Monday, March 08, 2010

I was so drunk. And happy.

My 22nd birthday was a blast. I had a great time at the bar with my friends who helped me become a stumbling drunk.
But before we get to that...
Spencer's sister came over and painted my nails, then she took me out to dinner.I am glad that I didn't have to break up with her because she has been a great friend and has been really helpful in the last few weeks.
After dinner, we went to my favorite bar - Dallas. It's a country bar but it seems to be the place where all the people my age hang out. We had to arrive early because my sister came with us and although she is legal drinking age, Saturday night at Dallas is 21+, we used our connections to beat the line, and avoid paying the cover charge. I have to admit, it was weird paying for my own drinks and coat check when Spencer used to do that for me. It's the first time in 3 years that I have had to do that and it feels good.
We were there early, so it took a while for my friends to show up but in the meantime, I managed to make some new ones who bought me drinks for my birthday. And asked for my number which they did not get. As my friends began to arrive, they started buying me drinks. By the end of the night, I had drank myself stupid with 5 gin and cranberry, 10 vodka and cranberry and one pornstar shooter. I had also made a new friend through one of my friends who was a shady character that I drunkenly reported to security. We suspected the drinks he bought us were tainted so we ditched him and the free drinks. We didn't see him again and we were thankful.
By 3am, my cousin Chris and I were outside stumbling around for a cab. My feet were killing me as a spiked heel was not the best choice in terms of shoes.( In my defense, we usually get a table at Dallas but it seemed extra busy and impossible to find a table.) I tried walking in my shoes as we stumbled along trying to find our way home but it was pointless because my feet hurt so badly that I could barely walk. When you are that drunk, you always seem to take the long way home, you know walking in zig zag type of stumble. After two blocks of walking in my socks, I flagged a cab. Chris was not pleased to be coming home - he wanted to keep the party going. I told him to stay but he followed me home anyways. He's is older than me and we grew up together so he is more like a brother. An annoying younger brother but I enjoy my time with him anyways.
I arrived home to tell drunken tales to my parents and eat. I tried eating some plain bread because trying make something seemed like too much work. I ended up feeding the dogs my bread. Throwing pieces at them as if they were pigeons.
Finally, I stumbled up the extremely steep stairs to my bed. Only to have a wicked hangover which I very rarely get after a night of drinking. Due to lack of sleep, I laid in bed most of Sunday.
It wasn't an extravagant event the way Spencer always plans but it was just as much fun, if not more.

1 comment:

DILLIGAF said...

I suspect you had a ball babe!!!

The first 'special occasion' under your present circumstances was always going to feel a wee bit 'odd' but it sounds like you carried it off and well enjoyed it. Good girl!

There's only one loser here and it ain't you!

I've 'helped' my daughter through a time like this before. I can't help you in the same way 'cause you're over there and you aren't my daughter.

I would, however, be very proud if you were.

So there...;-)

Stilleto's and alcohol? Oh dear...Jax did that once. How the hell she made it to the cab is anyone's guess.

I had to carry her from the cab to our door.

Now that signifies a damn good night!!!

You're already 'healing' babe. You have a loving family and I think you have far more strength than you realise.

From a Father of one girl to a girl with another Father.

You're doing GREAT!

4D x