Monday, May 12, 2014


My name was called. A nurse came over and said "you're very lucky, one bed left and now it's yours." With that, she proceeded to put a new bracelet around my wrist telling everyone I was now a patient. She left and in came a security guard to escort me to my bed. It felt like I was in trouble. A security guard in front of me and one following behind. We made what seemed like a long walk to the ward. I went through one set of locked doors and then to another. Eventually, I was handed off to a nurse who would show me to my room. As I looked around, I was shocked and horrified. These people here, were definitely in the right place but I was not. I suddenly felt so lost and alone. I looked at my parents, still hoping they would change their minds. I couldn't believe where I was. I wanted to run, but run where. I was locked in this place. I agreed to be locked in this place. The nurse ushered me in to the room and promptly went through the contents of my bag. Suddenly, I felt like I had done something wrong, like I had committed a crime. She searched through each pocket of my bag, then took my cell phone, wallet and iPod. She locked them away in what would no be my locker. Then she demanded I put the rest of my belongings into the small nightstand/dresser next to my bed. Just as she had ushered me into the room, I now had to return to the hall,I was going to be interviewed. It was time for my parents to leave and all I kept thinking was "you are really going to leave me here? In this place?!" How could they leave me here, this wasn't the place for me. I know I need help but can't I stay at home. I just kept reminding myself that I did this, I put myself in this situation. They did leave. I didn't watch them and I didn't cry. I couldn't, if I did I wouldn't stop.

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