Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Overdramatic Princess and I don't mean me

Some people feel the need to be unneccesarily rude. It pisses me off. Take my exboyfriend for example. He feels the need to drag out the rest of our affairs even though we have been broken up for 5 weeks now. He doesn't want me in his life but he won't finish up what needs to be done. How effing annoying. He had the balls to say to me that he wants to call the shots after me doing it for three years. UM, if I was calling the shots how did he manage to cheat and lie??? Answer that one for me. He makes me so damn mad, it's not even funny. I can't wait to be done with his act tomorrow. Honestly, all I have wanted is to finish this up, I don't want to talk to him or chase him down anymore. I did that for three years and I don't want to do this anymore. It was tedious, but I did it because we were in a relationship. Now, we are not anymore, this is not my responsibility. If he could just grow up for another half an hour we could resolve the rest of our problems and be done. But he prefers to drag it out some more and make life hell for the both of us. I wonder how his new girlfriend feels about this. About him texting and talking to me and arguing with me. If he doesn't want me in his life and doesn't want anything to do with me, why does he feel the need to drag this out? Is he really so self centred right now, that he can't even understand why this should be finished up ASAP? Is he so wrapped up with his new life that he can't be bothered to be a grown up for a few minutes longer? He wanted an adult relationship, he wanted all the enjoyable aspects of being an adult but now that the responsibility of being an adult has come along, he can't be bothered to deal with it. He is so immature and self centred right now that I don't even know who he is and the person he has become recently is someone I do not want to know on any level. Thank God, tomorrow, will hopefully be the last time I speak to his royal highness. He has become such an over dramatic diva, that I can't stand even text messaging him. Wish me luck tomorrow.


DILLIGAF said...

When you say 'he had the balls' the passed tense is a tad worrying..;-)

oops...don't put ideas where ideas shouldn't be Dinners...

You don't need luck babe. A baseball bad would do nicely.

....oop...there I go again..

4D x

DILLIGAF said...

Why can't I spell anymore? Passed for past, bad for bat?'s my bottom that hurts not my brain!!!