Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Work+School+Exams= My Ass Has Been Kicked

I'm trying to continue my advertising ass kicking week but it's starting to die down. I'm getting tired and nothing is challenging me. I'm writing multiple choice exams on scantron's so annoying. I actually want to be tested here people. It's rather frustrating.
I'm getting tired. Work + school+ exams = my ass has been kicked.
I have one essay, two more exams, one more case study, one more creative project and then I'm done. I really don't think there is enough time in a week. At least today I have a few hours between school and work and that time is devoted to All My Children and a good nap. Ooh nap time in about another hour or so.
Anyways, I'm off to bind my project.
Just think next week, I can sleep all week and do nothing. My plan for next week is to do absolutely nothing. At all. Go ahead, be jealous.


ldbug said...

I would be jealous of your week off if it weren't for the exams! Good luck:-)

Michael Colvin said...

I expect you need it after blasting your way through that lot! And yes, I am SO jealous of your week off!


Good luck babe. Purple Rain! I'm stayin the night a manner of speakin of course