Saturday, September 16, 2006

Drinkin' in ...Week 6

Take a few lessons from an Underage Drinker...

Last nite was a continuation of my partying for weeks in a row. Last nite was weekend number 6...I'm impressed that I'm still alive. Especially after having some really disgusting Bacardi Limon but between three people it was gone by the end of the nite. Thanks to L...woot! She once again drank more than anyone else. It was my weekend to pay for the booze so I bought a 26er of Bacardi which I did not enjoy courtesy of people kicking it over. It was a weird, fun time. And 1. I have learned that I can not play ANY card games. Last night we played Asshole which I lost at twice therefore making me the asshole. All i needed was the empty case of beer on my head with the word "asshole" written on it and it would have been a perfect night.
2. Now, that I am a few years older I realise why my older friends hated partying with me when I was 16. It's annoying and uh! It sucks. You get parents showing up and so on and so forth. It's just a big mess and I hate it and I now realise why it sucks partying with kids...not that I'm a grown up exactly but closer to 19 then any of them. I wanted to be shitfaced like everyone else but it just wasn't happening for me. I was in the mood to be totally trashed but it was happening...and it was extra lemony...which wasn't very pleasant.
3.The only upside to the Bacardi was now when I do my project for school (creating an Advertisement for Bacardi Limon) I can say that I have tasted the product. The party was at T's house and it wasn't so much of a party as it was a bunch of people from my highschool getting shitfaced with girls way too young for them. I brought Cute Packer with me and L. But then again I bring L everywhere with me.
4.I have also learned that any type of Rum is not my friend...and it leaves you with a killer headache in the morning. Yep, I had a headache this morning and I had to be at work for 9:30 meaning I was up at 7:30 which was very hard for me considering that I didn't get to sleep until some time after 2am. But I think I would do it all over again.
In the words of a close friend "You only live once. . . "

Yes I know my friend stole it from someone much wiser but hey you get the point...


dilling said...

You can't be a pirate if you can't drink rum....

and my fondest memories of college are the drunken ones...of course, the worst memories of college are the drunken ones, too.
My bad, ALL memories of college are drunken ones... really.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

hahaha. That's really funny. I don't think I'll be able to party this weekend has decided to suck the life outta me.