Wednesday, September 20, 2006

This sh*t is Bananas

Today I worked the best shift ever in the history of me working. It was bananas as in we were in the back room throwing bananas at each other. . . N threw a banana so hard it hit the wall and splattered. It made me laugh and the manager did a whole lot of nothing. It was highly entertaining - I now love the guys in produce. I used to be afraid of them but now I want to be transferred to produce if this is what they do all day. I could throw around produce and harass the guys in grocery.
Then after the produce war, I went to my register to serve the public - I've been told that that is my job. So there I was at my register when some cashiers and I started talking about squirrels specifically people who have been attacked by the little devils. Highly entertaining. Squirrels = bastards.
There was more randomosity tonite than ever before and because I was called in I was able to basically do what ever I want. I wish I could do that every single shift. It was funny, in fact I'm still laughing. HAHAHAHAHAHA

1 comment:

Biddie said...

Isn't it great to get paid for having fun? I am so glad that you like you're job...That's half the battle.