Monday, October 23, 2006


I have this assignment due tomorrow and as usual I have left it until last minute. Well if I didn't leave it until last minute it wouldn't be me. It wouldn't follow my pattern of continually screwing myself over. I do it all the time and do I ever learn? Nope. Never. Can't. Won't. Ever. Learn.
So the assignment is to write a speech about someone important in my life. So I chose Heidi. She was the first person that came to mind. And I know exactly what I want to say I just can't put it into words that last four to five minutes. I want to share all my stories, all my memories but those can't fit into five minutes which leaves me sitting here thinking "How will I ever finish this?" And then of course my imaginary ADHD kicks in and I am distracted by things like Blogger and MSN.
So I tell myself "Get back to work" and I do for a few minutes but then I lose my focus and go back to playing Solitaire and chatting with friends and listening to music.
I want to get this done I really do but I'm at a loss for words. So here I sit waiting for an email and hoping that some thunderbolt will come down and strike me. This thunderbolt will give me the words to say what I need to and get me to bed soon so I am not exhausted tomorrow when I have to be in class at 8am.


Heidi the Hick said...

Check your email....

Imaginary ADHD. You're awesome! You know my husband has PD. Procrastination Disorder. I think you might have it too. We should start a support group for you two. But you'd probably never get around to showing up for meetings!

Now start writing. I want a full report tomorrow evening!

by the way...I feel entirely unworthy of this and am afraid that if you ever find out how boring I really am you'll never come to another Billy Idol concert with me.

Michael Colvin said...

Assignments suck!

One thing I have found that helped me was to just type all my ideas down in one long stream of consciousness. If I tried to do snappy openings and get all the grammar correct I would stall and eventually get frustrated. It was more satisfying to see a whole load of text than a blank screen or a single sentence and at least it felt like I had made a start. Then I could edit it and change it around later without the stress...just my two pence worth!

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I decided to do some story telling. I shared memories. I wrote whatever came to mind in no particular order. So let's see how this goes. I was lying in bed last nite and I made up some good stuff. So I think I might just stand up there, give my intro and make up the rest. I am sooo good at making stuff up. Besides nobody knows the person I'm talking I could make up some wicked, cool stuff.
Yeah my grammar is sucky this early in the morning.

Heidi - I would show up to the meetings but the question is "would I accomplish anything at the meeting?" Also props to Jethro.

tod- assignments are crap. thanks for the tip. I will try it next time. It's so hard to know what to say and not be able to find the words to say it.

Heidi the Hick said...

Tod- very good advice. I've written an entire sucky novel that way. someday I might go back and fix it up!

KC- You and Jethro would get to the Procrastination Disorder meeting, gab for a while, agree that you don't really feel like solving anything, and go get a coffee.

I'm so glad I won't be there for that speech. cuz i'd cry.

dilling said...

why would you want to make Heidi cry now?

Coffeypot said...

Heidi said to ask you, so will you publish the speach? She is a unique person and deserves the praise and respect. Print it so we can all cry – NOT.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Lucky for you, I will publish it and lucky for me there wasn't enough time for me to present it today. So I will have time to fix it and improve it.