bobby 'boris' pickett & the cryptkickers - monster mash
This is awesome. The opening frightened me a little bit.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
time to catch up
Yeah my typing is going to blow tonite. But I think I should catch you guys up on what's happening. . .
Today I went to the scariest place of all - the library. I know. And I was quiet and I did't get kicked out. But this is the scariest part - I completed homework. Yep, I finished my creative brief and I rewrote the speech on Heidi. Creepy.
Work has been a total pain in the ass and I bagged off on Sunday. I feel only semi guilty about it. Key word being semi. . .
School is getting busy but I sorta like it because now I have something to do. And I am finally beginning to understand how to use the programs. So it is not a complete drag. Some days I like it, others I don't.
Tomorrow is Hallowe'en and I am beyond pumped. I am so freaking excited. I LOOOOVE HALLOWE'EN. And tomorrow I am going to be a tiger. I don't think I will be able tp go see Rocky Horror Picture Show because I promised to go to a friend's party which I'm just as excited about. And then on Wednesday my morning class was cancelled. Woot!
But this is all I have for now.
Today I went to the scariest place of all - the library. I know. And I was quiet and I did't get kicked out. But this is the scariest part - I completed homework. Yep, I finished my creative brief and I rewrote the speech on Heidi. Creepy.
Work has been a total pain in the ass and I bagged off on Sunday. I feel only semi guilty about it. Key word being semi. . .
School is getting busy but I sorta like it because now I have something to do. And I am finally beginning to understand how to use the programs. So it is not a complete drag. Some days I like it, others I don't.
Tomorrow is Hallowe'en and I am beyond pumped. I am so freaking excited. I LOOOOVE HALLOWE'EN. And tomorrow I am going to be a tiger. I don't think I will be able tp go see Rocky Horror Picture Show because I promised to go to a friend's party which I'm just as excited about. And then on Wednesday my morning class was cancelled. Woot!
But this is all I have for now.
P.S. If blogger and youtube weren't ass hats there would be many more installments on my countdown to Halloween.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Summer Lovin'

(This top pic is Ruby sleeping on my bed before she was banned from my room.)Finally. I stopped my procrastinating I took my rolls of film and had them developed. So in no particular order they are here. Enjoy!

The next pics are smushed together because Blogger is an ASS HAT. Not to be confused with BATHAT. But that adorable Pug down there belongs to Heidi. I wish he were mine but...
The last pic is from Halloween '05. My punk rock friends and I loooove Halloween.
There will be more pics later when Blogger isn't being an asshat.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Ask and You Shall Receive
Here it is... the speech that I think needs some improvement. You know the way it goes. You think you have this really great project completed then outta nowhere you hear someone else's and you think "This is great. Mine is crap" So now I have one more week to make it better than everyone else's and make it so good that I blow everyone else away.
Commemorative Speech
They say first impressions can last a lifetime but if you judged this person based on a first impression than you have no idea what you would be missing. I can tell you exactly what you would see on your first impression, a tiny woman rushing through the door because she is never on time, her pink curly hair blowing in the wind and a vintage tee shirt older than me clung to her body.
This is my Godmother. My best friend. My confidante. Her name is Heidi. She grew up on a farm and has known my family for many years. She has been there for all my ups and all my downs. She has never judged me or criticized me for any of the choices I have ever made. She has celebrated with me and she has cried with me. Her craziness and positive attitude is what has kept me as sane as I can be. (I blame my insanity on her – she dropped me on my head when I was little.) It is with her I can be myself completely. It is with her that I can be absolutely free. All the summers I spent at her house, picking berries, visiting the Studio and aspiring artists, these are my favorite memories. Riding horses at the farm, getting dirty and loving every second of it. Every time I see a lit candle I think of the summer we spent making our own candles which was more of a mess than it was successful.
Heidi gave me my first sketch book when I was eleven. She bought it for me after my grandfather died. It was through this book that she taught me that I could talk to her whenever I wanted all I had to do was pick up the pencil and write or draw. Just keep going until I felt that everything that needed to be said came pouring out. And now seven years later I have more than one sketch book.
Her inspiration and creativity has guided me and helped shape my artistic side. It was her creativity that finally after many attempts enabled her to have her first poem published in a book that will be released some time next year. I am so happy to be a part of her happiness as she celebrates her first piece of literature. I always knew that her writing would be published it was just a matter of time. I remember one of the first books she ever started writing, it was during one of the summers I spent at her house. It was about teenagers doing all the things we are told by our parents not to do. Another book that I remember reading was one about a young girl who everyone considered weird. Publishers criticized her writing calling it dark and claiming “that this was not what they were looking for” but to me this was all the more appealing. Her writing is so unique and different than anything I have ever read. It’s the type of reading that you can’t put down, it’s the type of book that you stay up all night to finish and then read again because it was just that good.
That was the summer we drank some of the Captain and went into the neighbor’s yard. Well let me just say that we went into the neighbor’s yard because they had a huge trampoline and we wanted to try it. Okay, I’m exaggerating this part. We weren’t drunk, but we did have a little rum and we had the neighbor’s permission to use the trampoline.
Summer of 2005 was quite possibly the best summer I ever spent at her house. We had tickets to Billy Idol, and more than a week of summer left where we could do whatever we wanted. We read books, we drank tea in the front window, and we reminisced about days gone by. And when Billy Idol day came we piled into the pit and rocked out like there was no tomorrow. It was the first time in my life where I didn’t care what people thought of me. It was the first concert I ever went to and it is one of the best memories I have. A few months later we saw Hedley. It was another awesome concert. The best part of the night was when Heidi danced on the bar and the bouncers came and told her to get down or get out. Her free spirit was alive that night and encouraged me to fully experience that night.
Her free spirit, creativity and uniqueness are what have brought her to this point. Her first publication, I am so honored and grateful to be a part of this moment. I can’t wait to read the book cover to cover and I look forward to many more publications. Here’s to new beginnings and the future.
Commemorative Speech
They say first impressions can last a lifetime but if you judged this person based on a first impression than you have no idea what you would be missing. I can tell you exactly what you would see on your first impression, a tiny woman rushing through the door because she is never on time, her pink curly hair blowing in the wind and a vintage tee shirt older than me clung to her body.
This is my Godmother. My best friend. My confidante. Her name is Heidi. She grew up on a farm and has known my family for many years. She has been there for all my ups and all my downs. She has never judged me or criticized me for any of the choices I have ever made. She has celebrated with me and she has cried with me. Her craziness and positive attitude is what has kept me as sane as I can be. (I blame my insanity on her – she dropped me on my head when I was little.) It is with her I can be myself completely. It is with her that I can be absolutely free. All the summers I spent at her house, picking berries, visiting the Studio and aspiring artists, these are my favorite memories. Riding horses at the farm, getting dirty and loving every second of it. Every time I see a lit candle I think of the summer we spent making our own candles which was more of a mess than it was successful.
Heidi gave me my first sketch book when I was eleven. She bought it for me after my grandfather died. It was through this book that she taught me that I could talk to her whenever I wanted all I had to do was pick up the pencil and write or draw. Just keep going until I felt that everything that needed to be said came pouring out. And now seven years later I have more than one sketch book.
Her inspiration and creativity has guided me and helped shape my artistic side. It was her creativity that finally after many attempts enabled her to have her first poem published in a book that will be released some time next year. I am so happy to be a part of her happiness as she celebrates her first piece of literature. I always knew that her writing would be published it was just a matter of time. I remember one of the first books she ever started writing, it was during one of the summers I spent at her house. It was about teenagers doing all the things we are told by our parents not to do. Another book that I remember reading was one about a young girl who everyone considered weird. Publishers criticized her writing calling it dark and claiming “that this was not what they were looking for” but to me this was all the more appealing. Her writing is so unique and different than anything I have ever read. It’s the type of reading that you can’t put down, it’s the type of book that you stay up all night to finish and then read again because it was just that good.
That was the summer we drank some of the Captain and went into the neighbor’s yard. Well let me just say that we went into the neighbor’s yard because they had a huge trampoline and we wanted to try it. Okay, I’m exaggerating this part. We weren’t drunk, but we did have a little rum and we had the neighbor’s permission to use the trampoline.
Summer of 2005 was quite possibly the best summer I ever spent at her house. We had tickets to Billy Idol, and more than a week of summer left where we could do whatever we wanted. We read books, we drank tea in the front window, and we reminisced about days gone by. And when Billy Idol day came we piled into the pit and rocked out like there was no tomorrow. It was the first time in my life where I didn’t care what people thought of me. It was the first concert I ever went to and it is one of the best memories I have. A few months later we saw Hedley. It was another awesome concert. The best part of the night was when Heidi danced on the bar and the bouncers came and told her to get down or get out. Her free spirit was alive that night and encouraged me to fully experience that night.
Her free spirit, creativity and uniqueness are what have brought her to this point. Her first publication, I am so honored and grateful to be a part of this moment. I can’t wait to read the book cover to cover and I look forward to many more publications. Here’s to new beginnings and the future.
Monday, October 23, 2006
I have this assignment due tomorrow and as usual I have left it until last minute. Well if I didn't leave it until last minute it wouldn't be me. It wouldn't follow my pattern of continually screwing myself over. I do it all the time and do I ever learn? Nope. Never. Can't. Won't. Ever. Learn.
So the assignment is to write a speech about someone important in my life. So I chose Heidi. She was the first person that came to mind. And I know exactly what I want to say I just can't put it into words that last four to five minutes. I want to share all my stories, all my memories but those can't fit into five minutes which leaves me sitting here thinking "How will I ever finish this?" And then of course my imaginary ADHD kicks in and I am distracted by things like Blogger and MSN.
So I tell myself "Get back to work" and I do for a few minutes but then I lose my focus and go back to playing Solitaire and chatting with friends and listening to music.
I want to get this done I really do but I'm at a loss for words. So here I sit waiting for an email and hoping that some thunderbolt will come down and strike me. This thunderbolt will give me the words to say what I need to and get me to bed soon so I am not exhausted tomorrow when I have to be in class at 8am.
So the assignment is to write a speech about someone important in my life. So I chose Heidi. She was the first person that came to mind. And I know exactly what I want to say I just can't put it into words that last four to five minutes. I want to share all my stories, all my memories but those can't fit into five minutes which leaves me sitting here thinking "How will I ever finish this?" And then of course my imaginary ADHD kicks in and I am distracted by things like Blogger and MSN.
So I tell myself "Get back to work" and I do for a few minutes but then I lose my focus and go back to playing Solitaire and chatting with friends and listening to music.
I want to get this done I really do but I'm at a loss for words. So here I sit waiting for an email and hoping that some thunderbolt will come down and strike me. This thunderbolt will give me the words to say what I need to and get me to bed soon so I am not exhausted tomorrow when I have to be in class at 8am.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Yes, I am stumped. As in I have no creative juices. I am supposed to be designing a Children's bookmark using four colors plus, but I cannot think of anything. It's just blah. My other two bookmarks are great. Or so I think they are. Okay, they aren't fantastic but they are done. I just need that third bookmark and I will be completely done the project and I don't have to look at them ever again. I thought about taking images from popular movies but that has already been done. One too many times. So here I am working on an assignment from another class. Leaving my bookmark project to sit and wait for me to come up with something absolutely amazing. Something no one else has done, something so brilliant that even I am amazed at my work. Okay so I was thinking about "borrowing" one of the Girl's Playmobil images and putting that on to a book mark. That's it - all that I've got. Stealing someone else's work. Way to go me. Well I'd ask the Girl first but still, this is bad. Never had this happen before.
Any ideas?????????????????????????Any at all ???????????????????????????????
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Today's word is Grad
I figured that since my Mom and Heidi talked about my grad, maybe I should too because after all it was my grad.
For the most part I enjoyed Grad. It was as if all those feelings we had towards each other were gone. All the stupid fights we had, all the silly things that seemed so important only a few months ago were gone. Everyone seemed so ... different, maybe not mature but different. Only after a few months we were all different, we had all gone our seperate ways. People really surprise you, things you would never imagine someone doing or accomplishing they have done it or are in the process of completing something. Someone I know, who I figured would go to a good school and become a CEO of some big company has left town and is currently travelling the country. People who I thought I would be friends with forever aren't around. People I didn't care to talk to in school are suddenly talking to me and acting like we've known each other forever. And part of this is great, that you can put everything aside to talk to those who you didn't in school but the other part of you is thinking "What is going on here?" Que Twilight Zone theme.
Everything went really well and it was awesome catching up with those that you hadn't seen in a while.
As the ceremony was slowly approaching my friends and I were nervous to walk out in front of hundreds of people, we were all fearing the worst that one of us would fall or trip or find some new way to humiliate ourselves. There was so much excitement but in the end we were sad because we knew that we wouldn't see each other for a while. And a few hours is not enough time to reconnect with people whom we spent the last four years with. . .and no email address or phone number is going to give you the satisfaction that you want.
Standing there in my gown and ridiculous cap, I realised that as much as I hated high school there was a part of me that liked it, a part of me that had some really good times, some really good laughs and some really embarassing moments. But what high school experience wouldn't be complete without making a fool out of yourself at least once in front of your friends or in my case in front of some really hot guys in the snow. There are a few memories that I hope to never forget.
So as we made our way onto stage we all had butterflies and felt like we were going to throw up or fall. Thankfully we all survived and no one fell, threw up or anything along those lines. And before we knew it, it was over. We scribbled some signatures into yearbooks trying to think of something new and original to say to someone who you may never see again but how do you say goodbye in a few short sentences. You can't, so you don't. You say something funny or about the years past and try not to feel bad about it. You pretend that this isn't the end, that you will see these people, that you will talk to them, write them whatever but you know damn well that you won't and that's what is truly sad about people. So I did the best I could, said something funny, wrote down my email and said "Talk to you later"
Before I knew it, it was over and time to go back to my other non - highschool life. The college me. The one that I had forgotten about for a few hours. The one that I had liked forgetting about for a while. I really don't know how I had forgotten though because I looked like a college girl. -Okay I had to just throw that in because I was so impressed with my outifit.
I'm really happy that I went to Grad because I think that it gave me the finality I needed to move on, to be okay with everything in my life that was changing.
And after all, I realise that Grad was not the end, but simply a chance for a new beginning. A beginning that I am looking forward to and when I'm done in two years, I know that it is not the end but another beginning.
For the most part I enjoyed Grad. It was as if all those feelings we had towards each other were gone. All the stupid fights we had, all the silly things that seemed so important only a few months ago were gone. Everyone seemed so ... different, maybe not mature but different. Only after a few months we were all different, we had all gone our seperate ways. People really surprise you, things you would never imagine someone doing or accomplishing they have done it or are in the process of completing something. Someone I know, who I figured would go to a good school and become a CEO of some big company has left town and is currently travelling the country. People who I thought I would be friends with forever aren't around. People I didn't care to talk to in school are suddenly talking to me and acting like we've known each other forever. And part of this is great, that you can put everything aside to talk to those who you didn't in school but the other part of you is thinking "What is going on here?" Que Twilight Zone theme.
Everything went really well and it was awesome catching up with those that you hadn't seen in a while.
As the ceremony was slowly approaching my friends and I were nervous to walk out in front of hundreds of people, we were all fearing the worst that one of us would fall or trip or find some new way to humiliate ourselves. There was so much excitement but in the end we were sad because we knew that we wouldn't see each other for a while. And a few hours is not enough time to reconnect with people whom we spent the last four years with. . .and no email address or phone number is going to give you the satisfaction that you want.
Standing there in my gown and ridiculous cap, I realised that as much as I hated high school there was a part of me that liked it, a part of me that had some really good times, some really good laughs and some really embarassing moments. But what high school experience wouldn't be complete without making a fool out of yourself at least once in front of your friends or in my case in front of some really hot guys in the snow. There are a few memories that I hope to never forget.
So as we made our way onto stage we all had butterflies and felt like we were going to throw up or fall. Thankfully we all survived and no one fell, threw up or anything along those lines. And before we knew it, it was over. We scribbled some signatures into yearbooks trying to think of something new and original to say to someone who you may never see again but how do you say goodbye in a few short sentences. You can't, so you don't. You say something funny or about the years past and try not to feel bad about it. You pretend that this isn't the end, that you will see these people, that you will talk to them, write them whatever but you know damn well that you won't and that's what is truly sad about people. So I did the best I could, said something funny, wrote down my email and said "Talk to you later"
Before I knew it, it was over and time to go back to my other non - highschool life. The college me. The one that I had forgotten about for a few hours. The one that I had liked forgetting about for a while. I really don't know how I had forgotten though because I looked like a college girl. -Okay I had to just throw that in because I was so impressed with my outifit.
I'm really happy that I went to Grad because I think that it gave me the finality I needed to move on, to be okay with everything in my life that was changing.
And after all, I realise that Grad was not the end, but simply a chance for a new beginning. A beginning that I am looking forward to and when I'm done in two years, I know that it is not the end but another beginning.
Friday, October 13, 2006
2 Cops, 2 Bouncers and the Supervisor
On Sunday nite, there was another all ages at the Club. So my friend L and I decided we wanted to go. We secretly love the Club and never miss an opportunity to go. This time we decided that we were going to go to the Club drunk...which was a really bad idea because we are both underage, there always cops swarming that place and we were going with people from work. So there we were in the Club, having a really good time. I was talking to everybody, dancing and just having fun.
Eventually I went to the bar to get some water and to my surprise the bartender was someone I went to high school with. After talking to her I managed to knock over a table full of drinks. I helped clean them up and went back to the dance floor because hey what is better than drunken dancing? So there we were dancing when I had the brilliant idea of dancing in the moving cages. So we bolted over to the cage to get our chance in the spotlight. Well, little did we know that the stairs up to the cage were covered in water and I fell, hanging on to the poles of the cage for dear life. We danced...we left the cage after what seemed like an eternity but was really only three techno songs. On our way back we ran into my coworkers. So we danced with the coworkers...but not on the dance floor. Then all of a sudden this swarm of people came over to us. At first it was just a few people dressed in regular clothes then to my suprise I had told the Supervisor that I was hammered but it was okay because we were having a good time. At that point the Supervisor said that we needed to leave their establishment. This is when it turns funny.
My friend L approaches the Supervisor and says "Excuse me but we need to stay and you should let us."
The Supervisor then asks "Okay tell me why I should let you two stay?"
L then replied with "Because I am the designated dancer for the night"
The Supervisor highly unimpressed says that some gentlemen are going to follow us out, but she left out that it was a Squad of people including two bouncers, two policemen and the Supervisor herself. As we were leaving the Supervisor told us that we should go home and sleep it off, and my respoonse was "I think you need to go home and sleep it off."
I was pissed that we were kicked out of what they called "their fine establishment"... I was really mad, I paid a $10 cover and was only there for 45 minutes. I don't remember if they said that we couldn't come back but I really don't care because it is only 145 days until I can go to the real bars and don't need to go back to "their fine establishment"
So it was the first time I had ever been kicked out of anywhere and at first I was embarrassed but now I just think it's really funny. I also think that I am really lucky that the police only just walked me to the door . . . especially with the underage drinking and all.
P.S. Last nite was my grad and the bartender was calling me Drunky McGee which only made me laugh.
Eventually I went to the bar to get some water and to my surprise the bartender was someone I went to high school with. After talking to her I managed to knock over a table full of drinks. I helped clean them up and went back to the dance floor because hey what is better than drunken dancing? So there we were dancing when I had the brilliant idea of dancing in the moving cages. So we bolted over to the cage to get our chance in the spotlight. Well, little did we know that the stairs up to the cage were covered in water and I fell, hanging on to the poles of the cage for dear life. We danced...we left the cage after what seemed like an eternity but was really only three techno songs. On our way back we ran into my coworkers. So we danced with the coworkers...but not on the dance floor. Then all of a sudden this swarm of people came over to us. At first it was just a few people dressed in regular clothes then to my suprise I had told the Supervisor that I was hammered but it was okay because we were having a good time. At that point the Supervisor said that we needed to leave their establishment. This is when it turns funny.
My friend L approaches the Supervisor and says "Excuse me but we need to stay and you should let us."
The Supervisor then asks "Okay tell me why I should let you two stay?"
L then replied with "Because I am the designated dancer for the night"
The Supervisor highly unimpressed says that some gentlemen are going to follow us out, but she left out that it was a Squad of people including two bouncers, two policemen and the Supervisor herself. As we were leaving the Supervisor told us that we should go home and sleep it off, and my respoonse was "I think you need to go home and sleep it off."
I was pissed that we were kicked out of what they called "their fine establishment"... I was really mad, I paid a $10 cover and was only there for 45 minutes. I don't remember if they said that we couldn't come back but I really don't care because it is only 145 days until I can go to the real bars and don't need to go back to "their fine establishment"
So it was the first time I had ever been kicked out of anywhere and at first I was embarrassed but now I just think it's really funny. I also think that I am really lucky that the police only just walked me to the door . . . especially with the underage drinking and all.
P.S. Last nite was my grad and the bartender was calling me Drunky McGee which only made me laugh.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Saturday nite idiots
This past Saturday I was invited to a party for my best friend's (L) brother's 16th birthday. (Wow! That was a mouthful.)
Anyways, I invited CP (Cute Packer from work) to tag along and since we missed the bus we decided to call a cab. And as usual it was up to moi, to do the calling. So I dialed the cab company, and asked for a cab to come to Wendy's and pick us up. And the operator on the other end asked for my name. Well, let me tell you that in my weird, demented and paranoid mind, I refuse to give the cab company my real name. So I gave them CP's. And this was the operator's response. . .
Wow!A---, you have a really feminine voice. It's very beautiful, blah, blah.
My response through tears of laughter was thank you.
After I hung up the phone I could not stop laughing because she thought I was a man since I gave them CP's name. I truly believe that the operator is an idiot. I also think it's hilarious that the operator thinks CP has a feminine voice and that it is quite beautiful. L and I think that CP's rep is ruined now because the operator at the cab company thinks that CP is a girly man.
/The rest of Saturday night was a really big suckfest for reasons I'm not willing to share currently./
It's one of those things where you have to be there. But highly entertaining if you were there. I personally could not stop laughing no matter how hard I tried.
Anyways, I invited CP (Cute Packer from work) to tag along and since we missed the bus we decided to call a cab. And as usual it was up to moi, to do the calling. So I dialed the cab company, and asked for a cab to come to Wendy's and pick us up. And the operator on the other end asked for my name. Well, let me tell you that in my weird, demented and paranoid mind, I refuse to give the cab company my real name. So I gave them CP's. And this was the operator's response. . .
Wow!A---, you have a really feminine voice. It's very beautiful, blah, blah.
My response through tears of laughter was thank you.
After I hung up the phone I could not stop laughing because she thought I was a man since I gave them CP's name. I truly believe that the operator is an idiot. I also think it's hilarious that the operator thinks CP has a feminine voice and that it is quite beautiful. L and I think that CP's rep is ruined now because the operator at the cab company thinks that CP is a girly man.
/The rest of Saturday night was a really big suckfest for reasons I'm not willing to share currently./
It's one of those things where you have to be there. But highly entertaining if you were there. I personally could not stop laughing no matter how hard I tried.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Phrases that should never be taken as a Challenge
Today's post is about phrases that should never be taken as a challenge. I can only think of two examples but they are good ones.
1. All you can eat - just because it says that doesn't mean you should. Trust me.
2. Long Weekend. That might not make sense but it does because long weekends are associated with drinking and so the long weekend should never be about who can drink more. It is not a good idea... ever!
Let me know what you think and what are some other phrases that should not be taken as challenges.
1. All you can eat - just because it says that doesn't mean you should. Trust me.
2. Long Weekend. That might not make sense but it does because long weekends are associated with drinking and so the long weekend should never be about who can drink more. It is not a good idea... ever!
Let me know what you think and what are some other phrases that should not be taken as challenges.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Blog Blab - My homework Theory
I'm alive. It's okay, I'm here. I'm just at a loss for things to blog about. So I finally thought of something as I am sitting here doing or not doing my homework. I have developed a theory about homework and it is one that I have followed for years. I have also shared this theory with many people over the years and they now practice it on a regular basis.
So here it is my absolutely fantastic, genius theory regarding homwork.
For Example:
One night you have a project that is due in a couple days and you really don't want to work on it at home. You can't stand to look at it anymore. So you leave it at school, in your locker, in the garbage can - whereever.
When someone asks you if you have homework you say no. And you can say no because...
Did you actually bring any work home with you? The answer is No because you didn't bring your project home therefore defeating the meaning of the word homework.
So if you don't bring work home with you then you don't have homework.
I told you this was a genius idea. And I can say that I have not had homework since school started. Well, I haven't brought work home - if you get what I mean.
So here it is my absolutely fantastic, genius theory regarding homwork.
For Example:
One night you have a project that is due in a couple days and you really don't want to work on it at home. You can't stand to look at it anymore. So you leave it at school, in your locker, in the garbage can - whereever.
When someone asks you if you have homework you say no. And you can say no because...
Did you actually bring any work home with you? The answer is No because you didn't bring your project home therefore defeating the meaning of the word homework.
So if you don't bring work home with you then you don't have homework.
I told you this was a genius idea. And I can say that I have not had homework since school started. Well, I haven't brought work home - if you get what I mean.
Monday, October 02, 2006
"What's wrong with the world mama?"
The title is a line from the Black Eyed Peas "Where is the love?" which is what I am asking you today. I realise that as I channel surf, there have been two school shootings in North America in the last month. How can this be? How can we kill each other? How can we hate each other to the point of wanting to commit murder? What is so wrong that we must pick up a gun and shoot innocent individuals? What could one do to possibly upset someone to the point where they make the choice to bring a gun to school and shoot someone? This does not make any sense to me.
In September, a man in Montreal brought a gun to the college he was attending and shot 12 people, killing one of them.
Now, a boy in rural Pennsylvania shot three girls (between the ages of 6 and 13) execution style.
It's not guns that kill people but people kill people.
I think that we spend way too much time hating each other. Just imagine if we put that much effort into good deeds and helping each other...the world would be a much better place.
In September, a man in Montreal brought a gun to the college he was attending and shot 12 people, killing one of them.
Now, a boy in rural Pennsylvania shot three girls (between the ages of 6 and 13) execution style.
It's not guns that kill people but people kill people.
I think that we spend way too much time hating each other. Just imagine if we put that much effort into good deeds and helping each other...the world would be a much better place.
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