Wednesday, September 06, 2006

10 Things I will Never Get Used to at College

  1. Getting coffee from a place that doesn't start with Tim and end in Hortons
  2. Not having a locker to put my things in...
  3. Having to think about what I'm going to wear
  4. Just getting up to go to the bathroom without asking anybody
  5. Calling your teacher by their first name
  6. Leaving class fifteen minutes early without a warning bell or anything
  7. Having people in my class old enough to be my mother/father
  8. Being able to chat on MSN Messenger or surf the net while your teacher is lecturing
  9. Going to the Gym between classes...something I never had time for or the opportunity to do before
  10. Not having to worry about what the Plastics think because there aren't any and the ones that are plastic aren't mean.


Heidi the Hick said...

Good observation- the plastics don't go to college!

I think you'll get used to calling your teachers by the first names. It's weird at first but then it's cool. I mean, you're an adult now, right? So are they.

Like, they're not calling you "Miss Question" are they!

Biddie said...

Going to school with people old enough to be your mom or dad? You have VERY young parents...The rest you will get used to and then you'll wonder how you ever survived high school. Thank God, no plastics!

Biddie said...

Going to school with people old enough to be your mom or dad? You have VERY young parents...The rest you will get used to and then you'll wonder how you ever survived high school. Thank God, no plastics!

Heidi the Hick said...

Actually, come to think of it, she does have young parents.

Young, fun, hip parents!