Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Traffic Stopping Hot

Since I broke up with Spencer, I haven't felt like eating. I just haven't been hungry. So thanks to my heartache I am fitting into some of my old jeans. We all know that love makes you fat and break ups make you skinny. Anyways, I put on some old jeans today and thought to myself "Damn, I look good."
The world has taken notice because as I was waiting for the bus to meet up with my friends, a guy stopped his car to talk to me. He held up traffic on one of the busiest streets in the city to ask for my number and if I would like to have dinner with him sometime.
As flattered as I was I declined. He asked why and I said "Oh I have a boyfriend." I don't feel ready to date yet and I really wasn't interested in this guy. And of course, I couldn't tell a complete stranger my entire life story. He turned to me and said "Well, that's too bad for me but tell your man he is the luckiest man in the entire world to have someone as beautiful as you in his life." He told me that I was so good looking that he wouldn't let me go out alone because he would worry that someone would try to steal me away.
It was a cheesy pick up, but it still made me feel good. It was nice to hear how beautiful I am. It was even better that I am looking so good these days that I can stop traffic. Can we say the same about Spencer? Hmm, nope. He has stopped showering and wearing clean clothes.
I am going to call Spencer and tell him what he has lost. He wants to be my friend and wants to tell me about his new girlfriend, well I can tell him how I stopped traffic. And how he was an idiot to let me go. His loss will be someone else's gain.


CindyDianne said...

Ewh - the new girlfriend let him stop showering and wearing clean clothes? Yuck. Imagine what kind of girl she must be.

Obviously not as gorgeous as you!


.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Oh how I wish you could see her. She makes trailer park trash look classy.
When we were together he was always clean and wore clean clothes and I never had to tell him to do it either.
He is dating a co-worker who I have nicknamed Magot, please feel free to refer to her as that lol. Since we broke up he has been a wreck and he won't admit to it. He hasn't been home since we broke up because he might actually have to deal with the decision he has made. He has been late to work everyday since we broke up, he has missed work, he has been reprimanded for poor hygiene at work and management found out that he is dating a fellow coworker. Did I mention he happens to be Magot's supervisor? He is afraid of losing his job now and if he loses his job he loses his car too. What a pity. As I am slowly, getting everything back, he is losing everything. And I don't feel bad about it all.
I am supposed to believe that he never had a relationship with her before we broke up but he has moved in with her the night he broke up with me.
I would never be with someone who just ended a three year relationship, hello rebound. When this blows up in his face and it will, she will make his life hell because she will feel used and betrayed. Maybe then she will know how I felt, maybe then she will think twice before she acts but who can really tell. Her intelligence level does not seem to be intact since she has a lucrative career in making pizza and working at a call center.
I know, that this sounds horrible but I am still angry and it has only been two weeks since we broke up. I just want him to feel as horrible as he made me feel.