stuff, caused some havoc and then left.
Working, sleeping, tubing,swimming, a trip to my Grandma's trailer where Spencer spent the evening chasing fireflies. My mom's birthday. My kid sisters are done school for the year, so I no longer have free reign of the house with my mom.
- July 9th. The White Stripes.
- July 11th. The pot smoking convention also known as a Tool concert in Hamiliton.
- July 24th. The Family Values Tour featuring Korn and Evanescence with some lame bands in between, Skye Sweetnam being crusty and the Criss Angel look a like.
Throw in some tubing, swimming, and G's birthday at the cottage.
- August 10th. Marilyn Manson. Hell of a show, and to Spencer's surprise I knew a few songs.
- August 11th. David Wilcox at the Blues Festival Downtown. Spencer surprised me and knew some David Wilcox tunes. After we went to the boathouse and saw his friend play and tear the roof off.
- August 17th. I quit my crappy job for A&P, in fact I leave in the middle of my shift.
- August 22nd. I start my new job and fall in love with my discount.
- August 28th. Poison rocks the end of summer with my mom, Jethro, Heidi and Spencer.
Oh yeah, don't forget to throw in my sister doing some CRAAAZZY tubing with the guys, G's boat accident and
- September 2nd. Spencer and I finally make it to the club for the first time without L. We went with some people from A&P. People I like anyways. And this brings four months of fun to an end.
But thankfully, I'm working on a trip to Dominican Republic or Mexico for May 2008 when I am done school.
The summer has officially come to an end. Tomorrow I will be back at school. Dreadfully. I'm not looking forward to this at all. I can tell you that much, I hope that if I keep reminding myself that it's only eight more months, I can survive it.
But anyways, in a more positive note. I have had the last four months off, and here's what I did.
- The Kickoff (the month of May) of the summer began with a concert in Toronto at the Kool Haus. We went and saw Finger Eleven on May 11th.
- L's goodbye party at the hotel. Yeah, we threw her a sweet party at the Comfort Inn.
- Jesse's may 24 party. I called in sick to work ALL weekend. Spencer and I did two full trays of jello shooters and then a girl puked on my feet.
- I say goodbye to L. She leaves for Holland. We cry and then I give her my aviators, because she doesn't want anyone to see her crying. We promise to write and call each other but we don't.
- At the end of may, Spencer and I spent four days in beautiful Niagara Falls, we did some stupid tourist stuff, caused some havoc and then left.
Working, sleeping, tubing,swimming, a trip to my Grandma's trailer where Spencer spent the evening chasing fireflies. My mom's birthday. My kid sisters are done school for the year, so I no longer have free reign of the house with my mom.
- July 9th. The White Stripes.
- July 11th. The pot smoking convention also known as a Tool concert in Hamiliton.
- July 24th. The Family Values Tour featuring Korn and Evanescence with some lame bands in between, Skye Sweetnam being crusty and the Criss Angel look a like.
Throw in some tubing, swimming, and G's birthday at the cottage.
- August 10th. Marilyn Manson. Hell of a show, and to Spencer's surprise I knew a few songs.
- August 11th. David Wilcox at the Blues Festival Downtown. Spencer surprised me and knew some David Wilcox tunes. After we went to the boathouse and saw his friend play and tear the roof off.
- August 17th. I quit my crappy job for A&P, in fact I leave in the middle of my shift.
- August 22nd. I start my new job and fall in love with my discount.
- August 28th. Poison rocks the end of summer with my mom, Jethro, Heidi and Spencer.
Oh yeah, don't forget to throw in my sister doing some CRAAAZZY tubing with the guys, G's boat accident and
- September 2nd. Spencer and I finally make it to the club for the first time without L. We went with some people from A&P. People I like anyways. And this brings four months of fun to an end.
But thankfully, I'm working on a trip to Dominican Republic or Mexico for May 2008 when I am done school.
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