As the Christmas Season approaches, the supervisor at my school felt it necessary to give our class an early gift. The gift of suspensions, detentions, write ups whatever you would like to call it. Granted the school is an adult education centre that provides training on specific jobs in the health care field and there are specific dress codes and guidelines. However that being said, a certain supervisor has been in my class about 3 times in the last month, nit picking everything in the rule book regarding dress code. Instead of removing the few students who were not in proper uniform and discussing this matter in her office, she lectured the entire class for 25 minutes. She has already been in class twice, she has probably accumulated 2 hours of education time lecturing students. The first couple times I wasn't happy about it but I figured, she has a job to do, she has a supervisor to report to, so she has to do it.
This time, she has taken it too far. 25 minutes? After she has already been in here a couple times? So a few students don't understand or they are dense or something but excuse them from class, DO NOT INTERRUPT the entire class to rant and check every single student, right down to their socks and underwear. Oh yeah, now she wants to ensure that we are wearing white underwear only. If she thinks she is coming anywhere near my underwear she has another thing coming. It's bad enough that she checks our socks, but this is over the top. 100% ridiculous.
The entire time she is ranting about dress code, I am sitting there stewing, becoming more and more upset as the time passes. I am paying you fools $14,000 to educate me, not judge me on my appearance. If I want to wear hot pink underwear with lime green polka dots, I have that right. If I want lime green and orange hair color, I have that right as well. There is nothing in the policy that states that I can't have green and orange hair color but apparently "they are working on that too."
I understand that they are trying to prepare us for the workplace and that certain dentists will have certain expectations, however I am sitting in class, reading about radiology. When an employer is paying me I will gladly abide by their rules, in the meantime I am paying YOU to EDUCATE ME. Stop judging my appearance and teach me something or give me my money back, so I can go somewhere else.
P.S. Thank you all for your comments regarding Spencer's car accident. I appreciate it. He is doing much better and looking for a new car.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I need to vent
The Cougar has been written off. Spencer will be receiving $7000 for the car, which means we have to go car shop and find another one. I hated car shopping the first time around and he only looked at two or three cars before he bought the Cougar.
I am still really upset about the car accident. I really hate the woman that was so careless and negliegent to smash the front end of the car in. I really hate the fact that she was such an idiotic driver that she couldn't be bothered to look around her. I really hate the fact that she said to Spencer "Oh well, this is what insurance is for" rather than apologising or asking if he was ok. I really hate that she didn't offer him a ride home, her son did when he came to pick her up. I'm really annoyed that her front bumper has a dent in it and that's about it, when Spencer's was strapped into the backseat of the car. I am really frustrated with the officer that did not charge this woman. If the car accident would have been Spencer's fault, he would have been charged because he is a 19 year old male driving a sport's car but because it was an older woman driving a Honda Civic, it's ok.
I dislike the fact that people keep saying "It was an accident, she didn't mean to do it." Well, she was careless, negliegent and she didn't do much to prevent it either. I really question the individual that gave her a driver's license. She told the officer "It was too dark and I didn't look." Does that not warrant a ticket? Apparently not.
I know that eventually I will let this go, probably when he gets a new car but in the mean time I am still pissed and I am allowed to be. And I sincerely hope this has been a wake up call for this woman because it has been for Spencer.
I am still really upset about the car accident. I really hate the woman that was so careless and negliegent to smash the front end of the car in. I really hate the fact that she was such an idiotic driver that she couldn't be bothered to look around her. I really hate the fact that she said to Spencer "Oh well, this is what insurance is for" rather than apologising or asking if he was ok. I really hate that she didn't offer him a ride home, her son did when he came to pick her up. I'm really annoyed that her front bumper has a dent in it and that's about it, when Spencer's was strapped into the backseat of the car. I am really frustrated with the officer that did not charge this woman. If the car accident would have been Spencer's fault, he would have been charged because he is a 19 year old male driving a sport's car but because it was an older woman driving a Honda Civic, it's ok.
I dislike the fact that people keep saying "It was an accident, she didn't mean to do it." Well, she was careless, negliegent and she didn't do much to prevent it either. I really question the individual that gave her a driver's license. She told the officer "It was too dark and I didn't look." Does that not warrant a ticket? Apparently not.
I know that eventually I will let this go, probably when he gets a new car but in the mean time I am still pissed and I am allowed to be. And I sincerely hope this has been a wake up call for this woman because it has been for Spencer.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
This afternoon, I had to take a short walk to my doctor's office. Very short, 15 minutes total, that includes walking there and back. Anyways, I'm listening to my ipod, enjoying some Finger Eleven, when I look up and see a Chevy Aveo driving down the sidewalk towards me. First of all, it scared the pants off me. Second of all, why is there a Chevy Aveo driving down the sidewalk? Turns out, the lovely driver can't figure out how to turn a car around, so clearly she must drive it down the sidewalk until she can stop at a corner, block two lanes of traffic and then continue on her merry way into a parking space. Right in front of my doctor's office. I wanted to say something, in fact I had a lot to say, but did I say anything? No, because, I would just be wasting my breath. Did I call the police, take down her license plate number? No, I didn't do that either. I figure, she is driving downtown like an idiot where there is a lot of police presence in hopes of scaring away crackheads and the like. She is only tempting fate in the wrong neighborhood.
Now to show you the size of the car.

It's not a very big car at all. It's about the size of a Yaris, little bigger than a smart car. Now, I don't drive but if you can't turn a car around properly or safely maybe, just maybe you shouldn't have your license. If you have to drive the car on to the sidewalk to turn around for fear of colliding with another car, you definitly should not have your license.
Now to show you the size of the car.

It's not a very big car at all. It's about the size of a Yaris, little bigger than a smart car. Now, I don't drive but if you can't turn a car around properly or safely maybe, just maybe you shouldn't have your license. If you have to drive the car on to the sidewalk to turn around for fear of colliding with another car, you definitly should not have your license.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
14 Thousand Dollars
I am so stressed out right now. Unbelieveably stressed. My stomach is in knots and flip flopping. My hands are shaking and I can barely concentrate. I found out yesterday that my student loan for school wasn't approved and unfortunately I do not have 14 thousand dollars laying around. I have a meeting at noon to see if I can pay for school somehow. Otherwise, I can't attend class this afternoon.
I hope that I can find 14 thousand dollars somewhere. (Without a student loan from the government I can not afford to go to school again.)I just want to know how a school can charge that much for education? Seriously, you want people in the medical field but you make the programs so ridiculously expensive that no one can afford it. I don't understand.
I really want to go to school, I am enjoying it so much and it feels right. I still did my homework and everything for today, I studied for two exams. One is a WHMIS exam and I studied, don't they know that WHMIS bores me to death and I can think of worse things that I would rather do than WHMIS?
I hope I can work something out, because I do not want to work at "Party Packagers, your perfect party superstore" for the rest of my life.
I hope that I can find 14 thousand dollars somewhere. (Without a student loan from the government I can not afford to go to school again.)I just want to know how a school can charge that much for education? Seriously, you want people in the medical field but you make the programs so ridiculously expensive that no one can afford it. I don't understand.
I really want to go to school, I am enjoying it so much and it feels right. I still did my homework and everything for today, I studied for two exams. One is a WHMIS exam and I studied, don't they know that WHMIS bores me to death and I can think of worse things that I would rather do than WHMIS?
I hope I can work something out, because I do not want to work at "Party Packagers, your perfect party superstore" for the rest of my life.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Day 3 of School
Today will be my third day of school, and so far I am enjoying it. However, today we are learning WHMIS. Last month, when I had to WHMIS for work, I said "If I have to do WHMIS one more time this year, I am going to dump acid on my eyes and end it all." I realise that it's a bit extreme, but seriously, I could do it in my sleep. I have done WHMIS every year since grade nine, that's six years of WHMIS. Grrrrr. stupid WHMIS.
Yesterday we did some anatomy (which I love), we learned the classifications of cavities, the names of all the teeth in the mouth, the names of the different surfaces. It was much better than the first day. The first day we read out loud the chapter on microbiology. SOOOO BORING! The homework is brutal, hours and hours of it and this is just prestudy.
I have the first two weeks of school off from work, so I get to miss all the Halloween crap. I hear it's brutal and extremely busy. But I'm not there so I don't care. Melanie, my latest partner in crime, texts me everyday, telling me how much she hates it and wants me to come back. I can't blame her, I am pretty entertaining. We do a whole lot of nothing all day, well we play dress up. I have been a cop, an indian princess, an airline attendant, a Ruby Goddess (whatever that is). My fav costume though is Bat Girl. I've worn that one a couple times. Melanie has been a cowgirl, a cop, and I don't even know what else. We have probably tried on the majority of the women's costumes. The scariest costume Melanie ever wore was .... Michael Jackson. Pretty Creepy.
Tonight, I am going shopping with my Mom. I have to get the rest of my school supplies...scrubs for the clinic, a lab coat and safety googles. I'm sure it's going to be pretty hot. Maybe I will take a picture and post it.
Tomorrow Saw V opens up and I am very excited. Spencer and I have watched the first four to make sure we know what is happening when we go to see it tomorrow night. it is rumoured that Donnie Wahlberg will be reprising his role as Eric Matthews.

And he is taking me to Applebee's. I've never been there before but we can't keep going to Crabby Joe's together or they are going to put us to work, most of the servers know us by name.
Saturday, we are going to one of my fav places, the Pumpkin Patch. We need us some pumpkins. Ruby is terrified of them and I can't wait to see Bumble's reaction - after all he is afraid of his own reflection.

It looks like it's going to be a great weekend.
Hope you have a great weekend too.
P.S. I love hearing NKOTB on the radio again, I crank it in the car when Spencer is driving. I think he dies a little inside when I do that to him.
Yesterday we did some anatomy (which I love), we learned the classifications of cavities, the names of all the teeth in the mouth, the names of the different surfaces. It was much better than the first day. The first day we read out loud the chapter on microbiology. SOOOO BORING! The homework is brutal, hours and hours of it and this is just prestudy.
I have the first two weeks of school off from work, so I get to miss all the Halloween crap. I hear it's brutal and extremely busy. But I'm not there so I don't care. Melanie, my latest partner in crime, texts me everyday, telling me how much she hates it and wants me to come back. I can't blame her, I am pretty entertaining. We do a whole lot of nothing all day, well we play dress up. I have been a cop, an indian princess, an airline attendant, a Ruby Goddess (whatever that is). My fav costume though is Bat Girl. I've worn that one a couple times. Melanie has been a cowgirl, a cop, and I don't even know what else. We have probably tried on the majority of the women's costumes. The scariest costume Melanie ever wore was .... Michael Jackson. Pretty Creepy.
Tonight, I am going shopping with my Mom. I have to get the rest of my school supplies...scrubs for the clinic, a lab coat and safety googles. I'm sure it's going to be pretty hot. Maybe I will take a picture and post it.
Tomorrow Saw V opens up and I am very excited. Spencer and I have watched the first four to make sure we know what is happening when we go to see it tomorrow night. it is rumoured that Donnie Wahlberg will be reprising his role as Eric Matthews.

And he is taking me to Applebee's. I've never been there before but we can't keep going to Crabby Joe's together or they are going to put us to work, most of the servers know us by name.
Saturday, we are going to one of my fav places, the Pumpkin Patch. We need us some pumpkins. Ruby is terrified of them and I can't wait to see Bumble's reaction - after all he is afraid of his own reflection.

It looks like it's going to be a great weekend.
Hope you have a great weekend too.
P.S. I love hearing NKOTB on the radio again, I crank it in the car when Spencer is driving. I think he dies a little inside when I do that to him.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I am really excited to start this new adventure, I am going to school in 14 days. I can honestly say that I am really happy about this decision. I am excited about it and can't wait to start. I never felt this way about Advertising. Ever. I am going to begin a one year dental assisting program. It's disgustingly expensive, the numbers turn my stomach but let's not worry about that. My job is going as well as it could be I guess. I don't really like the job but it pays 25cents more than minimum wage, I work days and never weekends. It has it's positives. Plus, I love money, and now I have more of it. I work in a party store with lots of costumes, accessories and stuff. I play a ton of dress up and they encourage that, so I'm pretty lucky that I get paid to do that. The store is also going to let me work afternoons and not evenings and weekends when I'm in school which I really like because, that's what high school pukes are for, I hated high school kids even when I was one.
On Sunday, my mom, Shawn, Spencer and myself went to Windsor to see relatives. My mom's cousin just had a baby at the end of July and we have been dying to see her. She is so adorable. We had a great time and I will let my mom fill you in on the rest when she isn't suffering from a cold.
That's all that's new with me, just keeping busy very busy.
On Sunday, my mom, Shawn, Spencer and myself went to Windsor to see relatives. My mom's cousin just had a baby at the end of July and we have been dying to see her. She is so adorable. We had a great time and I will let my mom fill you in on the rest when she isn't suffering from a cold.
That's all that's new with me, just keeping busy very busy.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Let's talk about Sex
In the words of Salt 'n' Pepa,
"Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and me. Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things"
Tonight, I came across an article about teen sex. It is based on a study of high school students male and female in grades 9 and 11. It discusses, peer pressure or being bullied in to sex. Apparently the article inspired some people to begin a heated debate on the topic.
Take some time to read the article and some of the comments then, I would really like to hear your opinion on the topic.
My opinion is this...
Girls and boys can both feel pressured in to sex. Not all young males are the horny devils that many perceive them to be. Some boys can feel pressured or bullied in to doing "it." Boys too can feel scared, nervous, unprepared or just not ready. Some boys could be saving themselves. Just because they don't say it, doesn't mean they don't feel that way. Some boys are ready, some boys do have sex, some boys put pressure on their partner to have sex but this can go two ways.
Typically, we hear from girls about feeling pressured or bullied in to sex. Or using oral sex as a way to avoid intercourse. (Oral sex is considered sex too, it is still the action of giving a part of yourself to another person just like intercourse.) However, just as much as boys, girls can put pressure on their partner to have sex. Girls can persuade their partner into participating when they know their partner has said "No."
There is a difference between rape and what this article talks about - we all have free will, we all have the right to say "No," however our partners may disregard our feelings and find ways to persuade the opposite sex. Rape is when despite your best efforts to say "No" or fight the person off, they force themselves on to you. Rape can take place when one is intoxicated or unable to say "No." It is up to each person to voice their concerns but are we always able? Are we always willing? How comfortable are we with that person to really say to them "I'm not ready." As a high school student or young adult you don't always have the confidence to say "No" and really stand up for what we believe in. High school puts pressure on young adults in many different forms and this is just one of them, but just as much as a student should do their homework or study for their midterm, their parents should take the time to be truly open and honest about healthy sexual relationships. (And, for any young readers who have parents that are not willing to talk about sex, feel free to borrow mine. They have always been honest about sex and have never really held anything back....*cough*Shawn.)
Eventually, everyone will have sex, it is a natural part of life. We should teach children early on about healthy relationships and respecting your friends and eventually your partner.
"Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and me. Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things"
Tonight, I came across an article about teen sex. It is based on a study of high school students male and female in grades 9 and 11. It discusses, peer pressure or being bullied in to sex. Apparently the article inspired some people to begin a heated debate on the topic.
Take some time to read the article and some of the comments then, I would really like to hear your opinion on the topic.
My opinion is this...
Girls and boys can both feel pressured in to sex. Not all young males are the horny devils that many perceive them to be. Some boys can feel pressured or bullied in to doing "it." Boys too can feel scared, nervous, unprepared or just not ready. Some boys could be saving themselves. Just because they don't say it, doesn't mean they don't feel that way. Some boys are ready, some boys do have sex, some boys put pressure on their partner to have sex but this can go two ways.
Typically, we hear from girls about feeling pressured or bullied in to sex. Or using oral sex as a way to avoid intercourse. (Oral sex is considered sex too, it is still the action of giving a part of yourself to another person just like intercourse.) However, just as much as boys, girls can put pressure on their partner to have sex. Girls can persuade their partner into participating when they know their partner has said "No."
There is a difference between rape and what this article talks about - we all have free will, we all have the right to say "No," however our partners may disregard our feelings and find ways to persuade the opposite sex. Rape is when despite your best efforts to say "No" or fight the person off, they force themselves on to you. Rape can take place when one is intoxicated or unable to say "No." It is up to each person to voice their concerns but are we always able? Are we always willing? How comfortable are we with that person to really say to them "I'm not ready." As a high school student or young adult you don't always have the confidence to say "No" and really stand up for what we believe in. High school puts pressure on young adults in many different forms and this is just one of them, but just as much as a student should do their homework or study for their midterm, their parents should take the time to be truly open and honest about healthy sexual relationships. (And, for any young readers who have parents that are not willing to talk about sex, feel free to borrow mine. They have always been honest about sex and have never really held anything back....*cough*Shawn.)
Eventually, everyone will have sex, it is a natural part of life. We should teach children early on about healthy relationships and respecting your friends and eventually your partner.
Monday, September 08, 2008
MTV Video Music Awards
I didn't watch the awards show because like every other awards show I couldn't be bothered with it. Usually, I just browse the million and one pictures or articles carelessly strewn about the Internet.
The MTV awards caught my attention because apparently Britney Spears was on her very best behaviour. I have been secretly rooting for her over the last year, but not like the crying guy on youtube who wants to be Britney Spears. She looked great, she was gracious and most of all she didn't perform.

Of course Miley Cyrus was there, talk about a kid with split personality is she Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus? I never know, all I know is that I'm not a fan.

Miley Cyrus made friends with Katy Perry. I am undecided on her. She has the "I kissed a girl" song. I tried so hard to hate it but it was so damn catchy and it was stuck in my head all the time so I came to love it. However her clothing choice is not winning me over.

What can I say about Rihanna. Well, I enjoy her music the first two times I hear a song and then it becomes overplayed, and much like watching an awards show I can't be bothered.

Has anyone noticed how much cuter Ashlee Simpson is now that she fixed her nose? However with her new marriage and a baby on the way, I'm sure MTV will be throwing a reality tv show contract at them. And like her sister's marriage it will collapse into the sea with the chicken of the sea. Since their music careers have come to a stop, they have been promoting their own clothing line. I'm not sure if their musical careers came to a stop because her album isn't very good or if everyone is sick and tired of Fallout Boy playing the same three songs except with different lyrics. Who knows but for some reason, they were there.

Demi Moore also attended the awards show, not sure why, but she was there. I suspect that it's because she is a cougar and she has finally noticed what a tool Ashton Kutcher is and that he will never change. So she is on the hunt for some new, young male flesh. However, I hope someone warned her to stay away from the Jonas Brothers, they have promise rings and won't fall into her womanly traps so easily.

Pink was also there, she has a new single out but I have not heard it yet. I usually love seeing Pink because she always has such awesome hair and she is much more unique than the other female artists who walk the red carpet. I was hoping to see a wicked hairstyle that I could imitate but this one - I don't think so, I really like the cut but definitely not the color.

I did not recognize this next celeb. She very much like Pink sometimes likes to break the female popstar mould and this was no exception. Christina Aguilera attended wearing what I think may be a dress, can anyone identify this clothing piece for sure?

Last but certainly not least, Lindsay Lohan. She has become disgustingly thin. As Spencer put it "She looks like a bobble head toy. Do you see the resemblance, come on tell me you see it?" Yes, I definitely see it. In her best interest someone should point her in the direction of the nearest McDonald's and order her a supersize Big Mac combo.

In the end, it was just another typical night in Hollywood, except Nicole Scherzinger, the lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls was there and for once she was wearing an acceptable amount of clothing.
The MTV awards caught my attention because apparently Britney Spears was on her very best behaviour. I have been secretly rooting for her over the last year, but not like the crying guy on youtube who wants to be Britney Spears. She looked great, she was gracious and most of all she didn't perform.

Of course Miley Cyrus was there, talk about a kid with split personality is she Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus? I never know, all I know is that I'm not a fan.

Miley Cyrus made friends with Katy Perry. I am undecided on her. She has the "I kissed a girl" song. I tried so hard to hate it but it was so damn catchy and it was stuck in my head all the time so I came to love it. However her clothing choice is not winning me over.

What can I say about Rihanna. Well, I enjoy her music the first two times I hear a song and then it becomes overplayed, and much like watching an awards show I can't be bothered.

Has anyone noticed how much cuter Ashlee Simpson is now that she fixed her nose? However with her new marriage and a baby on the way, I'm sure MTV will be throwing a reality tv show contract at them. And like her sister's marriage it will collapse into the sea with the chicken of the sea. Since their music careers have come to a stop, they have been promoting their own clothing line. I'm not sure if their musical careers came to a stop because her album isn't very good or if everyone is sick and tired of Fallout Boy playing the same three songs except with different lyrics. Who knows but for some reason, they were there.

Demi Moore also attended the awards show, not sure why, but she was there. I suspect that it's because she is a cougar and she has finally noticed what a tool Ashton Kutcher is and that he will never change. So she is on the hunt for some new, young male flesh. However, I hope someone warned her to stay away from the Jonas Brothers, they have promise rings and won't fall into her womanly traps so easily.

Pink was also there, she has a new single out but I have not heard it yet. I usually love seeing Pink because she always has such awesome hair and she is much more unique than the other female artists who walk the red carpet. I was hoping to see a wicked hairstyle that I could imitate but this one - I don't think so, I really like the cut but definitely not the color.

I did not recognize this next celeb. She very much like Pink sometimes likes to break the female popstar mould and this was no exception. Christina Aguilera attended wearing what I think may be a dress, can anyone identify this clothing piece for sure?

Last but certainly not least, Lindsay Lohan. She has become disgustingly thin. As Spencer put it "She looks like a bobble head toy. Do you see the resemblance, come on tell me you see it?" Yes, I definitely see it. In her best interest someone should point her in the direction of the nearest McDonald's and order her a supersize Big Mac combo.

In the end, it was just another typical night in Hollywood, except Nicole Scherzinger, the lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls was there and for once she was wearing an acceptable amount of clothing.

Friday, September 05, 2008
A random update with completely random photos that have absolutely nothing to do with what I am talking about
Just for your enjoyment...
I currently have a part time job, I started two weeks ago and it is definately not where I want to be. I keep reminding myself how much I dislike so that my drive to find a job in my field will not disipate. The only good thing is that I am making my own money again. And we all know how much I LOVE money. All the clothes and shoes I have dreamed of can be purchased. Thank God.
I will be getting the Adobe Creative Suite very soon and I could not be more excited because it means that I can get some freelance work. I can also finish up some projects from school to add to my portfolio. Can't wait for it to come. :)
I am counting down the days to a very special event, the NKOTB reunioun tour. We have tix to the first date of the tour...13 days. I have a good feeling Shawn and Spencer will be very drunk. Actually they told me so it's more than a feeling. That also means that we will be doing some shopping in Toronto at the Eaton's Centre.

I currently have a part time job, I started two weeks ago and it is definately not where I want to be. I keep reminding myself how much I dislike so that my drive to find a job in my field will not disipate. The only good thing is that I am making my own money again. And we all know how much I LOVE money. All the clothes and shoes I have dreamed of can be purchased. Thank God.
I will be getting the Adobe Creative Suite very soon and I could not be more excited because it means that I can get some freelance work. I can also finish up some projects from school to add to my portfolio. Can't wait for it to come. :)
I am counting down the days to a very special event, the NKOTB reunioun tour. We have tix to the first date of the tour...13 days. I have a good feeling Shawn and Spencer will be very drunk. Actually they told me so it's more than a feeling. That also means that we will be doing some shopping in Toronto at the Eaton's Centre.

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Where is the Girl Power
Recently, I have been paying attention to the music my sister Jess listens to, mostly to bug her about it or confuse names on purpose to drive her a little batty.
Anyways, I have noticed the clothing or lack there of that these girl groups are wearing. It's sickening. They are supposed to be role models to the youth.
The Pussycat Dolls and Girlicious are two of the biggest girl groups right now. They are produced by the same people and sing the same kind of crap. There really is no difference between them. Neither group is more talented or attractive than the other.
The only difference is one group has more skanklicious members.

Pussycat Dolls

Spice Girls

The Spice Girls much like other girl bands were not particularily talented, however they promoted Girl Power and encouraged young girls to be the best they could be. At least the Spice Girls had something to stand for, something to believe in, what do these girls offer? Fashion tips on hwo to be the best skank you can be? How to wear the least amount of clothing? Apparently to be successful, you have to be willing to leave your dignity and self respect at home with your clothing. You don't have to be talented or attractive just willing to take off your clothes like a stripper, appear in almost soft porn music videos and promote wearing your underwear in public while dancing on cars, in alleys, streets, whatever the creative director feels will give these girls more media attention. How sad is it that for young women to live their dreams they have to settle for this and leave their morals behind. So I ask you "Where is the Girl Power?"
Anyways, I have noticed the clothing or lack there of that these girl groups are wearing. It's sickening. They are supposed to be role models to the youth.
The Pussycat Dolls and Girlicious are two of the biggest girl groups right now. They are produced by the same people and sing the same kind of crap. There really is no difference between them. Neither group is more talented or attractive than the other.
The only difference is one group has more skanklicious members.

Pussycat Dolls

Spice Girls

The Spice Girls much like other girl bands were not particularily talented, however they promoted Girl Power and encouraged young girls to be the best they could be. At least the Spice Girls had something to stand for, something to believe in, what do these girls offer? Fashion tips on hwo to be the best skank you can be? How to wear the least amount of clothing? Apparently to be successful, you have to be willing to leave your dignity and self respect at home with your clothing. You don't have to be talented or attractive just willing to take off your clothes like a stripper, appear in almost soft porn music videos and promote wearing your underwear in public while dancing on cars, in alleys, streets, whatever the creative director feels will give these girls more media attention. How sad is it that for young women to live their dreams they have to settle for this and leave their morals behind. So I ask you "Where is the Girl Power?"
Friday, August 15, 2008
Road Trip Part 2
After we packed and left the hotel in London, we began the two hour drive to Toronto. We had our cooler of food crammed into the back seat and ate lunch on the road. We had our ipods hooked up to the FM transmitter and drove like hell to get to Toronto because the Mayhem festival had started at 1pm.
Because Spencer had made us late to Billy Idol I could basically get away with whatever I wanted. We listened to most of the Spice Girls Greatest Hits CD. He also enjoyed a few Big 'n' Rich songs including "Hillbillies Like it in the Hay" and I sang a lot. Why is it that when people are in their cars they think no one else can see them? I embarrassed myself a ton but what do I care, I will never see these people in their cars ever again. It was highway karoke. Eventually, I put on some Slipknot to get us in the mood for some Mayhem Fest!
When we arrived to downtown Toronto, it was as if ever street we needed to be on had been ripped to shreds due to construction. It was a special type of hell. Spencer was getting really stressed out and very vocally me. We got to the Delta Chelsea but had no idea where to park or where the main entrance was, so obviously I had get out of the car and look for it. We went to the underground parking garage. This is quite possibly the smallest parking garage I have ever been in. It had one lane for traffic yet there were signs all over the place that said "Share the road" I am not sure how in the world that could be possible because the corners and ramps of the parking garage...long story short the front end of Spencer's car ate some cement wall. Thankfully, it was only cosmetic damage. It could have been way worse and I am so grateful that it wasn't as bad as we had expected.
We checked into the hotel, and collapsed. It was an extremely exhausting two hour drive especially the last half hour. We quickly got ready, me in my Rancid shirt, spiked belt and dirty jeans. I forgot my hoodie and of course it was cold, with the high risk of rain. It never rained, or I would have cried. We navigated our way to Downsview Park which was really far from the hotel. We didn't drive either because we didn't want to pay for parking again. The hotel already gouged us for $26 to park there for the night. We realized that Slipknot and Disturbed didn't come on for at least four hours. We had no money and no one that we wanted to see except for Slipknot and Disturbed. We sat in some wet grass for hours.
Disturbed finally came on stage after what felt like forever. I didn't see the performance at all because I am too short and there were some rather tall people in front of me. Once it was dark, Slipknot came on and performed for a little over an hour. Of course they played one of my fav songs and their new song "Psychosocial" which is quickly growing on me.
We had no money for shirts or anything and Spencer was a little upset about it. We were walking towards the exit after the show when Spencer tripped over a box. It was a small box but heavy. Spencer carried it all the way back to the hotel. We opened it to discover 50 magazines with Kat Von D on the cover.
We finally crawled into bed at around 12am. Check out was at 11am.
In the morning, I let Spencer sleep in as long as he possibly could. I packed everything up and started stacking our stuff by the front door. 15 minutes before we had to leave a maid came bursting through the door and was trying to rush us out so she could clean our room. I was pissed about it.
The line up for guests to check out seemed to go on forever, we paid for parking and could not wait to get out of Toronto.
We got on the highway only to be stuck in a traffic jam. There was some construction on the highway and one lane was closed. As we inched closer to the construction we began to see emergency vehicles speed on to the highway further ahead of us. There was smoke everywhere. We finally caught up to the emergency vehicles and watched as firefighters tried to put out a truck that was on fire. A one hour drive took almost three. It was an exhausting drive and when we finally got home, I slept for hours.
The concert road trip was a lot of fun, but I don't think we will be doing it again any time soon.
Because Spencer had made us late to Billy Idol I could basically get away with whatever I wanted. We listened to most of the Spice Girls Greatest Hits CD. He also enjoyed a few Big 'n' Rich songs including "Hillbillies Like it in the Hay" and I sang a lot. Why is it that when people are in their cars they think no one else can see them? I embarrassed myself a ton but what do I care, I will never see these people in their cars ever again. It was highway karoke. Eventually, I put on some Slipknot to get us in the mood for some Mayhem Fest!
When we arrived to downtown Toronto, it was as if ever street we needed to be on had been ripped to shreds due to construction. It was a special type of hell. Spencer was getting really stressed out and very vocally me. We got to the Delta Chelsea but had no idea where to park or where the main entrance was, so obviously I had get out of the car and look for it. We went to the underground parking garage. This is quite possibly the smallest parking garage I have ever been in. It had one lane for traffic yet there were signs all over the place that said "Share the road" I am not sure how in the world that could be possible because the corners and ramps of the parking garage...long story short the front end of Spencer's car ate some cement wall. Thankfully, it was only cosmetic damage. It could have been way worse and I am so grateful that it wasn't as bad as we had expected.
We checked into the hotel, and collapsed. It was an extremely exhausting two hour drive especially the last half hour. We quickly got ready, me in my Rancid shirt, spiked belt and dirty jeans. I forgot my hoodie and of course it was cold, with the high risk of rain. It never rained, or I would have cried. We navigated our way to Downsview Park which was really far from the hotel. We didn't drive either because we didn't want to pay for parking again. The hotel already gouged us for $26 to park there for the night. We realized that Slipknot and Disturbed didn't come on for at least four hours. We had no money and no one that we wanted to see except for Slipknot and Disturbed. We sat in some wet grass for hours.
Disturbed finally came on stage after what felt like forever. I didn't see the performance at all because I am too short and there were some rather tall people in front of me. Once it was dark, Slipknot came on and performed for a little over an hour. Of course they played one of my fav songs and their new song "Psychosocial" which is quickly growing on me.
We had no money for shirts or anything and Spencer was a little upset about it. We were walking towards the exit after the show when Spencer tripped over a box. It was a small box but heavy. Spencer carried it all the way back to the hotel. We opened it to discover 50 magazines with Kat Von D on the cover.
We finally crawled into bed at around 12am. Check out was at 11am.
In the morning, I let Spencer sleep in as long as he possibly could. I packed everything up and started stacking our stuff by the front door. 15 minutes before we had to leave a maid came bursting through the door and was trying to rush us out so she could clean our room. I was pissed about it.
The line up for guests to check out seemed to go on forever, we paid for parking and could not wait to get out of Toronto.
We got on the highway only to be stuck in a traffic jam. There was some construction on the highway and one lane was closed. As we inched closer to the construction we began to see emergency vehicles speed on to the highway further ahead of us. There was smoke everywhere. We finally caught up to the emergency vehicles and watched as firefighters tried to put out a truck that was on fire. A one hour drive took almost three. It was an exhausting drive and when we finally got home, I slept for hours.
The concert road trip was a lot of fun, but I don't think we will be doing it again any time soon.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Road Trip Part 1
On Thursday, Spencer and I began our concert road trip. We had a cooler of food, enough money for gas and $10 for Timbits and coffee from my mom. Our first stop on the road trip was London, Ontario to see Def Leppard with special guest Billy Idol.
We all know how I feel about Billy Idol.
We arrived in London, checked into our hotel and ate dinner before getting ready. The room we were staying in had a full kitchen, not that I would know what to do with it. It was a really great hotel and thanks to Spencer's job we paid $20 for the night. I was rushing around getting ready for Billy Idol and Spencer was watching Family Guy. I was getting really, extremely stressed out because I did not want to be late for the concert especially since Billy Idol was opening for Def Leppard.
I'm waiting by the door, itching to go when Spencer decides he has to go to the bathroom. We were late for the concert...I missed Billy Idol's opening song. We couldn't find out seats so I missed some more. I was so angry. If I would have done this to him, he would have felt the same way I did. He bought me a shirt to make up for it or at least try. It didn't make it better but hey now I have a new Billy shirt that fits. Well, I still cram into my Devil's Playground shirt, it's actually what I wore to the concert with faded jeans and a spiked belt.
We got to our seats and I was mesmerized as usual by Steve's guitar playing. I stared off into space as he played. I could watch him play guitar all day long. Billy performed a short set maybe an hour long, I was disappointed. He didn't play "Hot in the City", "Sweet Sixteen" and a few others which kinda sucked and I missed him play most of "Flesh for Fantasy" because of a certain someone.
After Billy Idol finished I was ready to go. I had completely forgotten about Def Leppard.
I am not a huge Def Leppard fan, but it I do love "Pour Some Sugar on Me" and they played it of course. They were awesome, and they did an excellent show.
After the concert we walked back to the hotel, grabbed something to eat and then went to sleep. We had to be up early to pack and head to Toronto for the Mayhem Festival.

To be continued...
We all know how I feel about Billy Idol.
We arrived in London, checked into our hotel and ate dinner before getting ready. The room we were staying in had a full kitchen, not that I would know what to do with it. It was a really great hotel and thanks to Spencer's job we paid $20 for the night. I was rushing around getting ready for Billy Idol and Spencer was watching Family Guy. I was getting really, extremely stressed out because I did not want to be late for the concert especially since Billy Idol was opening for Def Leppard.
I'm waiting by the door, itching to go when Spencer decides he has to go to the bathroom. We were late for the concert...I missed Billy Idol's opening song. We couldn't find out seats so I missed some more. I was so angry. If I would have done this to him, he would have felt the same way I did. He bought me a shirt to make up for it or at least try. It didn't make it better but hey now I have a new Billy shirt that fits. Well, I still cram into my Devil's Playground shirt, it's actually what I wore to the concert with faded jeans and a spiked belt.
We got to our seats and I was mesmerized as usual by Steve's guitar playing. I stared off into space as he played. I could watch him play guitar all day long. Billy performed a short set maybe an hour long, I was disappointed. He didn't play "Hot in the City", "Sweet Sixteen" and a few others which kinda sucked and I missed him play most of "Flesh for Fantasy" because of a certain someone.
After Billy Idol finished I was ready to go. I had completely forgotten about Def Leppard.
I am not a huge Def Leppard fan, but it I do love "Pour Some Sugar on Me" and they played it of course. They were awesome, and they did an excellent show.
After the concert we walked back to the hotel, grabbed something to eat and then went to sleep. We had to be up early to pack and head to Toronto for the Mayhem Festival.
To be continued...
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
I was punched in the face by punk rockers
Sunday we started the concert season. This year we kicked off the season by going to see one of my fav punk bands. We saw Rancid. It was awesome even though Rancid isn't very good live. There were two opening bands. They were okay, again not that great.
During the set up for the second warm up band, Spencer and I decided to get closer to the stage so that when Rancid was playing we could see them. Little did I know that I was standing in what is known as "the death zone." The first chord was plucked on that beat up Fender and people around me lost their minds and started moshing. My heart was racing, people were smashing into me and I was getting tossed around "the death zone." I lost Spencer in the crowd of lunatics, I became frantic, I started pushing back to get to Spencer so I could get the hell out of there. Next thing I know there is a fist in my face. It wasn't a very hard punch but enough for me to start pushing harder so I could get as far away from the "zone." My face wasn't bruised, not even a slight mark, I'm glad that my beautiful face wasn't smashed. Spencer saw the terror in my eyes and scooped me up, in seconds he had knocked over what seemed like a million punk rockers. I'm still wondering, what kind of people mosh to a warm up band???
I stayed on the side lines as people continued to smash each other around and then pick each other up off the beer soaked floor. I waited impatiently for Rancid to come out and play. It seemed like an eternity.
After an eternity of waiting Lars and Tim came on stage. They played Fall Back Down, Roots Radicals, Olympia, Old Friend, Black and Blue, Ruby Soho and they closed the show with Time Bomb. I'm disappointed that they didn't play Red Hot Moon, Salvation, California Sun and a few others. I was concerned that they weren't going to play Time Bomb but that was their encore, it was such a relief. I have the song on video thanks to my digital camera. And you can actually hear the song over the screaming. Well, I still can't hear but hey, I saw Rancid and it was awesome.
Tomorrow night, I'm going to see Billy Idol and Def Leppard. I'm practicing my fist pumps in excitement.

During the set up for the second warm up band, Spencer and I decided to get closer to the stage so that when Rancid was playing we could see them. Little did I know that I was standing in what is known as "the death zone." The first chord was plucked on that beat up Fender and people around me lost their minds and started moshing. My heart was racing, people were smashing into me and I was getting tossed around "the death zone." I lost Spencer in the crowd of lunatics, I became frantic, I started pushing back to get to Spencer so I could get the hell out of there. Next thing I know there is a fist in my face. It wasn't a very hard punch but enough for me to start pushing harder so I could get as far away from the "zone." My face wasn't bruised, not even a slight mark, I'm glad that my beautiful face wasn't smashed. Spencer saw the terror in my eyes and scooped me up, in seconds he had knocked over what seemed like a million punk rockers. I'm still wondering, what kind of people mosh to a warm up band???
I stayed on the side lines as people continued to smash each other around and then pick each other up off the beer soaked floor. I waited impatiently for Rancid to come out and play. It seemed like an eternity.
After an eternity of waiting Lars and Tim came on stage. They played Fall Back Down, Roots Radicals, Olympia, Old Friend, Black and Blue, Ruby Soho and they closed the show with Time Bomb. I'm disappointed that they didn't play Red Hot Moon, Salvation, California Sun and a few others. I was concerned that they weren't going to play Time Bomb but that was their encore, it was such a relief. I have the song on video thanks to my digital camera. And you can actually hear the song over the screaming. Well, I still can't hear but hey, I saw Rancid and it was awesome.
Tomorrow night, I'm going to see Billy Idol and Def Leppard. I'm practicing my fist pumps in excitement.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Yesterday I applied for a job as a technical writer, it would be fantastic money if I could get the position. I'm really hoping to hear from someone soon. Yesterday, I just kicked my own ass outta bed and walked to a temp agency where I registered. I have to finish an interview with them tomorrow at 8:30am.
In the meantime I have a bone to pick with a Sunoco gas station. The other night Spencer and I were out with my mom and we decided to stop and get some gas for the car. Spencer went out to pump the gas and he realised that the pump was not working,yet the meter kept going up. He went inside and talked to the clerk so the clerk reset the pump and Spencer tried again. Same problem. Meanwhile my visa was being charged for $30.00 of gas we did not recieve. Spencer once again goes into the store and speaks to the clerk. The clerk comes out and gives it a try. Nothing. So the clerk tells us "It's a problem with your gas tank" - still not sure how its a problem on our end. So, my Visa was charged a total of $1.34 because the pump was broken and the clerk had pumped almost $11 worth of air into the tank. And my mom let me use her debit card to pay for the tank full of air. The best part is that when you pay at the pump with a credit card, the credit card company holds a $100 off your card until the transaction is finished. However the transaction is not finished until the owner of the gas station files his papers or whatever at the end of the week. In the end, we have no gas, no money available on Visa to get gas somewhere else and my mom is out $10 for air. My favorite part of that is that all the manager of the gas station just has to spend five minutes on the phone, call Visa, tell them what the actual transaction was and the rest of my money will be released back to the card. The clerk that night gave us the number to contact the manager and we have heard nothing. We called last night and he wasn't there so the new clerk gave us the manager's cell phone number. We left a message on his cell phone and still nothing. The longer he waits, the more irate I become. He's lucky that Spencer wants to deal with him and doesn't want me to - at least not yet. Oh and if my mom gets a hold of the gas station manager he's going to be in more trouble then he can possibly imagine.
In the meantime I have a bone to pick with a Sunoco gas station. The other night Spencer and I were out with my mom and we decided to stop and get some gas for the car. Spencer went out to pump the gas and he realised that the pump was not working,yet the meter kept going up. He went inside and talked to the clerk so the clerk reset the pump and Spencer tried again. Same problem. Meanwhile my visa was being charged for $30.00 of gas we did not recieve. Spencer once again goes into the store and speaks to the clerk. The clerk comes out and gives it a try. Nothing. So the clerk tells us "It's a problem with your gas tank" - still not sure how its a problem on our end. So, my Visa was charged a total of $1.34 because the pump was broken and the clerk had pumped almost $11 worth of air into the tank. And my mom let me use her debit card to pay for the tank full of air. The best part is that when you pay at the pump with a credit card, the credit card company holds a $100 off your card until the transaction is finished. However the transaction is not finished until the owner of the gas station files his papers or whatever at the end of the week. In the end, we have no gas, no money available on Visa to get gas somewhere else and my mom is out $10 for air. My favorite part of that is that all the manager of the gas station just has to spend five minutes on the phone, call Visa, tell them what the actual transaction was and the rest of my money will be released back to the card. The clerk that night gave us the number to contact the manager and we have heard nothing. We called last night and he wasn't there so the new clerk gave us the manager's cell phone number. We left a message on his cell phone and still nothing. The longer he waits, the more irate I become. He's lucky that Spencer wants to deal with him and doesn't want me to - at least not yet. Oh and if my mom gets a hold of the gas station manager he's going to be in more trouble then he can possibly imagine.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Life is unfair.
I'm still unemployed with little hope for finding a job in my field.
It's discouraging to look for jobs and find nothing, either I am unqualified for the position, do not have enough experience or can't get to the job because it is out of town. I'm not ready to find a crappy minimum wage job but I am getting pretty restless and lacking routine. And neither of those things are good for me.
I'm getting bored, really bored
but I am reading a lot of books.
I have read two books in less than a week which were "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" by Kim Edwards and "Mistaken Identity" by Don and Susie Van Ryn and Newell, Colleen and Whitney Cerak. Both very good books, obviously because I read them in about a week.
I have started on "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire and then I will be starting "Island of Lost Girls" by Jennifer McMahon. "Island of Lost Girls was reccommended by People Magazine and received some decent reviews so we will see how it turns out. Next on my list to read are:
"Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" by Gregory Maguire
"Son of a Witch" by Gregory Maguire
"The Wizard of Oz" even though I have seen the movie a million times
and "To Kill a Mockingbird" I read this in high school and loved it so I would like to read it again.
My concert extravaganza will not be as great as last year due to that minor detail known as unemployment but however I have tickets to the following concerts and I am really excited.
The first concert will be Rancid, then Def Leppard with Billy Idol, then the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Fest Tour featuring Slipknot and Disturbed and last but certainly not least New Kids on the Block. I want to see New Kids so badly but the sooner that day comes it will mean that the summer is over.
Last but certainly not least I just want to say that I miss my Grandpa. I would also like to ask that my Grandpa leave coins larger than pennies and dimes, I would think after 9 years we would have at least upgraded to a quater. However that is not to say that I do not appreciate finding a penny on my pillow after a bad day.
I'm still unemployed with little hope for finding a job in my field.
It's discouraging to look for jobs and find nothing, either I am unqualified for the position, do not have enough experience or can't get to the job because it is out of town. I'm not ready to find a crappy minimum wage job but I am getting pretty restless and lacking routine. And neither of those things are good for me.
I'm getting bored, really bored
but I am reading a lot of books.
I have read two books in less than a week which were "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" by Kim Edwards and "Mistaken Identity" by Don and Susie Van Ryn and Newell, Colleen and Whitney Cerak. Both very good books, obviously because I read them in about a week.
I have started on "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire and then I will be starting "Island of Lost Girls" by Jennifer McMahon. "Island of Lost Girls was reccommended by People Magazine and received some decent reviews so we will see how it turns out. Next on my list to read are:
"Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" by Gregory Maguire
"Son of a Witch" by Gregory Maguire
"The Wizard of Oz" even though I have seen the movie a million times
and "To Kill a Mockingbird" I read this in high school and loved it so I would like to read it again.
My concert extravaganza will not be as great as last year due to that minor detail known as unemployment but however I have tickets to the following concerts and I am really excited.
The first concert will be Rancid, then Def Leppard with Billy Idol, then the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Fest Tour featuring Slipknot and Disturbed and last but certainly not least New Kids on the Block. I want to see New Kids so badly but the sooner that day comes it will mean that the summer is over.
Last but certainly not least I just want to say that I miss my Grandpa. I would also like to ask that my Grandpa leave coins larger than pennies and dimes, I would think after 9 years we would have at least upgraded to a quater. However that is not to say that I do not appreciate finding a penny on my pillow after a bad day.
Monday, June 16, 2008
The MuchMusic Video Awards were last night, it's a big star studded event that takes over Queen West in Toronto. I don't really care to watch it anymore but for some reason I ended up watching the last hour of the awards show. I just have to point out one thing...Jacob Hoggard. I'm not 100% sure what he was thinking or not thinking when he went for the homeless look wearing tattered capri pants, a hot pink fanny pack, white tshirt and sweat stained head band. Oh and how could I forget that he was not wearing shoes.

I think that maybe he was going for the Tom Hanks look in Cast Away, a movie I have never ever bothered to watch all the way through.

Anyone else see the resemblence?
My favorite part of the show was watching the New Kids on the Block. I sat through an hour of awards just to watch the last ten minutes. Had I known that they were going to be at the very end of the show, I would have watched something else and just tuned in for that but it was well worth it.

I think that maybe he was going for the Tom Hanks look in Cast Away, a movie I have never ever bothered to watch all the way through.

Anyone else see the resemblence?
My favorite part of the show was watching the New Kids on the Block. I sat through an hour of awards just to watch the last ten minutes. Had I known that they were going to be at the very end of the show, I would have watched something else and just tuned in for that but it was well worth it.

Monday, June 09, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008
So I've been out of school for two weeks now and I still have no idea what I am going to do. I have been perusing the job postings but everyone wants you to email your resume and cover letter. That is completely bizarre if you ask me, there is no personal contact, you don't get to meet the potential employee unless you decide to call them for an interview. I think it's dumb, but then again I also hate sending emails.
Yesterday was the media conference for the Athlete of the Year Award in our community. It is important to me because during my work placement I designed the logo that they will now be using. My mom and I went to the conference yesterday where they introduced the logo as well as the nominees for the award. It was cool, the local newspaper was there, one of the radio stations and the CTV crew. I talked to a few people but left as soon as I could. It was not what I thought it would be.
Anyways, if you did not watch American Idol last night here's the update...pot smoking hippie guy whose name I think is Jason was voted off which sucks because I wanted to see the hippie win. Paula Abdul was once again wearing some questionable clothing. It looked as though there may have been a dead animal on her shoulder. She should really fire her wardrobe type person. Oh yeah and Maroon 5 was on and Adam Levigne was somewhat rude, funny for me, some people not so much with the funniness.
Yesterday was the media conference for the Athlete of the Year Award in our community. It is important to me because during my work placement I designed the logo that they will now be using. My mom and I went to the conference yesterday where they introduced the logo as well as the nominees for the award. It was cool, the local newspaper was there, one of the radio stations and the CTV crew. I talked to a few people but left as soon as I could. It was not what I thought it would be.
Anyways, if you did not watch American Idol last night here's the update...pot smoking hippie guy whose name I think is Jason was voted off which sucks because I wanted to see the hippie win. Paula Abdul was once again wearing some questionable clothing. It looked as though there may have been a dead animal on her shoulder. She should really fire her wardrobe type person. Oh yeah and Maroon 5 was on and Adam Levigne was somewhat rude, funny for me, some people not so much with the funniness.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I haven't blogged in a couple days because my mind is just absolutely scrambled. I was able to rewrite my capstone. My teacher was kind enough to take all my hard work and scribble and cross out anything that she didn't like or that I had done wrong. So the very day that I failed my capstone, I sat in the computer lab for a very uncomfortable seven hours. Those cheap plastic computer chairs are a special kind of torture let me tell you. I finally finished it by 5pm and handed it in, never wanting to look at it again.
Friday was my Advertising gala. The pictures are posted on my mom's blog, you just have to scroll through two posts to get to them if you haven't already seen them. The gala was okay but everyone started leaving early probably because the DJ sucked some serious ass and I picked him so props to me ...not. The food was fantastic though and that's all that really matters. There was a huge roast beef buffet followed by the biggest and tastiest dessert buffet I had ever seen in my life. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures.
Saturday I went to the bar with Spencer and his work peeps. Spencer had a job interview at the bar... so now he has two jobs and I have none. I started getting a little too drunk so we went downstairs and enjoyed some nachos but really I wasn't having that great of a time so we decided to leave early.
I really need to start looking for a job, I have perused job websites and I have read all the job postings at the hospital since I've been there quite a bit the last two days. I applied for a copywriting job at the local newspaper only to have no luck. I have discovered on my mediocre job hunt that most places that hire advertising people are out of town and want you to have your own laptop. Well, let's think...I don't drive or even have a car. I don't have my own laptop so I will probably end up working some crappy job just to save up enough mula to get those really expensive things that I need to work in my field.
I have no idea what I am going to do or what I want to do which is why my mind is absolutely scrambled. Completely and utterly scrambled into a giant mess of everything. The Advertising program coordinator wants me to go Toronto for the Copywriting program. I'm thinking no thanks, I find Toronto a little too overwhelming after a couple of days so I think two years there won't do me any good.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what I should do? I could use a little help.
Friday was my Advertising gala. The pictures are posted on my mom's blog, you just have to scroll through two posts to get to them if you haven't already seen them. The gala was okay but everyone started leaving early probably because the DJ sucked some serious ass and I picked him so props to me ...not. The food was fantastic though and that's all that really matters. There was a huge roast beef buffet followed by the biggest and tastiest dessert buffet I had ever seen in my life. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures.
Saturday I went to the bar with Spencer and his work peeps. Spencer had a job interview at the bar... so now he has two jobs and I have none. I started getting a little too drunk so we went downstairs and enjoyed some nachos but really I wasn't having that great of a time so we decided to leave early.
I really need to start looking for a job, I have perused job websites and I have read all the job postings at the hospital since I've been there quite a bit the last two days. I applied for a copywriting job at the local newspaper only to have no luck. I have discovered on my mediocre job hunt that most places that hire advertising people are out of town and want you to have your own laptop. Well, let's think...I don't drive or even have a car. I don't have my own laptop so I will probably end up working some crappy job just to save up enough mula to get those really expensive things that I need to work in my field.
I have no idea what I am going to do or what I want to do which is why my mind is absolutely scrambled. Completely and utterly scrambled into a giant mess of everything. The Advertising program coordinator wants me to go Toronto for the Copywriting program. I'm thinking no thanks, I find Toronto a little too overwhelming after a couple of days so I think two years there won't do me any good.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what I should do? I could use a little help.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I'm at the college today, stressed out all to hell about my capstone project. (A huge pain in the ass project that encompasses everything I have learned in the last two years.) I'm almost done, all I have to do is print off my creative components in colour, bind the project all five copies and then complete my PowerPoint presentation. Not that much, really.
However, a girl who has a worse attendance record then mine, comes to the lab prints off a document that won't fit on a 8.5 X 11 sheet of paper, then leaves. (Rumour is that she failed the I care? Not really, I just want the damn printer to work. I know I'm being a bitch but I have to take care of my own work.)Well the document she was trying to print off jams the printer. Normally we would go get the program coordinator and ask him to fix it. But because it is the last week of school, he is watching capstone presentations. So for the last three hours I have been triple checking all my work.
Finally another student has gone to interrupt presentations so that the rest of us can finish our work hopefully, but I'm really unimpressed.
However, a girl who has a worse attendance record then mine, comes to the lab prints off a document that won't fit on a 8.5 X 11 sheet of paper, then leaves. (Rumour is that she failed the I care? Not really, I just want the damn printer to work. I know I'm being a bitch but I have to take care of my own work.)Well the document she was trying to print off jams the printer. Normally we would go get the program coordinator and ask him to fix it. But because it is the last week of school, he is watching capstone presentations. So for the last three hours I have been triple checking all my work.
Finally another student has gone to interrupt presentations so that the rest of us can finish our work hopefully, but I'm really unimpressed.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Funerals - they are so bizarre
Today was the funeral for Shawn's sister Mary. It was very overwhelming and stressful because I often get the impression that Shawn's sisters don't like us very much. And to be in a crowded room where you feel unwelcome makes a funeral all that much more difficult. Although I did like Mary's husband Mike and her sons Chris and Justin, they are quite possibly the sweetest, kindest, most caring people I have ever met. I think that it is so unfair for them to loose someone who was so kind and caring. She was loved by many people and the outpour of support from family and friends was amazing. I feel bad that I only had the opportunity to meet her maybe once or twice and now she is gone. The last two days have felt completely surreal, I'm still waiting to wake up. One of her relatives said, that the words "she's gone" will be the hardest to say because it's the truth and if we don't say them, then it's like it never happened.
The last two days have really got me thinking though, funerals are the weirdest form of comfort a human being can seek.
We take a loved one who has passed away, clean them, dress them, put make up on them and then put them on display for everyone to come look at before putting them in the ground forever. We send flowers, cards and share memories in between the tears. We do all of this to comfort ourselves, to gain peace and understanding.
The last two days have forced me to look at Shawn's family from a different perspective and realize that maybe things can change and the feelings of awkwardness and anxiety will slowly dissipate.
The last two days have really got me thinking though, funerals are the weirdest form of comfort a human being can seek.
We take a loved one who has passed away, clean them, dress them, put make up on them and then put them on display for everyone to come look at before putting them in the ground forever. We send flowers, cards and share memories in between the tears. We do all of this to comfort ourselves, to gain peace and understanding.
The last two days have forced me to look at Shawn's family from a different perspective and realize that maybe things can change and the feelings of awkwardness and anxiety will slowly dissipate.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Happy Birthday Spencer!!!
Happy Birthday Andrew!
I'm posting a RHCP song on my video bar for my friend Andrew who passed away this past October. We both shared a love for the RHCP and every day he would come in and sing me a line from a different RHCP song so this is for him. The first song he sang to me was Aeroplane, so it's over on the video bar. Check it out.
I will let you know my good news and a report on Spencer's birthday sometime soon!
Enjoy the weekend.
Happy Birthday Andrew!
I'm posting a RHCP song on my video bar for my friend Andrew who passed away this past October. We both shared a love for the RHCP and every day he would come in and sing me a line from a different RHCP song so this is for him. The first song he sang to me was Aeroplane, so it's over on the video bar. Check it out.
I will let you know my good news and a report on Spencer's birthday sometime soon!
Enjoy the weekend.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Chicken Factory
Please view the first video on the video bar. It's hilarious. Other than that I still haven't figured out the whole video bar thing so I have no idea what the other videos are but feel free to watch and let me know what they are.
Monday, March 24, 2008

I just read a rumour via the internet... get ready for this, there is a season 6 of NIp/Tuck. I can barely contain my excitement. Oh, I can't wait to get caught up on season 5.
In other news, I was able to get my archives back...Woohoo, unfortunately the spacing between my profile and links is non -exsistent. But you win some and you lose some.
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