Friday, February 29, 2008

The Friday Morning Pants Fiasco

Today I am supposed to have my interview with D, however she has not shown up yet...tres annoying but moving on to the funny stuff.

Last night I stayed over at Spencer's so I brought my school books, clothes, hair straightener of course and anything else I needed for today. Well I have been so scatterbrained recently that this morning I thought that I forgot my pants. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal because I would just wear the ones I wore yesterday except it was late when I came over and I went in a taxi so I was wearing my pyjama pants.
We searched his room because I was 100% positive that I brought my pants. Then I thought that maybe they fell out of my bag in the cab. Or maybe I did forget to bring them and they were still folded on my bed at home. I was laughing hysterically because who forgets their own pants? Seriously aside from me who forgets to pack their pants? (I always get myself into the weirdest, most bizarre situations)
So we decided that I would wear my pyjama pants and we would go get a different pair at my house. So I quickly finished my hair got all my stuff together then, I had a EUREKA moment.
I ran into Spencer's bedroom, opened the closet door and there were my pants. Hanging up right next to my coat.
I had forgotten that I hung up my dress pants because I didn't want them to be wrinkled for my interview this morning.
So I was a few minutes late this morning but at least I was wearing pants.
(I also think that I'm going to get some sleep this weekend.)



Rumour has it that various pants of mine are all over London....

As this occured in the late 70's early 80's they may qualify as archiological finds at some point...;-)

Michael Colvin said...

Wait till you start the bringing weird things out of the house phase. I once found myself walking into work with the TV remote in my hands. :O

Heidi the Hick said...

I think in England "pants" means "Undies" but you'd have to ask the two guys ahead of me on the comments list!

Unknown said...

Glad you found your pants.

And LOLOL to Four Dinners above.

CindyDianne said...

that's a different kind of traveling pants! Though, I am with Tod. A couple weeks ago, I got in the truck and drove off while talking on my house phone. I just assumed it would work all the way to the store...