Monday, February 05, 2007

Good News and Bad

First of all I will get the bad news outta the way. Blogger is being a fuck ass. That's my new word. Deal with it. I posted on Friday with a video clip...about my Driver's license. Blogger refused to show this post and proved to be a waste of my time.
Anyways. I finally went and took the written test. As of Friday afternoon I can drive a vehicle with an experienced driver in the passenger seat for eight months to a full year. After that time period I can go and complete my driving test where I will be able to drive without experienced driver accompanyment. Then after two years I will receive my full license with no terms or conditions. So I am very excited about being able to drive a vehicle. The video clip was The Cardigan's My Favourite Game where the lead singer puts a rock on the gas pedal and drives around the desert aimlessly all the while not steering or putting her foot on the brakes. She gets in a crash and the rock lands on her head...and basically my point was that I was going to drive like that...hahaha.
That's the first bit of good news.
Second, I was considering dropping out of college because I really dislike my program. I decided to meet with the coordinator because I wanted to know my options here at the college. Turns out, I don't really have any. My courses aren't transferrable with the exception of one or two and even then it depends on the program I choose.
I have decided to stay for the semester and see where it takes me. The coordinator wants to meet with me again at the end of March.
The coordinator who is also my creative teacher said that I have a lot of potential but that I'm not using it. He said he has seen some really great work from me but other projects have been sloppy. These are things I can agree with because if I don't like the project I won't put a whole lot of effort into it. That's the thing about me, I have to be truly passionate about the work.
I know that some of my work has been pure crap.
The coordinator also said that I have a basic understanding of the material, I just need to work harder at it because I have an intense amount of potential that I am doing absolutely nothing with and the reason he chose me for this program was because of my creative potential. This made me feel better about the whole thing. I don't feel like I'm wasting so much time or money anymore. I think that I can do this if I start paying attention, spending more time in class and asking questions I will learn something. And even if this isn't what I do with my life at least I have gained some sort of wisdom that one day I can fall back on.
Also, I think if I stay the semester, I will end up staying for the following year. I don't think that I will be able to leave something half way through, especially after I put so much time into it.
The third bit of news is that I received a cheque for $960 today. I like money. Money will buy me a digital camera. Which is something I am going to need for my program now that I am destined to stay here.
That's it. That's my whole rant.


ldbug said...

Congratulations on your license!!

Stick with school. Trust me. You will hate it a lot, love it some, and in the end? It will all be worth it. Every single minute of it.

And you are very creative, keep at it:-)

Michael Colvin said...

I agree with Ldbug. You made a wise decision with your college course.

What happened to assbitch as your new word? It goes down a treat in my office!

captain corky said...

Blogger was being a real fuck ass last week! I like the new word. A lot! Enjoy your money. Digital cameras are the best. I'm getting a video camera soon. I'm very excited about that.

Heidi the Hick said...

Oh baby, what a relief!

It's good to see a shift in your attitude. Channel all that frsutration into a real "F**k You, School, I'll Show You That I Can Do It" kind of attitude and you'll kick its bitch ass into next year.

Yeah it's difficult. Life is, in general!! You rock!

ps there will be no setting of rocks on my gas pedal ok?

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

what is that an offer to take me out driving? Posh is debating whether or not I am allowed to get behind the wheel of her Lexus.

Heidi the Hick said...

pfffft. Lexus. tin can on wheels.

Good for practising on, I guess!


Did you warn everyone yer on the road?? Stay home she's drivin' today!! Caz reckons the radio should broadcast warnings when I'm out n about. Snow today. Did doughnuts in me car n took out two fenceposts. Magic!

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

4D- awesome. little jeaous.