Friday, September 22, 2006

Your rug is on the ground

This afternoon I was on my way to work to pick up my cheque when I saw the funniest thing happen...
A man was loading his groceries into his cart when .... a strong wind came blowing his toupee right off his head. Then to make the situation worse he pretended it wasn't his toupee.
I watched this and laughed my ass off. I was very tempted to say "Sir, you're rug is on the ground, blowing away." When the toupee was gone it revealed a skullet....highly unattractive.
So then I had to share this funny thing with someone so I called my mom and Kev at work to tell them.
I actually got called into work so then I had to tell all the people there. I told every single cashier and manager and some of the produce guys. It was that funny.
The nice thing about call ins is that after you do two in a week the managers are willing to put up with any of your shit. So you can walk around, talk to people, go to Tim Horton's across the street. that's what I did, I went to Tim Horton's had some coffee, wore my black track pants and nobody said anything because I have saved the managers asses twice this week including on ER night. So that was my second funny experience at work this week.
And because I am so tired I am still laughing insanely.


Heidi the Hick said...

It's always uncomfortable and sickly funny when a dude pretends like it's his real hair and you're not supposed to call him up on it!

Biddie said...

I wonder if toupee guy knows how to podge? He could make himself a new rug in no time at all...Maybe you should mention it to him next time he comes in..

dilling said...

When I was a wee little kid, we went to Knottsberry Farm one year and we went on the rollercoater that went in two complete loopy mom and I saw something fall into the water/ pond under the coaster...she thought it was my new glasses and was freaked out and pissed at the potential loss...but when we got off the ride, the guy in the car ahead of us reached up and started freaking out cuz, of course, it had been his "hair." My mom started laughing hysterically... poor guy, he didn't realize that she was laughing out of relief that she didn't have to buy another pair of glasses...he was red, red, red. Why do guys do that to themselves?

Michael Colvin said...

That story was so funny!

I used to work with a little old wizened crinkly guy that had the worst two wigs in history. I say two because he had a summer and a winter one. One was straight, one was curly.

We all looked forward to his annual rug swapovers with gut busting hilarity.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I think these guys should consider podge...
I too would look forward to the wig swapover.

I told my stick in the arse manager last nite and she fell over laughing. So it must be really funny.

katy said...

ha ha i would have had to go up to him and tell him or better still shout it out nice and loud!