Saturday, September 30, 2006
"If you got a big ol' booty and you like to shake that mother"
I hate being cranky at work but today was just one of those days. One of those days where there wasn't enough coffee in the world to make it a better day. So I'll be much happier when it is finally over and have to do it all again tomorrow...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tomorrow's go ahead, get your sexy on
The whole point is that I'm going to the Club tomorrow night and I am very excited about it. I haven't been there since Labour Day weekend being that I am not 19 and do not have a fake ID...althought I am working on it. I would like one very badly. All my friends are out chillin' at the bar and I'm not...damn me for not being 19 or not having a fake ID. I hate this because I feel so left out.
So L and I are going to get our sexy on according to Justin Timberlake. Cute Packer refuses to go because he is 20 years old and that is just not "his scene"...his words not mine. Whatever, I'm going with a girl from work as this should be interesting and fun. I am so excited and I cannot wait. I feel like I haven't done this in forever but realistically I haven't been to party in a little over a week.
It's going to be a good weekend because this is my big paycheque being that I worked 28 hours last week. The things I will do for my chump change. I worked my first 7 and half hour shift today. I liked it because I got to help train a new girl, do returns and my favouritest job of all - clean the box bin... Cleaning the box bin always leads to finding weird stuff. Tonight I found a long and very wide piece of cardboard that would not bend, so I took into the back where one of the grocery boys held it up so we could kick the shit outta it until it bent. Good times. As Kev says "only at FB does this type of shit happen.." Yes only at FB.
Today at work, someone called the store and said into the phone "How come you kick my dog?" this made us laugh uncontrollably. I am so glad Friday is here again. I need a Friday. I need some more laughs and partying. I miss it. But it's booze free partying which is alot more really is because you don't feel sick the next day and you can eat and it's just better. Trust me.
So happy Friday everyone and like I said it's okay, go ahead get your sexy on...just not in public.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Kev - this is for you
Kev is from school and I met him a couple weeks ago when we ended up in the same group for our Group Dynamics class.
We immediately hit it off well because we are classy people. Well, Kev is much classier than I am -he irons his clothes...what I didn't know that people still did that, let alone that we own an iron in our house...odd..very strange.
Actually Kev and I get great enjoyment from watching other unclassy people do very unattractive things. And we comment on their trashy ways ... he usually makes comments about my trashy ways which only makes me laugh because he is the one that owns a CD called "trashy tunes" with some quality ass slapping on the cover.
We have many conversations about people behind their backs because ... well to say it to their face is just rude. And we aren't that rude. Yet.
Kev is all about the 90's jams. Some are good and others well I could live without them. But I love him anyways... even if he didn't buy me some bling.
P.S. Some things I have learned from Kev...
English slang. don't ask what a minge is ...for the love of God do not ask.
French swearing ... and no I don't mean how we call our bad words french...I mean real French.
Also he informed me about Lindsay Lohan's uh ..fall out? As in her parts fell out because she wasn't wearing underwear.
Monday, September 25, 2006
No Working's not what your thinking. But I better explain before I jump right into the story.
Today Kev decided that we should go to the Mandarin for lunch. And I agreed excited to have something to do for the useless three hour block between my classes today. So we hopped in Kev's car and drove the thirty minutes to Missisauga. The tuneage in the car was hits of the 90's - very funny the things that used to be cool and hip. Good laughs all the way there...I also learned some French...and some English slang...thanks Kev...
So when we arrived at our destination, at our table for 12 was full and everyone was stuffing their face at the $10.99 buffet. Yeah, good eats for hungry college students. I as usual sat right next to Kev where we could make fun of people but not to their face of course, because that is just mean. Kev wanted to hit the dessert table first and I can't blame him but like a good boy he waited and ate real food first.
I always find it funny that you go to a Chinese buffet for Chinese food and they serve things like pizza, mashed potatoes, caesar salad, french fries. But then it leaves me wondering do the Chinese have Canadian buffets or as Kev calls them North American buffets where they serve things like PizzaPizza, McDonald's etc? That would be weird.
So after some face stuffing it was time to leave and head back to class...Advertising to be exact. So Aislin and I hit the bathroom where a the faucet was taped up with a note that read "No Working" and the fact that we had been up since 6am, that made us laugh histerically. Like raving lunatics. As we left the bathroom rolling with laughter we grabbed some desserts off a tray and headed out to the car. I had a very tasty chocolate covered strawberry.
I don't think they want us back at the Mandarin...not for a while anyways because I don't think a $20 tip for 12 people equals the chaos we caused.
So today's life lesson is that I, The Adult in Question can not behave in public and I cannot eat or be polite in a restaurant. It is absolutely 100% impossible for me to do that.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Your rug is on the ground
A man was loading his groceries into his cart when .... a strong wind came blowing his toupee right off his head. Then to make the situation worse he pretended it wasn't his toupee.
I watched this and laughed my ass off. I was very tempted to say "Sir, you're rug is on the ground, blowing away." When the toupee was gone it revealed a skullet....highly unattractive.
So then I had to share this funny thing with someone so I called my mom and Kev at work to tell them.
I actually got called into work so then I had to tell all the people there. I told every single cashier and manager and some of the produce guys. It was that funny.
The nice thing about call ins is that after you do two in a week the managers are willing to put up with any of your shit. So you can walk around, talk to people, go to Tim Horton's across the street. that's what I did, I went to Tim Horton's had some coffee, wore my black track pants and nobody said anything because I have saved the managers asses twice this week including on ER night. So that was my second funny experience at work this week.
And because I am so tired I am still laughing insanely.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
This sh*t is Bananas
Then after the produce war, I went to my register to serve the public - I've been told that that is my job. So there I was at my register when some cashiers and I started talking about squirrels specifically people who have been attacked by the little devils. Highly entertaining. Squirrels = bastards.
There was more randomosity tonite than ever before and because I was called in I was able to basically do what ever I want. I wish I could do that every single shift. It was funny, in fact I'm still laughing. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Punk Rock kinda Day
I wanted to post Rancid's "Fall Back Down" video today but Blogger and Youtube have made a joint decision to not let that happen. Damn you!
I decided that I was going to have a punk rock day today and not give a fuck about anything or anyone.
So I highly recommend some Rancid - if you're feeling punk rock.
Monday, September 18, 2006
More Randomosity
- My parents five year anniversary is today so I am going to build them a cake. Or possibly buy one.
- It's very hard to bring SexyBack when you're feeling sick.
- I agree with Phoebe from "Friends" - what kind of cruel person names their daughter Bethel
- Why aren't the tattoo parlours open at noon?!!! Hello, some of us want to get inked?
- What does haver mean?! And why is MxPx havering into their girlfriends?
- Why do I keep missing my chance to win Motley Crue tickets?
- Is Blue October considered an "EMO" band because if so I can't listen to them anymore?
- My mom signed an online petition to free Dog the Bounty Hunter because she thinks it's complete bullshit
- Why must Nickelback suck so much with their catchy tunes and why do the people of Aurora call them Nickelcrap and where did that term come from?
- Work has decided to suck the life outta me and therefore I cannot go to my friend B's 19th birthday party...
- Why must hot guitar player have a girlfriend that isn't me?
- I think I might go see Jackass 2 this weekend
And I think that's it for random thoughts in my head today...
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Drinkin' in ...Week 6
Last nite was a continuation of my partying for weeks in a row. Last nite was weekend number 6...I'm impressed that I'm still alive. Especially after having some really disgusting Bacardi Limon but between three people it was gone by the end of the nite. Thanks to L...woot! She once again drank more than anyone else. It was my weekend to pay for the booze so I bought a 26er of Bacardi which I did not enjoy courtesy of people kicking it over. It was a weird, fun time. And 1. I have learned that I can not play ANY card games. Last night we played Asshole which I lost at twice therefore making me the asshole. All i needed was the empty case of beer on my head with the word "asshole" written on it and it would have been a perfect night.
2. Now, that I am a few years older I realise why my older friends hated partying with me when I was 16. It's annoying and uh! It sucks. You get parents showing up and so on and so forth. It's just a big mess and I hate it and I now realise why it sucks partying with kids...not that I'm a grown up exactly but closer to 19 then any of them. I wanted to be shitfaced like everyone else but it just wasn't happening for me. I was in the mood to be totally trashed but it was happening...and it was extra lemony...which wasn't very pleasant.
3.The only upside to the Bacardi was now when I do my project for school (creating an Advertisement for Bacardi Limon) I can say that I have tasted the product. The party was at T's house and it wasn't so much of a party as it was a bunch of people from my highschool getting shitfaced with girls way too young for them. I brought Cute Packer with me and L. But then again I bring L everywhere with me.
4.I have also learned that any type of Rum is not my friend...and it leaves you with a killer headache in the morning. Yep, I had a headache this morning and I had to be at work for 9:30 meaning I was up at 7:30 which was very hard for me considering that I didn't get to sleep until some time after 2am. But I think I would do it all over again.
In the words of a close friend "You only live once. . . "
Yes I know my friend stole it from someone much wiser but hey you get the point...
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Ridiculous Song Lyrics
Fergie's London Bridge
"How come everytime you come around my london bridge wanna go down like..." and
"Fergie Ferg love you long time" I wish I had a name like Fergie Ferg
Sean Paul, Lil John - Culo
"If you shave it I'm going to give you some mighty tongue" Eww!
Shania Twain
"Whose bed have your boots been under?" I had to ask what the hell this meant...and you don't want to know if you aren't already informed.
Eminem feat Nate Dogg - Shake That
" I get more ass than a toilet seat"
"I want a girl with apple bottom jeans and a big ol' freak in the bed"
"Hope you don't mind but I told Nate how you like it from behind..." Secretly, I love this song even thought it's 100% disgusting and demeaning to women.
Nelly Furtado feat Timbaland - Promiscuous
"Is your game MVP like Steve Nash" Nelly used to be so cooler when she was more a flok singer rather than a uh...(insert your own word)
Poison - Talk Dirty to Me
"...Lock the cellar door" Creepy. I would definately not lock the cellar door...wait I'm afraid of the cellar.
Gilette - Short Dick Man
'nuff said about that one
Pussy Cat Dolls - Buttons
"Loosen up my buttons keep saying what you gonna do to me, but you keep frontin' babe..." I like this song even if it is about a girl wanting a boy to *play* with her...damn you PCD for being so damn catchy.
Pussy Cat Dolls - Don't Cha
"Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?" Slut!
Lil John -? basically every song he has...
" We want a lady in the street but a freak in the bed" Hahahaha...Very Funny. Boys are perverts.
Pussy Cat Dolls feat - Beep
"You got a real big heart but I'm looking at your...I'm a keep doing my thing while your playing with your..." If I saw a guy doing that while I was dancing...
Gwen Stefani- Holla Back girl
"This shhhh is bananas..." she can't even say the word shit. My mom says this shit is shit.
Gwen Stefani - What you waiting for?
I can't even get started on this song because its all uh, bananas?
Okay and that's all I can think of right now. I had a million bad songs in my head today but now I can't remember any of them. They will come back to me later and I will add them to the list of lyrical genius. . . .If this is the way it goes than I can definately be a songwriter.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
These are the things I think about in class...
- Why do we have seagulls downtown? We are nowhere near a sea.
- Why isn't Fergie wearing pants in her London Bridge video?
- What is her London Bridge?
- Why is it in the song "Talk to Dirty to Me" by Poison that they are getting it on in the cellar? CREEEEEEPY! I would definately NOT lock the cellar door.
- When did Sexy leave and why is it up to Justin Timberlake to bring it back?
- When is Raine Maida going to stop whining and start singing? We all remember the tune "Superman's Dead" right? It's been years ....
- How did Paris Hilton get a recording contract? There is still hope for me.
- Dane Cook handing Mischa Barton a sandwhich at the MTV awards was kind of mean but very funny...I laughed.
- I wonder if I can peace out of this class and go to the Sanctuary...crap, 80% of my mark is based on attendance.
- What would I do with a million dollars? Hmm....get my G1 and driver training, buy lots of shoes and a house to wear them in, make Billy Idol play in my backyard with lots of kegs for me and my a Dalmatian Dog, a Boxer, pay someone to get rid of my mom's Yoda lamp, buy Heidi a new Raoul and uh....any other thing I can do to waste a million dollars
- When I grow up I'm going to drive the biggest, most obnoxious truck ever made.
- I wonder if I can wear .... and get away with it
- Wow! This hip hop music I listen to is rude and dirty but very funny.
- Why did Gwen go solo? Now she is a big suckfest.
- What the hell are harujuku girls? Why would anyone want harujuku girls? I've got a big enough fan club I don't need skinny women dressed in what are supposed to clothes but really just look....anyways I don't need a posse to prove that I'm cool.
- What does it mean when the Black Eyed Peas sing "I'm going to get you drunk up off this hump" huh? They are going to get me drunk by looking at Fergie's lady lumps? GROSS
- Damn Green Day for selling out. Bastards. You used to be so cool, but now you sing about Jesus of Suburbia....what the eff?
- I wish my mom still had her 80's clothes it would save me a boatload of money.
- Why does Madonna think she's cool? Uh hello, yeah Madonna you're a soccer mom....Get the leotards off you tard and dress like the mom you are...
Yep, it's good to see that there is some train of thought in my head, now if it would only go back to Advertising and not this stuff. Let me know if you have answers to any of this....I really need to know. Maybe tomorrow I will have a list of things I think about when I'm at work.
Monday, September 11, 2006
I GIVE UP...already
Okay, I'm done bitching now.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Today after I served my mom threw my register she comes over to me and says:
ANNE: You can't serve family or friends ok?
ME: Okay, but nobody told me that before. Why wasn't it part of the training? That's kind of important...
ANNE: What does it matter? I'm telling you now ok.
Anne walks away and under my breathe I muttered the words ASS HAT.
Later, Anne is at my register for a pick up. A customer asks "Do you have any cases of Nestle Water left?"
My reply was "I'm sorry I don't know. Anne do you know if we have any water left?"
Anne: "UH I don't know. I don't know where anything is and does it look like I work in grocery? You should know by now that you have to call one of the grocery boys..."
So Anne called the grocery boys, picked up all my extra $20 bills and thankfully left. I have no idea why she pisses me off so much but she does and leaves me feeling like I want to cry. I don't actually cry I just feel like it. And I would never cry because then she would get some sort of satisfaction out of it and that would piss me off even more. The rest of my shift seemed to go by v e r y s l o w l y. . . . . . . . . .and I wanted to go home very badly. Eventually my shift ended and I was relieved of this temporary hell people call work. It pissed me off so much because I was having such a good day and she ruined it. It's partly my fault because I let her ruin it but she's an ASS HAT. ASS HATS have the job of ruining people's lives and fucking them up even if temporarily. So, that was work and uh! But on the upside last nite was good.
Friday, September 08, 2006
I miss L very much. I'm used to seeing her at least once a week and now I suffer from L withdrawl.
Worked ONE shift this week. Don't get me started on those ass hats.
Went and saw Beerfest last nite and loved it. But the best part is that I went with Cute Packer and tonight I'm going to a party at his house. (His big move last nite was holding my hand...very disappointed...)Then I think we're going to try and get me into the bar. So since this is the plan for tonight. I, naturally had to go shopping so that I look like a grown up and not a 14 year old. I realised this today when I was sitting in class and realised "Wow! I'm wearing the same clothes I did in Grade Nine. " Now, I'm almost broke and waiting for L to call because I want her to come with me tonight...lucky girl is 17 and never gets carded. But I on the other hand have 194 days until I can drink legally and always get carded. But on the upside this will be my fourth week in a row partying. Woot! Going for a record.
Well, that's all for now...I'm going to get ready so I look super hot tonight.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
10 Things I will Never Get Used to at College
- Getting coffee from a place that doesn't start with Tim and end in Hortons
- Not having a locker to put my things in...
- Having to think about what I'm going to wear
- Just getting up to go to the bathroom without asking anybody
- Calling your teacher by their first name
- Leaving class fifteen minutes early without a warning bell or anything
- Having people in my class old enough to be my mother/father
- Being able to chat on MSN Messenger or surf the net while your teacher is lecturing
- Going to the Gym between classes...something I never had time for or the opportunity to do before
- Not having to worry about what the Plastics think because there aren't any and the ones that are plastic aren't mean.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
100% Columbian
Then, I made a new friend and it's name is 100% Columbian coffee. He's my friend because he helped me survive my first morning class and gave me a good kick in the pants when I was groggy and ready to fall asleep - face smashed against the key board and a computer monitor blabbing on about QuarkXpress 6. By the way QuarkXpress 6 is the name of the new computer program I must learn....
After my kick in the pants, and one frustrating hour later I was faced with the dilemma of what the fuck do I do for an hour because I don't know anyone here. So I made like I knew my way around the school and wandered out to a picnic table where I made a list of things that I had been thinking this morning. That list included...
Why am I here?
I don't want to be here.
Mind you, it's all in my attitude, think positive....fuck this
I wish I was confident and had the ability just to walk over and start talking to people.
Those were just some of the things that ran through my head.
Eventually I saw someone from my program and we walked to our next class together. We had a class on the fourth floor and every single person we asked had no idea as to how to get there. I seriously thought this was some kind of joke that they play on the first years because even the teachers didn't know how to get there. Eventually, someone gave us the right directions. And when we finally arrived at our destination the class had been changed so we had to go right back to where we started. Longest version of musical chairs ever...
We finally settled only to get back up again and present ourselves to the class...yeah I forgot that I was being forced to take a class called "Presentation Skills" it sucked we had to draw pictures and then describe them and what they meant to us...I drew a horse, a plane and a picture of my family...
It looked like this but the picture of the horse was pretty amazing. I was impressed. Then I went and tried to explain my pictures. How on earth does one explain that monstrosity? Well I did very quickly then felt like throwing up because I don't do presentations well, so I guess that's why I have to spend about forty hours in that class. Back to my picture for a minute though...notice how my hair is unbrushed like in real life and my mom has a scowl on her face. J has big feet and K has a size zero's like in real life. Also, look at the size of Large man's head, if you ask me everything is to proportion.
After class, I had to go to the bathroom very badly...then one of the girls from my program gave me a drive home. We were bonding over loser ex boyfriends and parties.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Alive ... Barely
Friday night, work let me leave early so I made an appearance at this train wreck of a party. By the time I got there everyone was so drunk and there were 14, 15,16 year old girls falling over everywhere. But what made it worse was these girls were participating in acts that I never want to see again and videotaping them. Then the people who had boy/girlfriends sent the footage to their boy/girl friends at work etc. Girls were leaning over the balcony blowing chunks everywhere. The only other person who wasn't drunk was D who was trying to hook up with me and it was a definate "No"...not with him. But I must admit I did encourage the boozing by opening amd mixing drinks for people. I even did "shots" with these people. Okay so I filled up their shot glasses with vodka and mine with water but nobody except me knows that. After some prostitots did some falling, stumbling, passing out, the land lady showed up and told us to simmer down or she'd bring the cops. That's about the time I peaced out...As soon as I heard the word cops I was like "Thanks for the invite...peace out!" I caught the bus and went home, I was not having any part of police action.
Saturday, was a suckfest that involved Auntie Posh yelling at me for procrastinating about getting my bus pass and some craptastic work. Work was bad ... it made me close to crying. SO Let's not talk about that.
Sunday night...time to hit the club with L, guy from school, KK and her boyfriend CC. L and I partied like there was no tomorrow. CC was a little scarred from the whole hip hop, wigger exprience. Guy from school is totally in love with L and wouldn't leave her alone all night. Even after L told him she was interested in someone that wasn't him. And let me just say L has very good taste when it comes to guys. Unfortunately the Wrinkle Ranch came to us last night. Just because it says "All Ages" that doesn't mean people my parents age should be dancing with 15 year old girls. Okay so I don't think being in your thirties is old but it's too old, to be dancing with 15 year old girls's gross. The thing I love about L's interest is that he is intimidating and he can get rid of any unwanted guy with what he calls "The Stare"L and I danced in the cages not once, not twice but three times...We had no choice the place was packed and there was no dancing space. (All I can say is that I'm glad I wore boxers under my mini skirt.) Guy from school is madly in love with L and she told him that she wasn't interested in him but he's a persistent little bugger. So I did the only thing I could think of...corral L's interest onto the dance floor and pray that guy from school would take a hint. Which he finally did and L was very pleased that I got her interest on the dance floor. But I must admit it wasn't very hard because he likes L and was tanked enough to dance. The Wrinkle Ranch was a kind of a pisser last night because they can't take a hint either, but that's why we have L's interest to give them the stare. Or the fact that he's rather tall, broad shouldered and a known football player. KK and CC left around 11:30 (and I think they won't be back for a long time because the whole hip hop, wrinkle ranch, wigger, drunkness and nakedness scared them away).Too bad they couldn't take guy from school with them. At around 1:30 Cute Packer showed up! He grabbed me and pulled me on the dance floor. He must have been on his way to drunk because he never dances like he did last night (and that's all I'm going to say about that)...At around 2:30 it started to wind down and a huge fight had started in the parking lot. The fight was so bad that they had to block off the main street, 10 cop cars were there, a van and some of those useless cops on bicycles. L and Cute Packer wanted to stick around and watch but I made sure we didn't. I had already been pushed around enough inside by the other five fights that had started. So Cute Packer walked L and I back to my place where we talked for a bit, then he called a taxi to go home. By the time L and I got to bed it was almost 3:30 and L had to be up for work at 5:30. I don't really remember her leaving this morning either (guess that makes me a bad friend). It was intense last night and I must admit that I would do it all over again. Even though they didn't play my song...Shake that Ass by Eminem and Nate Dogg. My one regret is that I didn't start going to the Club earlier in the Summer.
So as I sit here remembering last night I wonder...
- Do parent know that their kids are dancing like strippers?
- Do parents let their kids out of the house wearing just their underwear?
- Do parents know their kids sneak into the 19+ area and get shitfaced...which I'm kind of jealous about
The answer ...probably not.
L wants to do this again and I think I might have to, as long as no one actually knows what club we are going to and that I'm not 19 yet...(7 months) so close yet so far away...
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Well, I went out with Auntie Posh yesterday and it was less than fun to say the least.
But in other news whatever happened to these wannabe punks? I mean aside from Joel Madden becoming Hilary Duff's bitch...
These guys had some catchy little songs that secretly I enjoy.