Okay...it's not what your thinking. But I better explain before I jump right into the story.
Today Kev decided that we should go to the Mandarin for lunch. And I agreed excited to have something to do for the useless three hour block between my classes today. So we hopped in Kev's car and drove the thirty minutes to Missisauga. The tuneage in the car was hits of the 90's - very funny the things that used to be cool and hip. Good laughs all the way there...I also learned some French...and some English slang...thanks Kev...
So when we arrived at our destination, at our table for 12 was full and everyone was stuffing their face at the $10.99 buffet. Yeah, good eats for hungry college students. I as usual sat right next to Kev where we could make fun of people but not to their face of course, because that is just mean. Kev wanted to hit the dessert table first and I can't blame him but like a good boy he waited and ate real food first.
I always find it funny that you go to a Chinese buffet for Chinese food and they serve things like pizza, mashed potatoes, caesar salad, french fries. But then it leaves me wondering do the Chinese have Canadian buffets or as Kev calls them North American buffets where they serve things like PizzaPizza, McDonald's etc? That would be weird.
So after some face stuffing it was time to leave and head back to class...Advertising to be exact. So Aislin and I hit the bathroom where a the faucet was taped up with a note that read "No Working" and the fact that we had been up since 6am, that made us laugh histerically. Like raving lunatics. As we left the bathroom rolling with laughter we grabbed some desserts off a tray and headed out to the car. I had a very tasty chocolate covered strawberry.
I don't think they want us back at the Mandarin...not for a while anyways because I don't think a $20 tip for 12 people equals the chaos we caused.
So today's life lesson is that I, The Adult in Question can not behave in public and I cannot eat or be polite in a restaurant. It is absolutely 100% impossible for me to do that.
Your Karma will be to have to have everyone who works there come through your check-out line asking about buying bags for groceries, having unscannable products and weird bread issues....
But you can always point to your cash register and say NO WORKING?
You were better behaved when you were 3. I guess that means there's still hope!
I can not believe that this is MY little girl! You were better behaved when you were 3...
You better hope the next time that you're hungry S and I don't point at the kitchen and say NO WORKING...That would be karma........i'm glad that you're having fun, tho.
Pizza & mashed potato at a Chinese place? That is odd. It sounded fun though!
I'm so old, I can't remember the last time a crowd of us trashed a restaurant. Not that I condone that sort of thing of course.
Hey, not that I'm naming any names, but I remember prying the No Smoking sign off the wall in a Burger King. It was stuck to the kitchen door of my mom's house for ten years!!!!
Not naming any names, huh? So it was YOU! I remember that, too. Always brought a smile to my face when I saw that on your mom's front door. Whatever happened to it? Did someone steal it? THAT would be karma. A better question....who was I married to back then?
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