Friday, June 30, 2006
No Luck...Yet
I feel so overwhelmed when I look at all the things I'm going to have to pay for in the fall. I liked it better when the textbooks were falling apart and free to use for the semester. I was talking to someone who recently graduated from the college I plan to attend and we were discussing what were we going to do with all the books that you have to buy. Every year, they change so it's not like you can sell them. I haven't even started yet and the amount I have to pay for fees and such is insane. Like, $3000 insane which is more than 3/4 of my OSAP. I put it all down on paper, and don't understand all the technicalities that they have then I get upset and I start yelling. Therefore nobody wants to be around me including myself. Gee, I'm so glad I decided to get myself a post secondary education that I can not afford.
So the job search continues. And hopefully somebody somewhere is desperate enough to hire someone with no "skills" or "experience."
Thursday, June 29, 2006
And so, the job search begins
I called a temp agency and they want you to bring in a resume with two references from previous jobs. That probably frustrated me the most because I wouldn't be calling if I had experience or references. That made me want to cry. I feel so frustrated and defeated already. It's not like I haven't applied for jobs before. Trust me, I've applied at Zehrs 4-5x (2 different locations), Quiznos, Tim Hortons 2x, Blockbuster,Tito's Pizza, Burger King, and nothing. You know it's bad when Burger King or Quiznos doesn't hire. It's fast food...who can't work at a fast food place. I brought home a Mc Donald's application but never handed it in. Who know's I could be a grease flicker. The thing that grosses me out about Mc Donald's is that I used to know someone who works there and they always smelled like grease but I think I could handle that with lots of hot showers and the realization that at the end of the week money comes to me and I don't have to pay it back. Damn. I want a Mc Job. I also know someone who works at a Tim Hortons that I applied to and she's a trainer person. She should train me. I'm trainable and I'll do anything for money. I love money. It can be exchanged for goods and services. I like goods and services almost as much as money. I know that once I have a job, I'll bitch about having a job but it'll be a semi happier bitch because there's money involved.
I was hoping that having a good volunteer placement would spark some interest in people and think "hey she's got some people skills" but nadda. My volunteer placement was supposed to my foot in the door when it came to getting a job. I was also hoping that maybe a kitchen job would come out of my volunteer placement because "hey I took a cooking course, I know all the people and pleeaaase give me a job" Nope. No job from them yet, though my supervisor talked about taking me on as her assistant but I don't think that will happen because you have to have a diploma in Recreation (which you can get from Conestoga College). My friend's cousin took Rec and so far she's the dodgeball and frisbee champion. I don't know what kind of course that is but I'm considering it. Ha Ha.
I'm considering of going back to my original plan. To marry rich, and become a Golddigger. I'm thinking maybe a soap star, a guitar player or a old guy on the verge of death...(Anna Nicole)...kidding. But, then I can have a butler named Francisco, a pool boy named Raoul, a driver named Vinchenzo and a chef named Emeril. And he (Emeril) could yell "Bam!" and make me laugh. Don't worry, I won't forget you all when I'm living in the lap of luxury.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Why I love the 80's
- I was born in the 80's, okay late 80's but aside from the point
Madonna was still cool, she was not a lame soccer mom
Billy Idol was in his prime...enough said Check out that underwear.
- The music was way cooler than it is now, no one was singing about political issues, women were not b*tches and wh*res, no one was rapping about killing each other
- Vince Neil from Motley Crue wasn't fat.
80's Vince vs.
this Vince?
- Motley Crue
, Guns 'n' Roses,
Aerosmith were cool and I know this for a fact because now when I tell my friends that this is what I listen to, they look at me funny.
David Lee Roth was a part of Van Halen, not singing about being a gigalo
- You could wear some pretty cool stuff..thankfully it's coming back in so now I can wear it too without getting beat up...the leggings, the earrings, more than enough hairspary to start more than one small fire
C.C. Deville wasn't known simply as a wash up or being charged for drug possession
****An aside on why I admire C.C. Deville. If anybody watches the Surreal life or saw an episode of the Surreal Life Season 6 then you would know that C.C. was one of the roomates this season. The first episode of the Surreal Life showed the housemates arriving and C.C. had just arrived from Rehab for alcohol and drug use. The day he arrived at the house, he had been out of rehab for about an hour or two. The seasons of the Surreal Life usually have an abundance of alcohol and this season was no different. The whole time (approx 2 weeks) everyone except Steve Harwell (who had also been in rehab a few months prior to the show) drank and celebrated different events with large capacities of alcohol and C.C. did not once have a drink or attempt to drink anything alcohol related. I thought that was an amazing act of courage on his behalf after living the rock star lifestyle for many years. ****
- It was the "Me Generation" it was all about me, me, me
- Legendary parties...Fight for your PAAARRTYYY!
- You thought anything was possible. People were not nearly as jaded as they are now
- Jethro had a way cool shag...not to be confused with a mullet but doesn't a mullet make a man? * to find out who Jethro is check out
- MTV still had music, there were no stupid shows like "8th and Ocean"
- You could wear two different earrings and no one thought you were "weird"
- The one hit wonders were way cooler than they are now...
Devo vs. William Hung or Adam Ant vs. Paris Hilton? (I'm hoping that Paris Hilton will be a one hit wonder otherwise "The Gods are crazy)
- Neon and spandex was big. I'm not condoning the use of spandex now but if you've got the legs...
- Frankie says "Relax" vs. Paris Hilton says "That's Hot"
- Hmm most of my favourite songs are from the 80's. For example, J. Geils Band "Centrefold", Beastie Boys "Fight for your right", Poison "Talk dirty to me", Technotronic "Pump up the jam", Salt'n' Peppa and Spinderella "Push it", Billy Idol- anything by him except White Wedding,
Whitesnake minus Tawny Kitaen"Here I go again"
Madonna "Like a prayer",
Run DMC "Tricky" "Walk this way"these are just some
- TV watchin' was good- The Cosbys, 21 Jump Street (the first season has Johnny Depp), Alf
- Movie goin' was good - The Ghostbusters, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, The Little Mermaid
- People knew who Molly Ringwald was
Haha! I have a hat similar to that one except mine has a rhinestone heart on the side.
These are just some of the reasons I love the 80's but I think I'm mostly a product of my environment because my parents love the 80's and why shouldn't they it was their time to shine. Thankfully, the 80's fashions are coming back so that I'll be able to have my chance to shine in an 80's sort of flashback sort of way. (Actually, it freaks my mom out when I dress in 80's style because it reminds her of herself). Maybe (at a later date) I'll post a couple pictures of me in 80's fashion and we can all have a good laugh. I'm sure my mom has some 80's stuff kickin' around.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Last Day of Immaturity
Anyways, back to the point of my rambling. As I was walking from the bus stop to the school (I refuse to ride the school specials because then I have to ride with a bunch of annoying grade nines and tens and feel ashamed of myself for not havning my driver's license, a job, a car and some money) I saw this white car swerve and fish tail towards the gas station near the bus stop. The driver looked familiar and then I realized it was a friend of a friend. So this car is going anywhere from 80 -120 km/hr or maybe it seemed faster because it was coming towards me I don't know. The car came up on the grass hit a telephone pole with a rather loud THWACK! Then back on to the road, then on to the grass where it did one complete donut and stopped perfectly as if someone had parked it there purposely. The car stopped about a meter from where I was standing and scared the hell out of me. The driver got out of the car, white as the uniform shirt and went to the payphone. Turns out some drunk driver cut him off as he was going into the school driveway and instead of swerving in to the school and hitting kids, he tried to straighten out the car but fishtailed towrds the gas station ...or so the rumour goes. All I know for sure is that he hit that pole and scared the crap out of himself.
After all this, I told my friends what happened and nobody believed me despite the car parked on someone's lawn. I wrote my exam, handed it in, had a goodbye and good luck speech from my guidance counselor. Then I tried to escape the school without another speech or running into someone but that failed. I ran into my first semester homeroom teacher who asked me about my future plans and what I would be doing this summer ( basically nothing). I hope to be working, fixing my car, saving some money and praying that Billy Idol to play Toronto this summer.
So that was the last day of school for me and the beginning of the job search. Much more eventful then I planned it to be.
Monday, June 26, 2006
I Dream of Jake

No, not Jacob Hoggard but Jake Gyllenhaal. It's a new one that's for sure. Don't get me wrong I haven't stopped loving Jake H, my chances with him are much higher than with Jake G. Whatever I love them both.
Anyways, I didn't have an exam to write today so I had a chance to sleep in and dream of Jake Gyllenhaal. We were out paintballing and I'm not sure why because it's a total guy thing that I don't understand but anyways back to my dream. We were on our way back to this apartment ( no idea whose apartment it was but that's not the point) when we saw my mom rescuing all these baby blue jays. So Jake went all animal activist (which I'm not against but what the hell is this crap in my dream for?) and helped my mom put these birds in nests and animal shelters (there was like a million stupid birds). Then my alarm rang and woke me up to remind thatI do not live in the lap of luxury andI'm not a celebrity nor am I married, engaged or dating one. But I guess there's always toniggt to dream of another celebrity and another lifestyle that I wish I had. I blame my mom and the birds for ruining my Jake Gyllenhall dream. Oh Jakes I swear I will marry one of you ( minus the prenup)because in the words of Kanye West I am a possible "Golddigger"
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Been There...Done That
You see the girl, not too bright apparently said "Yes " when he asked her to the movies. The girl thought that they were just going as friends since other friends were going to be there. She was wrong. VERY WRONG!! The boy tried to kiss her! She had no idea what to do. So they went their seperate ways after the movie. The boy was very persistent and the girl did not know what to do, she consulted everyone and everyone was puzzled. Finally, the girl decided after three phone calls in 2 hours to tell the girl that he loved her she decided she needed to break up with him, despite the fact that she did not know that they were "dating" until at the movie theatre he told everyone they were.
So the girl phoned him and told him that there was "no connection", so she lied but it was for a very good cause. She also told him that she would not feel right about going to the party with him the next night but he insisted they go as friends and hang out. So she went to the party and that's a whole other story involving beer goggles.
Anyways, when summer turned to fall and the two went back to school. The boy found himself a girlfriend...that I"ll refer to as "life sucker" because she sucked the life right out of the boy. The "life sucker" made him unhappy, made him cry and in some cases come to the girl for advice. The "life sucker" began to accuse the boy and the girl of doing things that a committed boy should not be doing. The "life sucker" believed this so much that she sent her cronies out to spy on the girl and the boy. Well, the girl found out and freaked out on the "life sucker " and cronies.
The speech went a little something like this:
If you have something to say you better say it to my face.
What kind of freak sends out her friends to spy on her boyfriend?
You obviously have trust issues that you need to get over.
And if you ever do something like this again...I swear to God...
After that the cronies and "life sucker" left the girl alone but the boy was not allowed to talk to the girl or else she'd break up with him and then she threw in some threats about harming herself and basically the typical, deluded girl speech of "If you do this...I'm going to..." So the boy and the girl who had been friends did not speak to each other for months, maybe even a year. So the girl decided it was time to take action, meaning that she was going to break them up. After many unsuccessful attempts, the boy set the "life sucker" 'straight', whatever that means.
So the boy and the girl were talking again. Then last night the boy startts talking to the girl on msn. The girl tells the boy that she has relatives over and can't talk right now but if he needs to talk he can call her. A couple hours later the boy phones the girl and the first time he phones the girl ignores the call because of her relatives but then he phones again. The girl answers the phone and explains that her relatives are visiting from out of town. The boy asks if the girl would like to see a movie with him. The girl says "yes" but there are two problems
1. She has no money
2.Her relatives are here
The boy says that he'll pay for the girl and to the girl this sounds like a date. So the girl tells him that she promised some other friends that she'd go out with them too this week but maybe they could do something together. The girl was not falling into that trap again. So now the girl has made a promise and doesn't know what to do. The problem lies within the "lifesucker" and what she'll do if she finds out the girl and the boy went out even if it was just as friends with other people.
It's the curse of the life sucker. Seriously.
Friday, June 23, 2006
A Funeral, a bunch of relatives and me
After the funeral we went to my cousin's house for a barbeque. All my aunts were there. It was a really good time. It made me think that maybe my aunt's death was for a purpose - to reunite the family. Otherwise, who knows when I would have seen my other aunts and family members. The thing that's really sad is that some of them live in town and I never see them. My sis KK reminds me of my Aunt Millie because they tell stories the same way and they're so animated and just have this fantastic sense of humour. It was a really good time. It was ALMOST as if nothing had ever happened. Sure, my Aunt Josie wasn't there but this is what she would have wanted. It made me think that we weren't celebrating her death but rather her life.
It was weird too though because I have all this family that I barely know and never really thought about getting to know them. Turns out some of them are crazy in a good way. Some of my aunts are really funny and if I got over the whole being shy and contiued to be my loud, obnoxious self I would fit right in. Especially since there's no denying that I look like half of them. (7 aunts, 1 uncle) That's alot of people. It's funny because you get the whole family in the same room and you can tell that we are all related, I guess that's how the rest of the extended family (and friends) identifies us.
I can't get over how much my Aunt Millie made me laugh. She's off the hook...which is like the rest of us but she's off of it in a good way. I couldn't make out half of what she said but the fact that everyone else was laughing and how animated she was made me laugh. Made me laugh so hard that when I had to go to the bathroom I didn't want to leave the room because I was afraid that I would miss something funny.
In some respects, I'm glad that you can't choose your family. But, I still wish that I could choose some others to be my family, then again aren't friends the family you choose?
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Hedley's Dirty Little Secrets
Okay, anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE Hedley. I love them because Jake is hot, they're Canadian and they've got some catchy songs. Good Canadian bands that have success are hard to find. I mean mainstream Canadian band success. So as I was watching the recap of the MMVA's I saw Hedley arrive to the event in a Police car with "hot" policewomen. It was a pretty cool arrival because no one at MuchMusic knew that they were arriving in a cop mobile. So they get there handcuffed and as usual Jake is his insane self. I love every minute of Jake footage. Seriously. I loved meeting him, I liked watching him rub his bum on strangers, I love his performance and especially when he impersonates the Mick Jagger chicken/rooster dance.
Anyways, Hedley was signed to Capitol Records in the U.S. which means they will sexified. Basically this means that everything they sing about is going to be about sex or somehow sex related. It happens. I'm just disappointed because now they will be Americanized. By Americanized I mean that they will suck like Paris Hilton's new single (which is really catchy and gets stuck in my head but she CAN'T SING she more or less speaks over some instuments). Hedley being signed to Capitol Records, means they will now have International success. (I've already got my American cousins hooked) It's good for the band but what about the CANADIANS...we made you famous!!! It's as if every time Canada has something good, some other country comes and steals it away. I just want to shout "No! Hedley is MINE!!" but I'm sure half of the female population under 20 feels that way. Wait, let me rephrase that.
"NO! Jacob Hoggard is MINE" but I'm sure half of the female popualtion under 20 feels that way.
Another little Hedley secret is that during the Junos this year (they took place in Halifax) Jake got in a fight with one of the other band members ( I want to say Tom but I think it was the drummer Chris Crippin because Tom was the one who had his butt tattooed with Hedley. He and Jake did it together. Jake had to shave his bum. It was on MuchMusic). During the awards ceremony Jake had to wear band aids with butterflies on them.
Well, that's all the Hedley dirt I have for now...
It's Not the End...
I remember when I joined the school newspaper, it was out of spite. I wanted to voice my opinion and do it with a vengence. My very first article made the front page of the newspaper. I was so excited and proud. It was short lived because after four articles I was bored and dropped the newspaper. The yearbook was another attempt at an extra curricular and an easy credit. It was much harder than I thought and I had a love- hate relationship with it. I wanted to be a part of it because I wanted my face plastered all over the book which it was. After a semester of technology hell it was over and I vowed never again would I do that.
I have so many memories like the time I fell flat on my back in the snow with all my guy friends standing around. Or in grade 11 when Luau fell flat on her back in the snow and her binder popped open and this paper floated through the sky like a homework snowfall. We all laughed so hard that we couldn't help her up. There was also the time when I made a guy cry before9am( school record). My favourite day was when the first bell rang and some teacher tried to rush my friends and I out of the caf when the fire bell went. The school was on fire! It was awesome. My friends and I left the school and went out for the day. Sure, we were marked absent and truant but it was well worth it. There's so many memories that it would take me all day to list them.
It's hard to leave a place that I devoted so much time to. Everyone told me that the four years would go by quickly but I ignored them and thought that I had all the time in the world but I realize now that I took that for granted. The years went by so quickly and I can't believe in September that I will be in college. I'm too immature for university but at least I know that. September will be a new adventure, one that I am excited about but terrified of at the same time but hopefully this time I won't be sitting on the floor in the hallway crying because I lost my schedule.
I don't think that I'll miss the gossip or the homework or any of the crappy stuff but I will miss my friends and all the memories we have but somehow I don't think the memories will suffice.
So here's to you ...
- Duck
- Hilary
- Roach
- Chicken Teryaki
- A.L.
- Elizabeth
- Katie Bug
- Luau
- the bad ass DJ/ math enthusist
- Sims
- Party Animal/ Gruesome Geddes
- Gnomie
- And everyone else
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
My Love - Hate Relationship with PODGE.

Podge- what a great invention. Glue like substance that is thin enough to glaze photos but strong enough to hold the photo in place. I love podge but hate it at the same time. Podge is an addicting little craft. Hickchic and I spent a couple days in the summer podging scrapbooks for my sisters. We made a Johnny Depp book and a celebrity book. My sis KK loves Johnny.
Anyways, I decided to make the downstairs bathroom into a theme room. It's kind of a 50's theme but mainly Elvis. I love podge because it's so permanent, so easy to use and addicting. I love podge because it sticks to anything. Hickchic once told me that she was watching a TV show where a woman podged EVERYTHING including her kitchen furniture! She took podging to a whole new level.

Moving on, the reasons why I hate podge are:
- - when you brush the podge on, the pictures sometimes move, creating wrinkles in the photos
- - the podge is sticky. I hate sticky stuff. When I was little sticky hands used to make me cry. Now it just makes me whine.
- - the paint brushes you use for podge are hard to clean. After taking a semester of art, I still can't clean a paint brush properly.
My bathroom shelves are half finished because podging has done nothing except piss me off. I tried to podge a deck of Elvis playing cards on the shelf and it didn't work. The cards wrinkled and made a big mess. A complete waste of time. Now, I'm back to square one. Well, at least now I have a printer for my computer, so I can print off Elvis pictures via the internet.
Top Picture: My can of podge. Costs roughly $5.98 (Wal- Mart, that's why it's only 0.98 cents, not 0.99 or an even $1.00)
Bottom Picture: My shelf. Half finished. Aside from podge frustrating me, I get side tracked very easily.
Sorry, I know the pictures are sideways. I can't figure out how to rotate them.
I'll keep you posted on how the bathroom turns out, that's IF I ever finish the bathroom. Well, if I never finish the bathroom at least the Elvis curtain will be done. I did that first.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Welcome to my's a whirlwind.
Today, was somewhat uneventful. I slept until 11:30 ( I didn't go to school). I left the house around the house around 1 and helped my mom run her errands. I'm usually not very helpful and today was no different. We went to the flourist to pick out a flower arrangement for my aunt who passed away on the weekend. That's always fun picking out flowers for the decist.
As I was looking for an arrangement, I noticed that the pictures often included caskets or pictures of the decist. Not like actual dead people, model dead people. I thought it was kinda morbid. Who enjoys being paid for photos, so the photos can sit on a casket? Creepy.
Anyways, it goes along with the dreams I've been having or the nightmares. I have these really morbid, intense dreams where I'm at funerals. But it's not just being at a funeral, the caskets always pop open or the decist attack me as I'm praying by the casket. Or I'm at the grave site and I fall in the grave or as the casket is being lowered it pops open to reveal skeletal remains. Oh, and did I mention that the decist always comes back months after the funeral to attack me.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Curse of the Ex(es)
Well, today I saw two of the people on my list in less than hour. It was brutal, after the week I've had, it was the cherry on top of a less than perfect week. The people on my list include:
- the sperm donor from 18 years ago
- the Geoffanies
- Got No and Roxanne
- Ex No. 1
- Ex No. 2
- Betty and all her personalities
- and anyone else who could possibly upset me any further this month
I first saw my most recent Ex boyfriend as I was heading to my second period class. I dislike him more than the first one. I saw him and it was no big deal, I mean what did I expect when we both go to the same school.
As I am leaving school to go home and get ready for my volunteer placement who should I see? Ex Number 1. He comes over and pushes me as if we're best friends. I was in one hell of a mood and basically told him to take a hike. Maybe I should have told him that shampoo was on sale this week.
The thing I hate most about seeing my exes is that they always find me when I'm looking less than good. And of course I'm the loon that thinks that they're thinking "Wow, she looks like sh*t, what was I thinking when I dated her" or "Wow, she's a real mess, she must be heartbroken over me" Now, I know this seems paranoid or insane but if you knew Ex No. 1, then you'd know this exactly what he's thinking. He's got an ego bigger than his head. I promise you this, his ego walks in the door before he does. He always makes me think of the song "Emily" by Bowling for Soup. If you haven't heard the song then I will tell you what it's about. Basically this guy sleeps with all of his girlfriend's (Emily) friends. The song basically sums up our relationship. Maybe the lyrics sum it up better...
Emily by Bowling for Soup
Verse 1
Another dose of unhappiness
So I got drunk
Had sex with all your friends
You told me to never call your house again
Emily, you saved the day
Emily, when you threw me away
She was always such a pretty girl
Nobody like her in the world
A little piece of heavenly
That no one else could stand
I see her in my dreams at nightI
see you when I close my eyes
I just can't seem to shake you, Emily
You got your money and I got cast
Outside thrown out on my ass
In the city with no one else, no where else to go
So I hooked up with this model from Singapore
Emily, I sure am glad you didn't want me anymore
She was always such a pretty girl
Nobody like her in the world
A little piece of heavenly
That no one else could stand
I see her in my dreams at night
I see you when I close my eyes
I just can't seem to shake you,
Emily, you saved the day
Emily, you saved the day
Emily, you saved my ass
He didn't sleep with my friends, he just kissed them, partied with them and then lied to me about it. Oh and when we fought it was hell. There was more violence than anything else. And to think he still comes around hoping to get some but he's so wrong. I have no idea where he came up with the idea that he'd "score" with me because we were 15 and never did anything except fight.
After that little rendez vous with my exes I wanted to come home and crawl into bed but that was blown out the window by other committments.
I swear, that I pissed someone off bad and they're doing voodoo because I am so cursed the last couple weeks. Or maybe it's karma getting me in the ass for all the stupid things I've done.
If I could just have one day where I don't sink into a hole. You know the sayings "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" "Or there's nowhere else to go but up" I think the people who came up with that need to be booted in the ass. Or in the words of my Aunt Josie "clean their clocks"
(Other people that need to be booted in the ass: Yoda, C3PO, Luke Skywalker. I'll have more postings on this later).
I don't think I'm paranoid. I think I know that someone's out to get me. (Okay, maybe a little paranoid.) All I need is a bomb shelter and a little tin foil hat and I'm 100% certifiable. Oh and don't forget the CB radio because maybe I'll be able to send signals to the aliens. Then they can take me up to their mother ship and disect me like a frog in grade 10 biology. Yum. Alien food.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Tell Elvis I said "Hello"
It's odd to have one person in your life at one moment and then the next they are ripped away from you.
I keep remembering all the things we talked about and did.
The day I gave my aunt the Elvis Christmas ornament, she was so excited and happy.
Or when I made her sugar cookies because I was unable to visit her on during Spring Break.
All the funny cards or how she'd start a coversation with "I'm not one to talk or judge but..."
That was her segway to discuss the actions of a family member. She was a gossip hound but I loved it. All the family dirt was mine, all I had to do was call.
I'll always remember how she loved Pepsi, Elvis and the local TV network(maybe she hated it, I'm not quite sure but she always talked about it.
My favourite stories are:
- when she called into the local television station to complain about the driver's license policies
- at another family member's funeral, she spoke with everyone. It was like she was running for mayor.
- I loved the way she displayed her Elvis collection but if you touched it she'd "clean your clock"
- I loved the way she hated the neighbors kids because they ran through the apartment building like it was a "g*d damn playground" or "if you're gonna bitch about the other neighbor's dog barking maybe you should quiet your g*d damn grandkids"
There's so many funny things she said and did that it would take me forever to list them. She wasn't one to talk or judge but...
All the plans I had keep pouring into my mind and flood every single thought. I was going to buy her a DVD player(okay my mom was going to but it's the thought that counts, right???) so she could watch "Walk the Line", I had a deck of Elvis playing cards for her, I was so excited to show her my Elvis theme bathroom. I was going to show her my surprise behind the bathroom mirror.
It's ironic how some of the people that are so important to us or touch our souls and affect us so positively leave this earth before we are able to tell them how much we love them. It's always been beyond my understanding how the people we love the most leave us so quickly.
All the things I was unable to say are here and it's as if now I'm not too busy to say them but it's too late. I know that my aunt knows that I love her but it's not enough.
Isaac Asimov said "Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome." I believe this quote is true. No one is afraid of death completely, they fear leaving their family, friends and life behind.
I know my aunt wouldn't want me to cry or be upset but I loved her so much. I will miss her so much but I know she's looking down on me. And since she's up there I hope she tells Elvis I said "Hello."
P.S. I don' t think she's missing too much at Lobsterfest.
Rest In Peace Raoul
You stood at the end of the driveway for more than a year.
Guarding the home,
From what I do not know.
One day, you finally moved
To a dwelling in the dark
Where feather boas
and other disguises hid your true appearance.
After years in the dark
A shed became your home
A shed in the driveway
Where renovaters impersonating home designers
Threw you away
Far away from home
The land fill
You now call home
But to us your home
Was here
In the driveway
Dearest Raoul,
Your body is gone but your spirit remains.
This little diddy is for Raoul.
The ever faithful lawn jockey who used to live at my get away and hide home until he was brutally ripped away without so much as a goodbye.
At least we have the comfort of knowing that you are eternally with Warf.
We will always have your memory and pink feather boa.

Peace Out Raoul.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Paranoia. It's Just Good Thinking When Everyone's Out to Get You.
Yesterday, I said that maybe I was the idiot the surrounded by intelligent people, hmm turns out I am the intelligent people and everyone else is an idiot except for the people I'm not beefin' with. They know who they are. I hate slackers, people who don't pull their own weight when there's work to be done. It's like I have all these projects due and I can't get a break. I know I sound like a whiny teenage girl but seriously somebody help me. All the adults out there are going "Welcome to the real world." Yeah, well I'd like to be unwelcomed anytime now. Please.
I'm so stressed that I can't even be happy about the good stuff.
For example I have 5 days of school left and instead of having my happy psychadellic freak out, I'm having the "I'm mad, don't mess with me, psychadellic freakout" It's been an intense week. Usually, "Save a horse, ride a cowboy" makes me feel better but instead it just annoyed me.
"Why, won't people just let me live!" "Come, on three feet personal space minimum!!!"
They won't leave me alone because:
- a) I made some one very angry
- b) People find it entertaining to make me upset (Yeah, sure it's all funny when it's not happening to you)
- c) Karma
- d) I don't know. I have no response.
You know if this was an episode of My Name is Earl, (by the way, I think Jason Lee is hot for a red neck)
Iwould make a list of all the things I had done wrong in my less than two decades of existence and try to make up for them. But my selfish teenage mind won't let me.
I'm really upset with a lot of people and like my counselor tells me "You hold on to other people's garbage and won't let it go. You hold on to it until you snap and then you can't deal with the consequences." Yeah. So what if I'm a garbage collector. One man's trash is my treasure...sort of. Whatever.
I think the song lyrics for the Dixie Chicks "Not Ready to Make Nice" sums up my attitude this week.
"Not Ready To Make Nice"
Forgive, sounds goodForget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waitingI’m through with doubt
There’s nothing left for me to figure out
I’ve paid a price
And I’ll keep payingI’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it rightI probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
I know you said
Can’t you just get over it
It turned my whole world around
And I kind of like itI made my bed and I sleep like a baby
With no regrets and I don’t mind sayin’It’s a sad sad story when a mother will teach her
Daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger
And how in the world can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they’d write me a letter
Sayin’ that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think
I shouldI’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it rightI probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting
That's right. I am still waiting. Damn straight. For all my friends who read my blog. Yes, I like some country. I'm finally admitting it. Go ahead laugh but you know I'm still a punker at heart.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups
I'm frustrated to the point where I'm not even frustrated anymore. "Got No" is runining my life. He always seems to win. He's like "Saber Wolf."
Quick list of terms:
"Got No"- ex-next door neighbor, who won't leave me alone. He's named Got No because he's got no job, no money, no kids and no prospects.
"Saber Wolf"- An internet person, who has these music files named incorrectly. He also seems to win all games played on the internet. Every time I lose at something I blame Saber Wolf.
"Roxanne"- "Got No's" girlfriend. She's a professional escort. I'm being polite. Try and catch my drift.
I've just been having this terrible week. I had to court this week because of some problems I had with "Got No" Then "Got No" called some authorities on my family and we had to deal with them. And the cherry on top is there is nothing I can do about "Got No" I think he's been taking lessons from Saber Wolf. "ot No" seems to get away with it all.
To add a little more stress on top I have two projects due Monday and exams for school start on Thursday June 22. So, it looks like next week will not be any better. I think I'd rather be somebody else...someone like rich and famous, with a chef, a pool, a nice car and lots of shiny, sparkely stuff. Actually. They have probably have much more complicated problems like what will they do with all their money? Which shoes should they buy the Manolo Blahnikks or the Pradas? I think I'd take the Manolo's...
Everyone Secretly Loves the Spice Girls

Baby Spice, Ginger Spice, Posh Spice, Scary Spice, Sporty Spice
It has come to my attention that everyone secretly loves the Spice Girls and I know this for a fact. Every single person will deny liking or enjoying the Spice Girls but they're full of the *stinky stuff*. But every single person, can recite a line from one of their songs and some may even be able to recite whole songs. I even know boys who used to like the Spice Girls. I know some boys who in top secret scenarios will listen or sing the Spice Girls tunes.
Let me give you some lines from Spice Girls tunes.
*Slam your body down and wind it all around*
*If you wanna be my lover.*
~ Wannabe, Spice Album
*Stop right now
Thank you very much
I need somebody with the human touch
Hey you always on the run
Gotta slow it down baby
Gotta have some fun*
~Stop, Spice World Album
*Come a little bit closer baby, get it on, get it on,
Cause tonight, is the night when 2 become 1,
I need some love like I never needed love before,
(wanna make love to ya baby),
I had a little love, now I'm back for more,
(wanna make love to ya baby)
Set your spirit free, its the only way to be,*
~2 become 1, Spice Album
*Never give up on the good times,
gotta believe in the love you find
[Never give it up no, Never give it up no oh oh],
Never give up on the good times,
living it up is a state of mind
[Never give it up no, Never give it up no oh oh], *
~Never Give up on the Good Times, Spice World Album
*Colours of the world(Spice up your life)
Every boy and every girl(Spice up your life),
People of the world (Spice up your life),
Ahhhhhhh *
~ Spice up your life, Spice World Album
See, it said "every boy and every girl, spice up your life"
And, to this day every boy and every girl is still spicing up their life. It must be from all that Girl Power the girls gave off in their barbies, movie, CDs, and every other piece of merchandise the Spice Girls could convince parents of buying their children. In fact, check out ebay, they're still selling the Spice Girl bubble gum. Ewww.

P. S. I secretly wish the Spice Girls would reunite and go on tour.
P.S.S. The Spice Girls, Ginger, Scary and Posh are fighting. Something about Ginger not going to Posh's wedding, Scary's still mad at Ginger for leaving the group and Posh thinks she's too good for that now that she's married to Becks.
Oh, girls you taught never to give up on the good times. Why did you?
No Man, No Problem.
Why? you may ask.
Because, I have been single since December and enjoyed every freakin' minute of it. I don't think boyfriends bring you forward socially. Yes, they are great to have they have many positives but also many negatives. Let me give you some scenarios.
- you get invited to a party but your boyfriend does not? What do you do? don't go.? ask if you can bring him along?
- you want to go out with a group of friends. all your friends have significant others except for one...hmm the third wheel effect
- you don't get along with your boyfriend's friends or vice versa...more complications
- you miss time with your girlfriends because you are always with the boy
These are just a few examples.
I don't understand why people think that having a significant other makes them feel powerful or better than any one else.
Having a significant other on your side does not make you any more powerful, valuable or worthy than anyone else.
Dating should never be about convience or status. It should be about companionship and friendship.
Anyways, here are some famous couples...
This couple is from As the World Turns...Jack and Carly. Apparently "nobody does forever better."
For all you Johnny Depp fans...(Hick Chic and my chicken sister, Chicken Teryaki and my sister KK) This is Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder before they broke up and had her name tattoo changed to "Wino forever"
Another great couple. Lucy and Ricardo. Despite the fact that everyone loves Lucy, I think Ricardo loves her the most.
England's royalty next to the Queen. It's Posh and Becks.
Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne...Okay, I don't know what to say about these two.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
"Put on your Wife Beater!!!"

Now, when I say wife beater, I don't mean this guy... ->
I don't usually watch Wife Swap or Dog the Bounty Hunter but members of my household find these shows especially entertaining and now I think I know why. I was watching Wife Swap the other day when one of the mother's yelled "Put your wife beater on!" Not only was she serious but she was mad that the child would not wear a wife beater because the child thought that the wife beater t-shirt was "inappropriate"
Another person famous for wearing wife beaters...Dog the Bounty Hunter

Now, Dog's wife was out shopping for Dog and when she returned home with a shirt that had a rooster on it she tried to convince Dog that it was a dragon shirt. This is how the conversation went...
Beth: No, that's a dragon.
Dog: No, it's a rooster. See the beak and the claws.
Beth: Well, you need shirts for when we go to fancy things.
Dog: Well, just return it. I don't like it.
Beth: Well, I could cut the sleeves off of it, then would you like it?
Dog: The only shirts I wear with names on them are Harley Davidson and Jesus.
Well, I guess Dog and Beth are going out fancy.
Aren't hillbillies fun?...funish?
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Soap I don't mean the one that is my life
For example Susan Lucci who plays Erica on All My Children is the star of everything. It seems as though the writers find a way to put her into everything.!! And when her character dies it will turn into the Kendall show. Kendall is Erica's daughter who whines about nothing except herself. Kendall just whines and carries on like a 4 year old and makes every situation about her and nobody else no matter what the circumstance. The show is slowly becoming the Erica and Kendall show because it cannot be fully handed down to Kendall until Susan Lucci dies. Hopefully her character will die soon because if she doesn't I might. Especially if I have to hear about Greg Madden and what he did to Erica one more time. Oh and one other thing Greg is not God so shut up and stop condemning everyone.
Speaking of Soap Operas...
If anyone watches As The World Turns then you will know about the Daytime Dollars contest where you can win up to $500/day. Here's the catch though, it is only open to American viewers. What about all the Canadian viewers...we like money, especially the kind that is free and that you don't have to work for but "no we can't have the daytime dollars money" ...I want money, I like money...Oh, and another thing the actors will come to various states but no not the provinces. Yeah, well we could call our provinces, states if we really wanted too but we call them provinces because it sounds French and cultured. So, if it's a matter of free money or sounding cultured I guess we Canadians prefer to be cultured...
*Thinks to self* Damn, I wish I was American...they have free money.
Bunny Land

This is Henry. Bunny Land- this is where I live
Yes, I live in a place called Bunny Land. Okay, so it's a made up place technically but I do have a lot of bunnies. Eight of them to be exact. We started out with two and at one point had 18. It was hectic and chaotic but there's nothing cuter than bunnies. My parents tell me daily that the house is run by bunnies and that it's driving them nuts...

The other ones don't look like anyone famous, or well known.

The black and white rabbit(not Henry) is Anya. She's not the brightest crayon in the box but she is pretty.
The Problem with Blondes

Courtney Love and Pamela Anderson,
Crazy vs. ?
As I was finishing up today's blog, I thought of something that I had to add because it's been bothering me like you would not believe.
I recently entered a debate as to whether or not Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain. I truly do not believe that she did not kill Kurt. Sure, she introduced him to drugs, helped him attain drugs and all those other things. But, she did not hold a gun to his head and say here "take some drugs, they're good for you" She only made Kurt feel like wanting to die with all her crazy antics. Example: When she threw the make up mirror at Madonna because she wanted to meet Madonna during a live interview (hilarious footage, look it up) I mean with antics like that of course you'd want to die...of embarassment that is. I feel bad for Courtney, she's had bad days that have turned into bad years. And poor Frances Bean, her name is Frances Bean and she's been taken away from her mommy one too many times, and her daddy is dead and her mommy uses his name for money. It's a vicous circle for Frances Bean. Courtney just cannot cotain herself, it's like her inhibitions have been permanently let loose.
She can probably thank the drugs for that.
Another blonde, that seems to bug me is Pamela Anderson. She never bothered me until I read this quote from her
"I always feel taller when I swim with my shoes on."- Pamela Anderson
I'm sure we'd all feel different swimming with our shoes on but I'm not sure taller is one of the things we'd feel unless we were wearing high heels but what person in their right mind would swim with shoes on unless they were surf socks.
Next point. Are surf socks, socks or shoes? Leave your comments.
Why I dislike Simple Plan...? And other bands that I love

Simple Plan ...Why Do I Dislike them?
I have several issues with the Canadian band Simple Plan. My first issue is why did they start making sucky music? No one knows, they had a few good tunes such as "Addicted" and "I'd do anything" featuring Mark from Blink 182. Those were really good songs but then they became environementally aware...are they new to earth or just stupid? Seriously. I mean there's nothing wrong with being aware of the environment you live in and all of society's issues but keep it out of your freakin' music. I don't think celebrities should comment on politics, the environment etc. I believe they should use their power to help change the world but does it have to be in every song or on the news all the time. When it's in the news or in music it seems as though it's become a media grab not a chance to make the world a better place. If you ask me it seems as though Pierre is taking a few lessons fromU2 frontman Bono or as I like to call him Bozo. He's always got his head in the news and although he appears to be making changes I have yet to see them but i guess to each their own.
Speaking of Canadian Bands...

If you know me personally then you know that I love Jacob Hoggard. I have made it my personal mission to marry Jake. It's a hard task but I am completely devoted to the cause. If you ask my family friend and sister they will both tell you that it starts out with stalking. Yes, that sounds creepy but it's for a good future to be exact. I first saw Jacob on my least favourite show Canadian Idol and that's when I knew that he would be MINE!!! By the time Canadian Idol had ended for the season I had forgotten about Jake and his crooning.
But then to my surprise he reappeared in the band Hedley. I was ecstatic. I became even more ecstatic when I found out his band was playing here in Kitchener. I made it my mission to see him perform live. Okay, I told my godmother and she bought the tickets.
Anyways, March 13th came and I was so excited because I knew that I would meet Jacob Hoggard no matter what. I changed my outfit half a million times and raced around the house like the raving lunatic I am.
So, we get to the club and it's packed. Of course, a small venue oversold. I was miserable because people were literally on top of me, people were fighting to get to the stage and it was a big mess of stinky, smelly people.
Well, Hedley started playing and I was still unhappy until Jacob saw me in the audience looking terrible. But my mood quickly changed because I was called up stage to dance with Hedley!!! And me being the shy person I am got up there and froze!!! like a deer caught in the headlights.
Anyways, I did a few fist pumps, managed not to throw up due to my nerves and had a blast the rest of the night. At the end, we stuck around to get autographs from the band. But this was not the end of my Jacob Hoggard Mission.
My godparents who are in the music biz went to the Junos this year where low and behold Hedley was performing. So me being the creative being that I am made my godparents a guide to Halifax but one of the things was that they had to give Jacob Hoggard my phone number. I know this sounds crazy but they did it!!! Except, that the band is not allowed to accept phone numbers although rumour has it that the drummer Chris Crippin was interested.
So, my mission is not complete but not impossible either.
The Other Love of my Life...

The other love of my life goes by the name of William Broad or more commonly known as Billy Idol. Yes, I will admit it seems odd that an 18 year old girl would find a man who is old enough to be her grandfather attractive. Well, anyways that's not what I'm ranting about today. Today it's about how there are no Canadian concert dates listed for Billy Idol. I want to say that this is outrageous but somehow I can't. I'm disappointed. I went last year and it was an awesome show. I hate to say this but better than Hedley(mind you, he has about 20 years more experience). Hopefully, he will play Toronto again and I can have a better psychadellic freakout than last year.