Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Count Your Blessings Before They Are Long Gone

One of the things I am trying to do during this difficult period in my life is count my blessings. I am trying to maintain a positive attitude which is not always easy but I continue to try. Today, I am especially thankful for my three year old nephew. He brings so much joy to my life and I can't imagine him not being a part of it. I love watching him learn and discover new things on a daily basis. His laughter is infectious and he has such a great sense of humor for a little guy. His hugs and kisses always make me feel better and I anticipate every moment with him. I look forward to visits and phone calls. I love when he gets a hold of my sister's cell phone and sends me text messages full of toddler gibberish. Or messages from my sister telling me about his latest adventure or mishap. He certainly knows how to keep things interesting. He is one of the most important people in my life and one of my biggest blessings. I never knew how much I could love one person until he entered my life. I love this little boy more than I thought was humanly possible. I can only anticipate the years to come and watching him grow. I hope his little three year old heart knows just how much I love him. xoxo

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