Friday, January 25, 2008

I've been meaning to blog for quite some time now but apparently the school computers have blocked blogger and by the time I get home my desire to write has wilted away to say the least.
And now that I am writing I am so unsure of what topic I should discuss first.
I think I am going to start with my trip to Toronto.
Spencer and I spent the past weekend in Toronto shopping and basically going anywhere my little heart desired. Plus we had tickets for the Ozzy/Rob Zombie concert. We did a lot of shopping at the Eaton's Center. It was mainly overwhelming and not as enjoyable as I remembered. We dabbled with the idea of going to the Zoo or the Science Center or the Royal Ontario Muesem. We didn't do any of those. It was freakin' cold as hell with the wind coming off Lake Ontario and I was too lazy to try and figure out the subways with Spencer. However we did go to the Hard Rock Cafe. I had never been and wanted to go oh so badly. Our server was pretty cool. He sat at our table and talked with us and he took Spencer around to see all the metal memorbilia. There wasn't much but they did have King's guitar. Oh and my fav part, the bathroom floors were sparkly. By the bathroom doors, there was a huge frame on the wall that contained autographs from celebs of course all on napkins or bits of toilet paper. Rather appropriate I thought. Most of the signatures were hard to decipher but I remember Patti Labelle's signature only because she took the time to print her name below her signature.
After shopping and hanging out in the Hard Rock Cafe we went back to the hotel to get ready for the Ozzy concert.
The Ozzy concert was good, he can still rock for an old fart who depends mainly on his wife Sharon because years of drugs, booze and partying have taken a toll and his brain. He was more entertaining than Rob Zombie who is a big freak show. Ozzy did an encore and played "Mama I'm coming home" which is my favorite song and he also played "Paranoid", which is Spencer's fav song. Zac Wild who I find incredibly annoying and full of himself did a 20 minute guitar solo at which point the boob cam came out. Women mostly soccer moms were showing their boobs to the camera which displayed it to the audience. We tried to get pictures of the soccer moms a few rows ahead of us dykin it out but the angle we were on was so horrible and they kept turning around. It makes me wonder if these are the same lovely ladies from the Poison concert or are they just more women who have no self respect, few morals and don't know their limitations in terms of alcohol and drugs. Hmmm.
Anyways back to Zac Wild the ego maniac. The waiter at the Hard Rock Cafe informed us that usually when Zac is in town he likes to come there for dinner except last year there was a minor problem and he may not return this year. Well he peaked our curiousity enough that we took the bait and asked the waiter what he meant.
Zac Wild came into Hard Rock Cafe last year and ordered dinner, ate, drank whatever. Well the bill came and he refused to pay! He was there out of his own choosing and was doing no promotion for the restaurant whatsoever. Well it was a big deal, who knows if he paid or not...but he caused quite the scene.
So that was the Toronto trip.
Now to tell you about my event planning class. I don't really like it. It's okay but it's three hours long after being in the computer lab for two hours prior to that on a Friday. That means ladies and gentlemen that I am not home until about 6pm. Gross.
The main focus of the event planning class is to plan the advertising awards gala which will be held at the end of term and will focus on the graduating class. It is also when we will be dispensing awards to the annoying overachievers who live and breathe advertising. Freaks.
Anyways, I am undecided as to whether or not I will be attending the gala. I have been putting it off for a few weeks now but I have to RSVP tonight with the number of guests I will be bringing along to this Casino Royale black tie event.
I don't really have any friends in the program , I barely scraped by on grades last year and I know full well that this event is for those who will be getting awards.
It also means that I have to get a dress and all that shit. As much as I love formal events, the dress shopping is stressful and makes me cry. Dressmakers consider anyone over the size of like 10 is plus sized. It's very frustrating because I don't consider myself plus sized. When I mistakenly went to prom it took me months to find a dress and when I finally did I was considered a 2x (which is about a size 20 in plus sized clothing stores) and it cost about $300. Granted I didn't pay for the dress but it was still somewhat depressing. I don't know if I should go or not. Will it be something I regret if I don't go? Probably.
My favorite part of this whole thing is that I have to find sponsors to donate money to the gala. Great now I have to call strangers on the phone and ask them for money so I can party like a rockstar. This is how I imagine the conversation going in my head.
Hello, I am The Adult in Question from blank school in blank city. My advertising program is holding an awards ceremony for the graduating students and we wondering if you be generous in donating a minimum of a $100 to the event. For any donation over $500 your company will receive free advertising at the gala. Such as, blah, blah, blah, blah...
Sorry, you don't want to donate money. Okay. Thank you for your time.
I don't really want to do it but in order to get I think like 15% of your mark you have to bring in one sponsorship with a minimum of $100. Plus, the more money we raise, the less we have to spend on tickets. Tickets are anywhere from $25 to $45 a person depending on venue and catering. And even the students have to purchase their own tickets to the event how crap is that?
Anyways, if anyone has any suggestions on the gala or the sponsorship I would be happy to hear them. If anyone wants to sponsor my event please let me know. That would be fantastic and I would love you for eternity.
That's all I have to say for the time being. I'm done my ranting.


Gabriel said...

Hey, I went to Hard Rock Cafe with Santi last weekend! We were there on Saturday night.

And then a co-worker at the hospital in Toronto (where I've been for the past 10 days) went to the Zombie/Ozzy concert and said pretty much the same things you mentioned in your post.

That's quite amazing, actually, because unlike you, that guy has no brain. :-)


I'll ask Smirnoff to sponsor you. After all I'm about 12% of their business I reckon ;-)

dilling said...

I used to go to the Hard Rock wherever I went and had a beer glass from every one of them. I got over it, though.
I never went to prom and never regretted it...what I do regret is the two or three formal occasions I went to that I didn't really want to...I'll never get those hours back. Never.