Friday, November 24, 2006

Me + Nyquil = Bad Gwen Dreams

So since I have been sick I have been doing lots of sleeping. And I mean lots of sleeping as in 14 hours in one day. Plus I called in sick to work so there's been none of that since Tuesday.
But anyways I will get to my point. Over the last couple days I had bizarre dreams about Gwen Stefani. Specifically me telling her off kinda dreams.

In my dreams I ranted and raved about everything from my previous post on Gwen (sorry the link isn't working but it's in my archives for November 13th). I complained about the whole Harajuku girls, the continual use of the abbreviation of LAMB. And why she is yodelling in her latest song? Which don't tell anyone about this is kinda catchy. Damn you Gwen Stefani! Damn you! Anyways in my dream I went on about why the Harajuku girls are wearing blonde wigs and dressing exactly like her in her latest music vid. I don't get it. I can't understand it and don't think I ever will.

But enough about Gwen. I slept for 14 hours today and feel a little better. Actually alot better. Apparently sleep is the cure all for me.

I didn't go to school because I have just felt that craptastic but I'm returning to work tomorrow and I have Sunday off. I went and picked up my cheque tonite because we don't have direct deposit. Total pain in the ass but I went in, got my cheque and FB was surprisingly, overwhelmingly busy and I laughed. I laughed because I was not scheduled to work and they had all newbies in on the the weekend. Which if you ask me is stupid because 1) even though the last couple fridays have been dead it is still friday. 2) It's less than a month away from Xmas and you put all newbs on cash. And all the managers were in a panic because the lines were outrageously long and all the cashiers were extremely stressed. So in my typical style I did a mad dash through the store grabbed my cheque, wrote down my hours and ran outta that store like a bat outta hell. I did not want to run the risk of being asked to jump on a register. There was no way I was doing that.

After flying outta FB I raced over to the mall, cashed my cheque and promptly spent it. A little on me, a little on Xmas gifts and was outta there ASAP. Wal Mart around this time is somewhat violent being that Wal Mart is just another corporate whore selling cheap items with cheap prices and no customer service. People get extremely greedy about Christmas and I won't lie I love presents. I love the excitement, I love the food. I love the time off school. But I don't think that bowling people over with carts in Wal Mart to get that "perfect" gift is really what Christmas is about. (Unless its the brown PJ's from La Senza that I am dying for. Then I give my mom full permission to knock people over)I really have a strong love - hate relationship with Wal Mart. But we will save that for another time.

So I will be seeing Borat this weekend. I don't care who goes with me. I want to see it that badly. And I plan on going to the mall to get my picture taken with Santa. I don't care how old I am. I want my picture taken with Santa. And there is the possibility that I will post it on blog world.

But that is all for tonite. I am going to go back to flopping on the couch and watching Season Nine of Friends.



Anonymous said...

I'm right with you on the whole Christmas shopping mad panic get outta my way nastiness of it all. But somehow on Christmas day it does seem worth all the madness.

dilling said...

just in case you needed some extra christmas cash!!!
anonymous ass-hat!

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Anonymous sounds a bit like Askintoo...either way they are an ass hat.

captain corky said...

I give you a lot of credit for taking a risque like going into your place of employment on a busy Friday(especially after calling out) to pick up your check. I would have had a serious dilemma on my hands and probably would have waited until Monday or something.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Well I called in sick on Thursday not Friday. Plus, they don't care either.

Heidi the Hick said...

You're a gutsy chick!

I love the title of this post too!

Anonymous said...

Please share your pictures with Santa with us!!!