I have had a pretty kick ass weekend and now it's reading week so I think there is more fun to be had this week.
Let's get caught up on where I've been and also to see how much I remember.
Friday nite - drunken pool in L's basement. I cooked. Yes people, I made jello shooters. You may say that making jello is not cooking but uh I had to be in the kitchen for more than five minutes and I had to do a little more than just open a package of something. Usually a package of jello makes about 20 little jello shooters, but when you are me, you make them in paper cups and have a total of nine jello shooters. They were tasty. I had five of them. My insignificant other came too. He kicks ass at pool. I wanted to be on his team but it had to be guys against girls which meant that L didn't stand a chance of winning. She's a decent player but when the other team is two guys who play pool like it's a profession, you are destined to go down. Especially when my skills are shooting the ball off the table, dropping the cue on the floor and doing another shot of whatever we happened to be drinking. We happened to be drinking some distinct Russian Vodka (I know all vodka is Russian but the label on this isn't even in English!), Fireball, Smirnoff and Bacardi courtesy of my Jello shooters. I like my insignificant other when he is drunk because he sings and dances. To country music. To Big'n' Rich. And yes he is the only John Wayne left in this town. Ahh, he is never going to live that down. We will disregard my antics right now.
Saturday - This was my first Saturday off since I started working at my craptastic job. I didn't even book it off they just gave it to me. This was really spooky. Due to my antics of the previous night I only slept for about four hours. Plus it was on an old couch in the basement with no pillow. Who the hell can sleep without a pillow? Seriously. I got up around 5:30 am and the distinct taste of Vodka in my mouth and the overwhelming feeling that I was going to puke kept me from moving around too much. Eventually (7am) I called my insignificant other to ask him if he wanted to go out for breakfast. He said "later" and since I was the only person up I was rather bored. So I decided to wake up L because I was hungry and bored and couldn't sleep so neither should she. We had a bowl of Lucky Charms. Needless to say, it is not good hangover food. Avoid all dairy products. I got the first bus leaving her neighborhood and went home to shower. I smelled of alcoholic beverages and needed to wash my hair. Then I phoned the Insignificant other to ask him if he wanted to go for breakfast yet. He said 9:30 am was still too early. Finally at 11am he told me if it would stop me from bugging him about breakfast that I should come over. I went over and guess who was still partially dressed and not showered? He said he wanted to sleep some more. We laid in his bed watching movies for a few hours, then he got dressed and wanted to go out. I on the other hand being the pain in the ass that I am said I was tired and didnt want to move. I took a nap he played video games. I woke up and wanted food but didn't want to get up to get food, so I had lunch in bed. It was awesome. He made me lunch in bed. We ate, watched Wedding Crashers (which I didn't find that funny) then we played Super Nintendo. Cartoons of the past are rather frightening. I'm not going to lie about that one.
On my way home, I recieved a phone call from my mother telling me to phone Aunt Posh. My first thoughts were "What am I in trouble for now?! Apparently nothing. She wants me to get a passport to go to Texas with her. This was very exciting. I have never been outside of Canada and it's all expenses paid because of the company my Aunt works for. We'll go into more detail about why I am going to Texas later.
Sunday - I had to work at the crack of dawn. 10 am folks. I was still recuperiating from my antics of friday nite. I don't think I have ever drank that much in my entire life. Who the hell other than me can do five extra large jello shooters, two bottles of Fireball, half a bottle of Smirnoff and help drink a 40 of Russian Vodka? Turns out I was not the only reeling from my weekend antics. Many of the cashiers happened to be hungover, injured or falling over from lack of sleep due to the participation in events such as underage drinking, illegal drugs, and whatever other wreckless behaviors satisfied their needs over the weekend. After work I went over to a coworker's house where we had a few screwdrivers then had a snowball fight. It was awesome, then he showed me all the bars in the area that I will be allowed into in 8 days!
In 8 days I will be 19 years old and able to go to the bar with all my friends. I am so excited. The countdown has been on since 110 days ago. That's Novemberish in case you are wondering.
Today, I find out about my passport and go visit my Grandma. This week can only get better.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
And I would like to thank. . .
This week has been rough. So many tests, so many assignments, so little time. If it weren't for my iPOD, I would be dead. My iPOD has gotten me through so much this week. It has allowed me to ignore stupid conversations between peers in class and on the bus. It has relaxed me when I have been so stressed. It has kept me focused on my work and helped me get through all this disastorous assignments.
I would also like to thank the following bands for pumping out music that I absolutely love!

Next on the list...Blink 182.

Why did you break up?!?! Oh yeah because Tom's ego started to walk in the door before he did. Then he went off to pump out some crappy tunes with a band called Angels and Airwaves.
How about some
. That driving beat, really helps you persevere through anything. Even five hours in a dark computer lab staring at a computer screen.

System of a Down? Anybody?
Godsmack....thanks Insignficant Other for getting me hooked.
Not many people have heard of this band, but man do I love them.
Because if I fall back down, you're gonna pick me back up again. If I fall back down, you're gonna be my friend.
The Kiedis and company. . . so gorgeous.
Now for the old school stuff.
The Clash. Who doesn't love The Clash? Seriously.
Hendrix. Something so mesmerizing.
Zeppelin. Ramble on. That's exactly what I did for my Critical Thinking Essay. Ramble on.
There are so many others that I listened to, my iPOD is an assortment of randomosity. My randomosity includes Madonna, Spice Girls (you can't be upset or stressed when you're belting out the pop hits from your tween years.), Michelle Branch, Jewel, Drowning Pool, Danko Jones, Big 'n' Rich, The All American Rejects, Nelly Furtado, Billy Talent, 112, Lil Jon. I don't think I need to go on anymore. You get the point. I'm random.
So tomorrow as of 5pm I am free of the educational prison. Then it's off to a party at my best friend's house with my insignificant other.
Saturday is my first day off from work since I started working there 8 months ago and I plan on going to OLD NAVY!
I am so ready for this!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Work+School+Exams= My Ass Has Been Kicked
I'm trying to continue my advertising ass kicking week but it's starting to die down. I'm getting tired and nothing is challenging me. I'm writing multiple choice exams on scantron sheets...it's so annoying. I actually want to be tested here people. It's rather frustrating.
I'm getting tired. Work + school+ exams = my ass has been kicked.
I have one essay, two more exams, one more case study, one more creative project and then I'm done. I really don't think there is enough time in a week. At least today I have a few hours between school and work and that time is devoted to All My Children and a good nap. Ooh nap time in about another hour or so.
Anyways, I'm off to bind my project.
Just think next week, I can sleep all week and do nothing. My plan for next week is to do absolutely nothing. At all. Go ahead, be jealous.
I'm getting tired. Work + school+ exams = my ass has been kicked.
I have one essay, two more exams, one more case study, one more creative project and then I'm done. I really don't think there is enough time in a week. At least today I have a few hours between school and work and that time is devoted to All My Children and a good nap. Ooh nap time in about another hour or so.
Anyways, I'm off to bind my project.
Just think next week, I can sleep all week and do nothing. My plan for next week is to do absolutely nothing. At all. Go ahead, be jealous.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Killing Stuff
Today, I actually went to class. The first time in three days. This is how much I hate my program. I cannot force myself to go. I went today though because I have a slew of midterms this week and if I have to stay, I should at least try and be successful. I should at least try and make the best out of this situation.
So, I went to class with some determination today. I had this overwhelming feeling that I must kick advertising in the ass and show it what I made of...
I slaughtered my morning midterm. The test was a joke. Write a commerical, fill in the blank. There was no need for a two hour time slot because I crucified that thing in about thirty minutes. I knew my early radio entertainers and radio pioneers. As I was leaving I felt bad for all the suckers who went to class, studied all weekend long and had this look of terror on their face. There was no need to panic. Can't you write something creative that takes thirty seconds to read. Half of those people in their are so creative I think they shit creativity and here they were panicking and over what?!?!
I waited for my Design to Repress project partner. We had two and half hours before our next class and I was ready to kill another assignment. We went to the computer lab finished up the written work for the Design to Repress project, hunted down the prof and had him proof read. He loved it. Thank God. I think I'm shitting creativity today because I developed an idea in twenty minutes and ran with it. We finished the creative component and still had time to print it off. All we have left is to bind it. Another project killed in a few hours.
We wrapped that up and included a table of contents for brownie points.
This left me some time to go on MSN and find some poor sucker to take my evening shift tomorrow night so that I can study for midterms. Yes, people I am studying. It frightens me too. Actually, it scares the crap outta me to know that I have retained information that is not gossip.
Found a sucker to take my craptastic shift and now have time to study for Sales and Sales Management as well as email another prof about another assignment that I may or may not do over Spring Break next week. I must say that I am on a roll and that I am feeling pretty cocky right now.
So for now, I will thrive on this and keep killing midterms/assignments etc.
So, I went to class with some determination today. I had this overwhelming feeling that I must kick advertising in the ass and show it what I made of...
I slaughtered my morning midterm. The test was a joke. Write a commerical, fill in the blank. There was no need for a two hour time slot because I crucified that thing in about thirty minutes. I knew my early radio entertainers and radio pioneers. As I was leaving I felt bad for all the suckers who went to class, studied all weekend long and had this look of terror on their face. There was no need to panic. Can't you write something creative that takes thirty seconds to read. Half of those people in their are so creative I think they shit creativity and here they were panicking and over what?!?!
I waited for my Design to Repress project partner. We had two and half hours before our next class and I was ready to kill another assignment. We went to the computer lab finished up the written work for the Design to Repress project, hunted down the prof and had him proof read. He loved it. Thank God. I think I'm shitting creativity today because I developed an idea in twenty minutes and ran with it. We finished the creative component and still had time to print it off. All we have left is to bind it. Another project killed in a few hours.
We wrapped that up and included a table of contents for brownie points.
This left me some time to go on MSN and find some poor sucker to take my evening shift tomorrow night so that I can study for midterms. Yes, people I am studying. It frightens me too. Actually, it scares the crap outta me to know that I have retained information that is not gossip.
Found a sucker to take my craptastic shift and now have time to study for Sales and Sales Management as well as email another prof about another assignment that I may or may not do over Spring Break next week. I must say that I am on a roll and that I am feeling pretty cocky right now.
So for now, I will thrive on this and keep killing midterms/assignments etc.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day Suckers!
Yesterday I was going to post a disgusting picture of the human heart with the caption "Happy Valentine's Day Suckers!" but as usual blogger was being a fuck ass and wouldn't let me access my account. Or maybe, blogger just knew what I was up to and didn't want me to be so cruel and disgusting.
This year for the first time ever I had a valentine. I was very excited. I couldn't shut up about it at work, I think they might kill me for bragging so much.
But I have a right because in grade school, kids were too busy bullying me and picking on me that Valentine's Day was just an excuse for them to leave me out of it or leave Valentine's Day cards with something nasty scribbled on to it.
So, for awhile I had a hatred for Valentine's day. In grade 10 I had a boyfriend but he was a nasty boy. We had a volatile relationship that ended in six months. On the exterior we looked like a cute, happy couple but on the inside we were ruining each other. More him ruining me. I didn't date for a very long time. Two years to be exact.
It was another crappy relationship that ended in three weeks. Apparently relationships that start in infidelity end in infidelity.
Once again, I didn't date for awhile. A year to be exact.
It was around Christmas time that I developed a crush on this boy at work. I tried really hard not to because it's a bad idea to mix business with pleasure. But he felt the same way. He was so sweet and did all these kind things for me. The night of the Christmas party he was sufficently intoxicated and gave me a big hug. He begged me not to leave, he wouldn't let go of my hand. I was a little worried but left because my ride was leaving. I also thought he was being a little weird so I wrote him off for a couple weeks.
On Christmas Eve when I had my injured shoulder he helped me out and made sure the managers didn't give me any crappy jobs. He wouldn't let the other grocery clerks tease me because I was hurt.
Then on New Year's Eve, he asked me if I had any plans for the night and as usual I had none. Living downtown, I was obligated to go to the free concert a few blocks up, plus Sloan was playing. Sloan is a decent band. One that my Dad and I both love. My Dad decided he wasn't going to go see the band. So I told him I was going to go see Sloan and he said that was his plan too. It was a total lie, he was supposed to go to a hotel party with his friend. But he ditched his friend for me and at midnight he kissed me. It was very cute.
So for the next few weeks I refused to define our relationship and what he was to me. My parents gave him the name "insignificant other" which he finds really funny.
Eventually, without saying anything he just became my boyfriend and I became his girlfriend.
He accepts how high maintenance I am and what a pain in the ass I am. He accepts the distinct insanity that I display on a regular basis. He's really good to me for some odd reason. Even after I dragged him over to my friend's house to move furniture and forced him into Build A Bear to make a pirate bear. He also went to Wal Mart with me to buy Play - Doh because I wanted some. See? Anyone else would have run away, screaming by now.
Since yesterday was Valentine's Day he took the liberty of planning something special. I didn't ask for anything. Nothing at all. He picked me up from work and gave me some yellow roses, then he took me to dinner. It was the first Valentine's Day that I didn't hate. That I didn't want to avoid.
I guess this makes me a sucker for Valentine's Day.
This year for the first time ever I had a valentine. I was very excited. I couldn't shut up about it at work, I think they might kill me for bragging so much.
But I have a right because in grade school, kids were too busy bullying me and picking on me that Valentine's Day was just an excuse for them to leave me out of it or leave Valentine's Day cards with something nasty scribbled on to it.
So, for awhile I had a hatred for Valentine's day. In grade 10 I had a boyfriend but he was a nasty boy. We had a volatile relationship that ended in six months. On the exterior we looked like a cute, happy couple but on the inside we were ruining each other. More him ruining me. I didn't date for a very long time. Two years to be exact.
It was another crappy relationship that ended in three weeks. Apparently relationships that start in infidelity end in infidelity.
Once again, I didn't date for awhile. A year to be exact.
It was around Christmas time that I developed a crush on this boy at work. I tried really hard not to because it's a bad idea to mix business with pleasure. But he felt the same way. He was so sweet and did all these kind things for me. The night of the Christmas party he was sufficently intoxicated and gave me a big hug. He begged me not to leave, he wouldn't let go of my hand. I was a little worried but left because my ride was leaving. I also thought he was being a little weird so I wrote him off for a couple weeks.
On Christmas Eve when I had my injured shoulder he helped me out and made sure the managers didn't give me any crappy jobs. He wouldn't let the other grocery clerks tease me because I was hurt.
Then on New Year's Eve, he asked me if I had any plans for the night and as usual I had none. Living downtown, I was obligated to go to the free concert a few blocks up, plus Sloan was playing. Sloan is a decent band. One that my Dad and I both love. My Dad decided he wasn't going to go see the band. So I told him I was going to go see Sloan and he said that was his plan too. It was a total lie, he was supposed to go to a hotel party with his friend. But he ditched his friend for me and at midnight he kissed me. It was very cute.
So for the next few weeks I refused to define our relationship and what he was to me. My parents gave him the name "insignificant other" which he finds really funny.
Eventually, without saying anything he just became my boyfriend and I became his girlfriend.
He accepts how high maintenance I am and what a pain in the ass I am. He accepts the distinct insanity that I display on a regular basis. He's really good to me for some odd reason. Even after I dragged him over to my friend's house to move furniture and forced him into Build A Bear to make a pirate bear. He also went to Wal Mart with me to buy Play - Doh because I wanted some. See? Anyone else would have run away, screaming by now.
Since yesterday was Valentine's Day he took the liberty of planning something special. I didn't ask for anything. Nothing at all. He picked me up from work and gave me some yellow roses, then he took me to dinner. It was the first Valentine's Day that I didn't hate. That I didn't want to avoid.
I guess this makes me a sucker for Valentine's Day.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
All the Hours in a Day
I've been doing some thinking. Thinking about time that it is and how much of it I actually use for something productive during the week.
There are 168 hours in a week. (24 x 7 =168)
I spend 25 hours a week in class.
I spend 20 hours a week at work.
I spend 13 hours a week on the bus, getting to work and school. This time does not include, the time spend using transit for fun stuff.
If I sleep 8 hours a night during the week, I get 56 hours of sleep.
So let's add this up...
= 114
So 168 hours
- 114 hours
= 54
My question is what do I do with the remaing 54 hours in the week?
Well, let me evaluate the last month...
Every Friday night for the last month I have spent about 3-4 hours with my insignificant other.
I spend about 2 hours a week doing homework or assignments, either at home or on my break at school.
I spend what feels like an eternity on MSN, the computer or listening to music ... six hours/wk
Then I watch ER, Supernatural, Medium and Crossing Jordan. These shows are all one hour long. So that's another 4 hours to add to the list.
Let's add these numbers up...
+ 4
= 16
- 16
= 38
My next question is where the hell does the rest of this time go?!?!?!
I feel exhausted and as if there is never enough time to get things done.
I think that the rest of this time goes to me getting more sleep, working on projects, talking on the phone or just sitting on my mother's furniture like an eternal bump.
My last question is what do you guys do with your time? Where does it all go? I think when you look at it this way and actually put the numbers all together it's scary. It's scary to realize how much time you use and how much of it you waste.
There are 168 hours in a week. (24 x 7 =168)
I spend 25 hours a week in class.
I spend 20 hours a week at work.
I spend 13 hours a week on the bus, getting to work and school. This time does not include, the time spend using transit for fun stuff.
If I sleep 8 hours a night during the week, I get 56 hours of sleep.
So let's add this up...
= 114
So 168 hours
- 114 hours
= 54
My question is what do I do with the remaing 54 hours in the week?
Well, let me evaluate the last month...
Every Friday night for the last month I have spent about 3-4 hours with my insignificant other.
I spend about 2 hours a week doing homework or assignments, either at home or on my break at school.
I spend what feels like an eternity on MSN, the computer or listening to music ... six hours/wk
Then I watch ER, Supernatural, Medium and Crossing Jordan. These shows are all one hour long. So that's another 4 hours to add to the list.
Let's add these numbers up...
+ 4
= 16
- 16
= 38
My next question is where the hell does the rest of this time go?!?!?!
I feel exhausted and as if there is never enough time to get things done.
I think that the rest of this time goes to me getting more sleep, working on projects, talking on the phone or just sitting on my mother's furniture like an eternal bump.
My last question is what do you guys do with your time? Where does it all go? I think when you look at it this way and actually put the numbers all together it's scary. It's scary to realize how much time you use and how much of it you waste.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Good News and Bad
First of all I will get the bad news outta the way. Blogger is being a fuck ass. That's my new word. Deal with it. I posted on Friday with a video clip...about my Driver's license. Blogger refused to show this post and proved to be a waste of my time.
Anyways. I finally went and took the written test. As of Friday afternoon I can drive a vehicle with an experienced driver in the passenger seat for eight months to a full year. After that time period I can go and complete my driving test where I will be able to drive without experienced driver accompanyment. Then after two years I will receive my full license with no terms or conditions. So I am very excited about being able to drive a vehicle. The video clip was The Cardigan's My Favourite Game where the lead singer puts a rock on the gas pedal and drives around the desert aimlessly all the while not steering or putting her foot on the brakes. She gets in a crash and the rock lands on her head...and basically my point was that I was going to drive like that...hahaha.
That's the first bit of good news.
Second, I was considering dropping out of college because I really dislike my program. I decided to meet with the coordinator because I wanted to know my options here at the college. Turns out, I don't really have any. My courses aren't transferrable with the exception of one or two and even then it depends on the program I choose.
I have decided to stay for the semester and see where it takes me. The coordinator wants to meet with me again at the end of March.
The coordinator who is also my creative teacher said that I have a lot of potential but that I'm not using it. He said he has seen some really great work from me but other projects have been sloppy. These are things I can agree with because if I don't like the project I won't put a whole lot of effort into it. That's the thing about me, I have to be truly passionate about the work.
I know that some of my work has been pure crap.
The coordinator also said that I have a basic understanding of the material, I just need to work harder at it because I have an intense amount of potential that I am doing absolutely nothing with and the reason he chose me for this program was because of my creative potential. This made me feel better about the whole thing. I don't feel like I'm wasting so much time or money anymore. I think that I can do this if I start paying attention, spending more time in class and asking questions I will learn something. And even if this isn't what I do with my life at least I have gained some sort of wisdom that one day I can fall back on.
Also, I think if I stay the semester, I will end up staying for the following year. I don't think that I will be able to leave something half way through, especially after I put so much time into it.
The third bit of news is that I received a cheque for $960 today. I like money. Money will buy me a digital camera. Which is something I am going to need for my program now that I am destined to stay here.
That's it. That's my whole rant.
Anyways. I finally went and took the written test. As of Friday afternoon I can drive a vehicle with an experienced driver in the passenger seat for eight months to a full year. After that time period I can go and complete my driving test where I will be able to drive without experienced driver accompanyment. Then after two years I will receive my full license with no terms or conditions. So I am very excited about being able to drive a vehicle. The video clip was The Cardigan's My Favourite Game where the lead singer puts a rock on the gas pedal and drives around the desert aimlessly all the while not steering or putting her foot on the brakes. She gets in a crash and the rock lands on her head...and basically my point was that I was going to drive like that...hahaha.
That's the first bit of good news.
Second, I was considering dropping out of college because I really dislike my program. I decided to meet with the coordinator because I wanted to know my options here at the college. Turns out, I don't really have any. My courses aren't transferrable with the exception of one or two and even then it depends on the program I choose.
I have decided to stay for the semester and see where it takes me. The coordinator wants to meet with me again at the end of March.
The coordinator who is also my creative teacher said that I have a lot of potential but that I'm not using it. He said he has seen some really great work from me but other projects have been sloppy. These are things I can agree with because if I don't like the project I won't put a whole lot of effort into it. That's the thing about me, I have to be truly passionate about the work.
I know that some of my work has been pure crap.
The coordinator also said that I have a basic understanding of the material, I just need to work harder at it because I have an intense amount of potential that I am doing absolutely nothing with and the reason he chose me for this program was because of my creative potential. This made me feel better about the whole thing. I don't feel like I'm wasting so much time or money anymore. I think that I can do this if I start paying attention, spending more time in class and asking questions I will learn something. And even if this isn't what I do with my life at least I have gained some sort of wisdom that one day I can fall back on.
Also, I think if I stay the semester, I will end up staying for the following year. I don't think that I will be able to leave something half way through, especially after I put so much time into it.
The third bit of news is that I received a cheque for $960 today. I like money. Money will buy me a digital camera. Which is something I am going to need for my program now that I am destined to stay here.
That's it. That's my whole rant.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Future Celebrity. Sort of.
Tonight I went to the hairdresser and received what I think is one of the worst haircuts I have ever had. Well, I don't like it, but it is very stylish and many girls have this haircut but anyways.
After I was done getting my haircut, I asked about getting some more peek a boo highlights.
[Peek a boo highlights are highlights that are hidden beneath the other layers of your hair ...]
Anyways, the hairdresser suggested that I do violet peek a boo highlights. I agreed and so we started looking at dates. That's when she told me that she needed a model for an upcoming show. She asked if I would be interested in doing the show. At first, I said "No" because I usually work on tuesdays and I kinda need the money. Then, she said that reps from all over would be here, I'd get my hair done and possibly be in a magazine. Either way, I would be getting my picture taken. That's when I had to agree.
All I could think of was Heidi telling me that I should be on TV. I thought about all my friends who said they wouldn't be surprised if I ended up on SNL. And I thought I could be a celebrity amongst hairstylists. The words "Future Celebrity" rang through my head and she put my name down for the day. I was so excited I ran home and told everyone in a three metre radius.
Sure, being a hair model isn't going to get me on SNL right away but it is a start. A start that I am very excited about.
After I was done getting my haircut, I asked about getting some more peek a boo highlights.
[Peek a boo highlights are highlights that are hidden beneath the other layers of your hair ...]
Anyways, the hairdresser suggested that I do violet peek a boo highlights. I agreed and so we started looking at dates. That's when she told me that she needed a model for an upcoming show. She asked if I would be interested in doing the show. At first, I said "No" because I usually work on tuesdays and I kinda need the money. Then, she said that reps from all over would be here, I'd get my hair done and possibly be in a magazine. Either way, I would be getting my picture taken. That's when I had to agree.
All I could think of was Heidi telling me that I should be on TV. I thought about all my friends who said they wouldn't be surprised if I ended up on SNL. And I thought I could be a celebrity amongst hairstylists. The words "Future Celebrity" rang through my head and she put my name down for the day. I was so excited I ran home and told everyone in a three metre radius.
Sure, being a hair model isn't going to get me on SNL right away but it is a start. A start that I am very excited about.
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