Friday, August 24, 2012


This little grey, blue eyed beauty is my mom's beautiful cat named Maggie. I find her somewhat annoying and irritating. Somewhat of a savage as she will eat the tomatoes off your pizza but she's a member of this family and as so, I love her. However, I discontinued my subscription to Pyschopaths Weekly. Had I continued my subrscription, I would have forseen tonight's tragic events. Our family has a neighbor that we do not particularly like but that being said, we keep our distance and mind our business. This woman has made it her life's mission to make our lives as miserable as possible. She calls by-law every chance she gets. Did you know you can't have weeds over 8 inches or there is a fine? She calls the police and files noise complaints if we watch a movie too loudly. We never, not once have ever complained about her. She drinks and parties in her backyard year round. Her drunken friends, lean over the fence and throw up in to our yard, she listens to the worst country music of all time. Yet, we have never said a word about her obnoxious behavior. However, tonight's actions have crossed a line. She poisoned our gorgeous little Maggie. She may get on my nerves but she is friendly and loving. You pick her up and she wraps her two front paws around your neck and actually hugs you! She's cuddly and sweet, sure she drools like a dog but that's all part of the Maggie charm. She was raised with our dogs, so naturally she would think she is a dog. So since it is so late at night, we sit here with our precious little girl and wait for her to pass. We've done the research and there is no way to save her from the poisoning. We have to wait it out or at least until morning when we can get her to a vet. We've been keeping her company and keeping her comfortable but it's awful to know there is nothing further we can do. It's horrible to watch her wither away and know the person who is responsible for this and we have no way to prove it. We complete an autopsy on a cat. Although, I love my cat, I can't afford an autopsy. What kind of a psychopath deliberately kills an animal? How twisted and demented do you have to be to harm an animal? A tiny, little cat? It's sickening and heartbreaking. I wish there was something I could do for my mom's adorable little cat but I can't. It's just terrible. I keep hoping Maggie will recover but it is highly unlikely. Keep you posted. PS, I hope this makes some sort of sense, I am completely exhausted from work. But I think you understand what's happening to my family.

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