Monday, January 29, 2007

uh Sleep..soon

I know that I promised the last installment of my story today, but I am so freakin' tired. Mondays are always really long days I leave my house at 8am and come home at 6pm. It really sucks, so I promise that the last part of my story will be posted this week. Thanks for your patience and I will check in on all of you. But for now I'm going to get my bag ready for school and then I'm going to bed.
P.S. it'd 7:30 pm.


Anonymous said...

Damn! I just put my popcorn in the microwave. Well, everyone needs to sleep sometimes I guess.

Looking forward to reading it :)

Anonymous said...

You would get way more sleep if your insinificant other didn't phone you at all hours....Just saying.

Anonymous said...

meant to say insiGnificant other. Shoot.

Anonymous said...

:-) get some sleep!

Anonymous said...

night night babe zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz x