Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm sitting here in class, completely confused by a chart that a software program known as INS has created about bottled water and the adult population. Eventually the instructor gave us a ten minute break which thank god we recieved because I think my brain was about to explode from math and such.
Well, my enemy in the program gets up from his chair and begins skipping through the classroom. Any movement he makes, aggravates not because he looks like a complete jack ass but because he thinks that everyone is watching and he must put on a stellar performance. Because you never know when talent agents are going to come bursting through the classroom door to take him away for broadway performances across the globe.
Slowly but surely he makes his way towards me. I know that he hates me and I hate him but to get under my skin he must come and make smart ass comments.
He starts reading over my shoulder, thats not annoying much. He starts browsing the photos I keep in my binder. Then without delay he starts firing off remarks about how the people in my photos look and how he would never be caught dead looking like that, blah blah, blah. At this point I'm not listening I could care less. I just want him to stop buzzing around me.
Then to try and keep the conversation going, he begins talking about the INS charts and how confusing they are. I keep ignoring him, pretending he is not there, hoping that he will go away. Far away.
Disappointed by the fact that I would not engage in useless conversation with him he drifts back to his seat across the room.

Now I sit here wondering where those talent agents are and when they are going to come busting into the college to take him away.


Biddie said...

Was he commenting on any photos of me, cause I'll slap the bitch. No really, I will. I know where he works...
Maybe I'll pretend to be a talent scout and show up at his little booth in the mall.

Ass hat.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

OMG, no he was making fun of pictures of Spencer and I. Also, pictures of Liz and I right before she left.
I know my writing sounds like I am exaggerating but this is seriously what he did. I think I might start calling him Prancer.So annoying. I think I could have went on for a while longer but I think we all get the point.

Biddie said...

Prancer! I love it! I'm gonna make like I want to buy a bunch of sell phones off of him, and then split - after I make him do all teh leg work!

dilling said...

you tube that little prat...

did you know with all the money spent on bottled water in ONE year, we could ensure clean drinking water for the world? that probably wasn't in the program, was it?

Michael Colvin said...

Or you coulda bitch slapped him up the head with your binder and then as he hit the dirt you could have sat and casually fliped through your photo's as if nothing had happened. No?


One swift kick in the happy sacks babe.

It's the punk way of sharing an understanding with the knobhead

Heidi the Hick said...

I betcha Prancer has a crush on you.

And has probably never had a girlfriend so he doens't know what to do.

And he's jealous of Spencer so he has to make fun of his picture.

So I say, two options:

Look him in the eye and tell him the talent agents are taking a holiday today.


ignore him like he's got the plague.

That's what I say.

Also if there were pictures of me in there then I'll need to have a little chat with him.

captain corky said...

Spray mace in his eyes next time. That will teach the little shit.

Biddie said...

Umm, Heidi I am reasonably certain that Prancer does NOT have a crush on Kristy..or any girl, for that matter.
I reallly liked Tod's idea....I was in the mall yesterday and I forgot to see if Archie/Prancer was working. Shawn was with me, too. Can you imagine the fun that we could have had?

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

LMAO!!! I love tod's idea.
I ♥ you guys.