Friday, March 23, 2007

You don't have to watch Dynasty to have an attitude

I need to rant a little bit. It's about a girl that I work with and who used to date my boyfriend. If you can really call it dating. I was never bothered by her until she started asking me about my boyfriend, if we were dating and for how long. At first I thought she was just making friendly conversation but then she would snicker and make comments under her breathe to her posse of loser cashiers. She's always staring me down and watching me. She is a complete tool and does not know how to do her job. Whenever she has a problem at work, the girls in the office call me to help her because she is so stupid and useless that they don't want to deal with her. Well, guess what? Neither do I.
Today, she was asking me how much I make then telling me that she makes more money than me. I really want to tell her off or throw a drink in her face or bitch slap her. I want some daytime drama. I want to pull an Erica Kane or Babe Chandler. My insignificant other doesn't want me to because he says she's not worth it and that it doesn't matter because he is with me and not her. I understand his point but I really want to tell her where to go and how to get there but I have been refraining from this for a few reasons. These reasons are that I am trying to not let it bother me, to be mature and just let it go and even if I tell her off outside of work she's one of those who will bring it into the workplace. She will tell my manager or something stupid and I don't want to cause shit at work. I don't want to drag this into work. Good things are coming at work and I don't want to screw that up.
It looks like I hate her. It really does.


dilling said...

work drama is lame drama... why do people have to be so fricking difficult...
when she starts something, you could lean in close and whisper something about how much more happy your insignificant says he is now than then...or something equally ego bruising, but say it with a smile, a little chuckle...
but I guess her ego is already bruised and that is why she is doing what she does...trying to bruise you, too

captain corky said...

Bang her head into a locker or a table in the break room when nobody is looking. That might get her attention.

Heidi the Hick said...

She's just jealous cuz you got the nice guy and you're better looking than she is.

I don't even know what she looks like but I know you're better looking.

Michael Colvin said...

If she is spoiling for a fight then don't give her the satisfaction. Just smile and find it funny. People really really hate it when they can't rile you.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I hate her so much. She was being all friendly with me today at work and asking about my weekend. I wanted to scream "I hate you, please f*ck off." I refrained. I smiled and told her all about my plans with my insignificant other.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I hate her so much. She was being all friendly with me today at work and asking about my weekend. I wanted to scream "I hate you, please f*ck off." I refrained. I smiled and told her all about my plans with my insignificant other.