Thursday, October 19, 2006


Yes, I am stumped. As in I have no creative juices. I am supposed to be designing a Children's bookmark using four colors plus, but I cannot think of anything. It's just blah. My other two bookmarks are great. Or so I think they are. Okay, they aren't fantastic but they are done. I just need that third bookmark and I will be completely done the project and I don't have to look at them ever again. I thought about taking images from popular movies but that has already been done. One too many times. So here I am working on an assignment from another class. Leaving my bookmark project to sit and wait for me to come up with something absolutely amazing. Something no one else has done, something so brilliant that even I am amazed at my work. Okay so I was thinking about "borrowing" one of the Girl's Playmobil images and putting that on to a book mark. That's it - all that I've got. Stealing someone else's work. Way to go me. Well I'd ask the Girl first but still, this is bad. Never had this happen before.
Any ideas?????????????????????????Any at all ???????????????????????????????


cocoa_no_gogo said...

I am not sure I understand the assignment: "using four colors plus"
But maybe you will get some inspiration from the following theme:

Same image four times with a different representative color each time, as in
1) Same image of house (etc.) four times but modified to show different seasons of year and color represented by each.
2) Same image of house (etc.) but modified to show different times of day and color represented by each.
3) Same image of face but modified to show different stages of life and color represented by each.
4) Four stages of the moon and color represented by each. – kids love moons. In fact everybody loves moons.

Etcetera. Etcetera. Etcetera.

Michael Colvin said...

How about the Google logo but using your own name or something weird. Then you could have something funny typed in the search box as if it was about to be searched. No?

Heidi the Hick said...

Okay, their ideas are better than mine. I'm done!

Do you want to know? Alright I'll tell you. PODGE. COLLAGE.

Maybe Spongebob or something. I still think their's were better!

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I sorta came up with this whole fantasy idea...medieval crap. I don't know, mostly I'm just trying to figure out how to use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. yikes.
Thanks for the ideas.
I considered the moon concept, and the google thing is brilliant.