Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Problem with Blondes

Courtney Love and Pamela Anderson,
Crazy vs. ?

As I was finishing up today's blog, I thought of something that I had to add because it's been bothering me like you would not believe.
I recently entered a debate as to whether or not Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain. I truly do not believe that she did not kill Kurt. Sure, she introduced him to drugs, helped him attain drugs and all those other things. But, she did not hold a gun to his head and say here "take some drugs, they're good for you" She only made Kurt feel like wanting to die with all her crazy antics. Example: When she threw the make up mirror at Madonna because she wanted to meet Madonna during a live interview (hilarious footage, look it up) I mean with antics like that of course you'd want to die...of embarassment that is. I feel bad for Courtney, she's had bad days that have turned into bad years. And poor Frances Bean, her name is Frances Bean and she's been taken away from her mommy one too many times, and her daddy is dead and her mommy uses his name for money. It's a vicous circle for Frances Bean. Courtney just cannot cotain herself, it's like her inhibitions have been permanently let loose.
She can probably thank the drugs for that.

Another blonde, that seems to bug me is Pamela Anderson. She never bothered me until I read this quote from her

"I always feel taller when I swim with my shoes on."- Pamela Anderson

I'm sure we'd all feel different swimming with our shoes on but I'm not sure taller is one of the things we'd feel unless we were wearing high heels but what person in their right mind would swim with shoes on unless they were surf socks.

Next point. Are surf socks, socks or shoes? Leave your comments.

1 comment:

Heidi the Hick said...

They are most definitely socks. They're not shoes. They're just not.

And I've never owned a pair in my life. I mean, suck it up. So the mud is squishy. It's a lake. Swim!