Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Principles of Waiting

Today, I am sitting on pins and needles. I am waiting for the rest of my grades to appear online. These grades tell me whether I move on next semester or wait around a year. I have three classes which have not had the grades posted. These classes are my three worst...Presentation Skills, Priciples of Marketing and Advertising1.
Everyone has reassured me that if I failed, someone would have contacted me by now. But who knows? Maybe it' s a Christmas surprise. "Surprise you failed!" "Enjoy waiting around a year until you can retake these classes that you failed oh so miserably." This is what is going through my head. The rest of my classes I did farely well in, including Production Software. {Production Software was on Tuesdays at 8am. Half the time I showed up late, slept through the class, or talked to my friends on MSN. And to think I got 69% in that class.}
I'm so nervous. I check the student portal about four times a day, checking to see if any changes have been made. Nothing. I'm driving myself even more mad than I already am.
So here I sit, checking the student portal for the seventh time since I got home from work a few hours ago. I hate waiting. I have no patience. This is almost unbareable. I think I could stay up all night waiting for those numbers to appear on the student portal. This is the worst feeling ever. The next four months of my life rest in one teacher's hands and all she has to do is put the marks online. And what freaks me out the most is that all the other teachers have posted their marks even the ones who are really bad at handing back assignments and grades in a reasonable amount of time.
Okay, I will settle for one out of the three grades. Just one. Is that too much to ask?!!! Seriously.
I'm so restless. I wish this was like high school where they give you your report card a few weeks before Christmas Vacation and you know ALL your grades. And if you failed something, your parents had a full two weeks to pester you about it. They had two full weeks to lecture you and ground you and whatever else they felt necessary. Okay, this has never happened to me because I only ever failed one class in my whole entire life and I made up for the next year and in night school. And my parents knew that it was a possibility that I was failing this class because it was grade 10 university level math. They had seen many failed math tests and what not...but this? This is new and did I mention that I hate it!
I am freaking out. I need to know the grade for marketing at least especially after the assignment that I received 28% on.
Okay, maybe I won't stay up all night. I can guarantee that the teacher has not been up all night marking papers and entering the grades online. But I will say one last time that this is torture.
And no, I am not learning a lesson about patience or not always getting what you want when you want. I have waited two weeks now. Two full weeks!


Anonymous said...

Did ya hear yet?

Anonymous said...

If the grades are based on a curve, your grades will then depend on how the rest of the class does. In some of the university classes my daughter is in (bio-chemistry), if you got 30% right on an exam, it was like a "B". I will always wonder how you can "get" what was taught if you only get a third of it right on a test. Anyways, best of luck on your grades which I am sure will be posted in the next few days!

Anonymous said...

Thomas comments.

Anonymous said...

My wife is the same way, as soon as she turns in her final assignments she sits in front of the computer for days, and plays solitaire until her grades are posted.

She also pretends that she is going to fail every class, every semester until her A's come in.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I just want to know. I just checked and nothing yet. But it's only 12:53. There is the rest of the day...to wait.

Anonymous said...

Those teachers are mean to make you wait!!

Anonymous said...

it's making ME nervous

Heidi the Hick said...

You belong on TV. Have I ever mentioned that?

Now gimmie back my rum, kid!

Anonymous said...

So how did you do?


.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I haven't heard anything yet. And it is driving me insane. I just want to know - especially for marketing because I was failing that class and I worked really hard on my finals to hopefully pull my grades up.
If I don't hear anything by tomorrow night then I am going to email and her just ask if she knows any of my grades for any of my marketing assignments.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your grades. I am sure you passed them all and get to pass go and collect 200 dollars.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that you've passed. I know that you did. be patient. Good things come to those who wait.

Heidi the Hick said...

Collect $200? That's be alright.

Listen, you're a lot smarter than you think you are.