Thursday, February 22, 2007

And I would like to thank. . .

This week has been rough. So many tests, so many assignments, so little time. If it weren't for my iPOD, I would be dead. My iPOD has gotten me through so much this week. It has allowed me to ignore stupid conversations between peers in class and on the bus. It has relaxed me when I have been so stressed. It has kept me focused on my work and helped me get through all this disastorous assignments.
I would also like to thank the following bands for pumping out music that I absolutely love!

PRINCE...I am so glad that you are making a comeback! Please go on tour and come to Canada so I can take my mom and Heidi to see you. "If you didn't come to party don't bother knocking on my door. "

Next on the list...Blink 182.

Why did you break up?!?! Oh yeah because Tom's ego started to walk in the door before he did. Then he went off to pump out some crappy tunes with a band called Angels and Airwaves.

How about some . That driving beat, really helps you persevere through anything. Even five hours in a dark computer lab staring at a computer screen.

System of a Down? Anybody?


Godsmack....thanks Insignficant Other for getting me hooked.

Not many people have heard of this band, but man do I love them.

Because if I fall back down, you're gonna pick me back up again. If I fall back down, you're gonna be my friend.

The Kiedis and company. . . so gorgeous.

Now for the old school stuff.
The Clash. Who doesn't love The Clash? Seriously.

Hendrix. Something so mesmerizing.

Zeppelin. Ramble on. That's exactly what I did for my Critical Thinking Essay. Ramble on.
There are so many others that I listened to, my iPOD is an assortment of randomosity. My randomosity includes Madonna, Spice Girls (you can't be upset or stressed when you're belting out the pop hits from your tween years.), Michelle Branch, Jewel, Drowning Pool, Danko Jones, Big 'n' Rich, The All American Rejects, Nelly Furtado, Billy Talent, 112, Lil Jon. I don't think I need to go on anymore. You get the point. I'm random.
So tomorrow as of 5pm I am free of the educational prison. Then it's off to a party at my best friend's house with my insignificant other.
Saturday is my first day off from work since I started working there 8 months ago and I plan on going to OLD NAVY!
I am so ready for this!


.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Sorry about the spacing. blogger is being a fuck ass again.

dilling said...

yeah, it sure as hell is.
thank goodness for the ipod and other such mesmorizing items...they sure make housepainting easier...though I am sure those listening to me singing without the benefit of their own drowning out devices would beg to differ.

captain corky said...

When isn't blogger being a fuck ass?

Prince kicks ass! He's a genius and so was Hendrix.

The Fashion Diva said...

Everything's always better with music ;)

ldbug said...

Yay it's Friday!! Agree with your music choices, nice..although I have to admit to never having been a Prince fan, sorry.

Biddie said...

Did you mention The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Just asking.