Sunday, January 06, 2008

Busy Day

Today was a pretty busy day. Spencer and I took Kayla to get her belly button pierced. She was so nervous and she had to wait for the three girls before that were getting their navels pierced as well. It took about an hour just to get a freakin' piercing.
After that we met up with Jessica to check out grad dresses. She hasn't decided on a dress yet but she still has some time.
Eventually Spencer and I got a chance to stick to the original plan which was to exchange a book my mom bought me for Christmas, go out to dinner and see the movie JUNO.
We went to one of my fav restaurants Moose Winoski's and then the arcade!!! Spencer and I ate so quickly because we had ants in our pants to go play games. We always play the super easy games so that we can hit the jackpot and get lots of tickets.
(on a side note for Heidi....Sportsworld still does not have a shit department but that's a whole other extremely disgusting story which we will have to tell eventually)
The prizes were all really super lame so we held on to our tickets to use for another day.
After winning about 600 tickets we headed into Future Shop so Spencer could look for an IPOD case for his new IPOD NANO third generation with 8GB. Yeah, I am slightly jealous. And to my surprise they had one of my fav shows on DVD on sale for Boxing Day/Week/Month whatever. Spencer bought me the first three seasons of Nip/Tuck, it's just too bad that tomorrow is my last day of Christmas Holidays. But at least my unemployed ass will be entertained for the next little while.
After blowing a good chunk of change at Future Shop we finally got to Chapters. I was able to exchange my book and get the 8th novel in the series. Luckily we beat the extra long lineup and made it to our movie on time.
Now for the review of JUNO. . .
It was okay, not fabulous. It was some what like Napolean Dynamite except it had a pregnant teen. There were some funny parts and I absolutely loved Allison Janney in the film. Other than that I would not call it a must see, you could wait to rent it and I'm a little bit disappointed that I chose this over Sweeny Todd.
So now it's off to my room to watch some Nip/Tuck.


Gabriel said...

Busy day indeed!

Biddie said...

I wonder when they are going to get a shit department? Honestly, what does it take? When are you going to tell THAT story?
Ugh. Squishing between my toes...


Busy? I'm knackered readin' it!

Belly button piercing eh? Took Jax when she was fifteen. I said "You goin't be ok babe?" She said "'Course dad". She was. I feinted. shhhh...don't tell anyone

Heidi the Hick said...

Gah, the shit department!!!!!

I can't believe K got her navel pierced. She's been permanently altered. Never be the same. My baby, oh my baby!!!!

I still love her.

We did not see Sweeney Todd either but it was because it didn't start til 10:30 and I had to be up to do chores and go to church. Then we ended up sitting in a kinko's trying to get a file from a studio down south. Should have gone to the bloody movie...

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I did go see Sweeny Todd the next night. I loved Mrs. Lovett