Friday, October 13, 2006

2 Cops, 2 Bouncers and the Supervisor

On Sunday nite, there was another all ages at the Club. So my friend L and I decided we wanted to go. We secretly love the Club and never miss an opportunity to go. This time we decided that we were going to go to the Club drunk...which was a really bad idea because we are both underage, there always cops swarming that place and we were going with people from work. So there we were in the Club, having a really good time. I was talking to everybody, dancing and just having fun.
Eventually I went to the bar to get some water and to my surprise the bartender was someone I went to high school with. After talking to her I managed to knock over a table full of drinks. I helped clean them up and went back to the dance floor because hey what is better than drunken dancing? So there we were dancing when I had the brilliant idea of dancing in the moving cages. So we bolted over to the cage to get our chance in the spotlight. Well, little did we know that the stairs up to the cage were covered in water and I fell, hanging on to the poles of the cage for dear life. We danced...we left the cage after what seemed like an eternity but was really only three techno songs. On our way back we ran into my coworkers. So we danced with the coworkers...but not on the dance floor. Then all of a sudden this swarm of people came over to us. At first it was just a few people dressed in regular clothes then to my suprise I had told the Supervisor that I was hammered but it was okay because we were having a good time. At that point the Supervisor said that we needed to leave their establishment. This is when it turns funny.
My friend L approaches the Supervisor and says "Excuse me but we need to stay and you should let us."
The Supervisor then asks "Okay tell me why I should let you two stay?"
L then replied with "Because I am the designated dancer for the night"
The Supervisor highly unimpressed says that some gentlemen are going to follow us out, but she left out that it was a Squad of people including two bouncers, two policemen and the Supervisor herself. As we were leaving the Supervisor told us that we should go home and sleep it off, and my respoonse was "I think you need to go home and sleep it off."
I was pissed that we were kicked out of what they called "their fine establishment"... I was really mad, I paid a $10 cover and was only there for 45 minutes. I don't remember if they said that we couldn't come back but I really don't care because it is only 145 days until I can go to the real bars and don't need to go back to "their fine establishment"
So it was the first time I had ever been kicked out of anywhere and at first I was embarrassed but now I just think it's really funny. I also think that I am really lucky that the police only just walked me to the door . . . especially with the underage drinking and all.
P.S. Last nite was my grad and the bartender was calling me Drunky McGee which only made me laugh.


Heidi the Hick said...

But it was 45 minutes of high impact impression making!!!

You do know that once you hit 19 and it's won't be as much fun anymore?

Oh, and uh....gonna blog about you on Monday!!!!!!

cocoa_no_gogo said...

It sounds to me like you got your money's worth.

Whenever someone has tried to throw me out of a club in Canada, I find that I can usually smooth things over with the following phrase: "Don't worry, It's OK, I'm an American."

(yes technically I know Canadians are Americans too -- but not really)

Heidi the Hick said...

Wha? Technically Canadians are Americans too? But not really?

No wonder he gets thrown out of bars.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

i know it won't be as much fun but at least then I can't be thrown out for underage drinking.
I sort of got my money's worth...I mean I've gotten quite a few laughs out of it since then.

dilling said...

congratulations on graduation and your first '86'ing!!!

Crashtest Comic said...

You should stop drinking. Believe me...nothing good ever comes from it.

Big Ben said...

Drunky McGee, you are lucky they didn't call your mommy and daddy on you! Next time wear sunglasses

Heidi the Hick said...

I would have laughed if they'd called mommy and daddy on you!

They might have laughed too. At you. Ha ha!!!

Biddie said...

Mommy and daddy already know, Big Ben. We call her Tipsy McStagger. No, I don't approve, but she is an adult(ish) and she drinks responsibly(ish).
I would have come and gotten her if they would've called, though. I would have embarrassed her sober!!!!

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

LMAO!!!! I think it would have been hilarious if they would have called Mommy and Daddy.
I do not want to drink/party for a long time. . .or at least for a couple weeks.