Monday, July 31, 2006
]L had to go to Full Circle All Natural Food store which has been in business for many years and I have never ever gone in there today and now I have good reason not to - it was full of get this healthy food. Yeah, me and health food = negatory. So we walked to the food store and bought three dozen Free Range
Eggs and me being the spaz I am had to ask what the difference is between REGULAR EGGS and FREE RANGE EGGS. Well, here's the answer; free range eggs come from chickens who are allowed to wander around the farm and they are not kept simply for producing eggs. Also, the chickens provide eggs with harder shells. That wasn't the part that made me uncomfortable in the store. The thing in the store that frightened me was the clerk who looked an awful lot like Yoda and spoke ever so softly. Then L decided that we should look around the store. So we looked, we perused the health crap. And guess what we found... We found all natural perfume. They came in six scents. I remember a few...Patchahouli, Rain and SEX. Apparently there is a scent called sex and something tells me I never want to smell like Sex. Oh and my other question what exactly does SEX smell like? You'd think that it might smell like two sweaty bodies rubbing together. Eww.
So, after the health food store I had to make things right by going to the only place that could erase any sort of healthy food trauma. That place was McDonalds. Yep. I had a small Mc Furry. A Smarties one to be exact. So I now vow to never return to a health food store unless there some monetary bribe involved.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Pam's Getting Hitched

Friday, July 28, 2006
Today is Money Day
Yep, I think that makes me a grown up now. It will have my name on it and everything. But what makes today even better is I'm going out with a friend from work therefore I get to spend my own money. Yep like a grown up. I now make the money and spend the money.
I know later that after I spend the money I will regeret it but I choose fun over other stuff. I'm still going to put some money in the bank for school but I agree with everyone else; I need the fun. The fun is better. Fun makes you laugh. Saving makes you sad and greedy. Saving does not make you fun nor does it make you laugh. Okay, it might make you laugh later in life when your richer than everybody you know but then you have to buy your friends. And friends you buy aren't really there for you - ask Sandra Bullock in Crash when she realizes her only friend is her housekeeper. Another example is Oprah - do you think Oprah and Gayle would still be friends is Oprah didn't buy her stuff every now and then? I think not. Gayle would be like "Your rich, you can buy me a new car and if you don't we aren't friends anymore." Yep, that's right I think Gayle is a golddigger.
I still need to save money but this is my first real pay cheque and it needs to be celebrated. It needs to be celebrated like there's no tomorrow. So I'm off to celebrate, I mean spend.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Bad Day = Bad Mood
The day started out okay but it was just a downward spiral around 12:30. I stepped in something in the basement and got it all over my work pants an hour before I had to go to work. So my mom had to wash my pants and therefore made me late for work. I don't blame my mom washing my pants though because they were gross. So I was 20 minutes late for work and it sucked because technically I'm still in my first week.
Before I went to work though I had to go to Market Square to get bus tickets which I hate doing mostly because it's an inconvience. So I was on my way home when I heard this woman yelling at her kids. I heard her over the noise from the construction site on the corner, she scared the crap out of me. And for some reason this pissed me off today. On a normal day I might laugh about it but not today.
There was no one fun at work today either. All the good people, okay all the people I know were gone or ending their shift by the time I got there. So that sucked but what sucked the most was the guy who dropped a case of pop on my wrist. He apologized but I felt like screaming. Not at him but because it hurt.
So, I'll be much happier when the day ends. Which is soon.
Nothing seems to put me in a good or better mood, not my fav music, not my fav shows, nothing.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Doogie Hawser to Barney
Here are some of his catch phrases from the show:
Suit Up!
Flight Suit Up!
It's going to be legendary OR leg -en- dary
Friends don't let friends dial drunk.
Daddy's home.
His character blog is pretty funny too. I put the link in so you can enjoy(and hopefully it works).
Hopefully you find him as funny as I do.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Grocery Shopping...It Disgusts Me
For example...
- I don't like touching the bags of chicken because they always leak. Then there's chicken juice all over my belt. Gross.
- When I see the total on people's orders it makes me sick to the stomach. But I have good reason. I sit there thinking that I make $7.75/hour and they just spent like $100 on groceries. Then I calculate how long I'd have to work to pay that bill. And to think I failed math.
I suddenly understand why people have anxiety about grocery shopping. I have anxiety for the people buying the groceries. I see their totals and I'm saying to myself "Holy Crap! That's a lot of money."
I think I liked babysittng better, plus I could stop the kids from screaming. Yeah, plus my craziness wasn't seen as was creativity. Okay no I didn't because little kids wake up at the crack of dawn. Anyone who knows me knows I'm very unattractive in the morning in all respects.
So I like my new job but I'm new so let's give it another week.
Monday, July 24, 2006
All Work and No Play Makes Me a Dull Girl
Anyways, I was called and asked if I would come in today and I said yes.
For a few reasons
1. I need the hours for that expensive education, my license etc.
2. It got me out of volunteering which I used to enjoy but I know nothing more about computers therefore I cannot teach computers anymore...I can sorta just stand around and say "Yes you are doing this right, or No, that's wrong, try it this way."
3. The more call ins I take the better it looks on me and therefore more money, and I can get the time off when I need it.
So at the end of the week I will have 37 hours total. (Last week and this week but then there's that thing called taxes and union dues which are going to be cruel the first five pay cheques.)
But don't worry I won't become dull because my job makes me laugh even if Packers haven't ripped off their uniform and started playing music.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
My Job = Money
But guess where it's going?
Straight to the bank.
Because I have to pay for that post secondary education that I can't afford. Yep. I'm going to attempt to save my money and do it all by myself.
Because I'm tired of my relatives nagging me to save and bitching "I'm not going to bail you out this time." or "When are you going to save your money? You know when I was your age I..." I'm stubborn as hell and want to prove a point.
So after laying in bed last night trying to fall asleep I decided I don't want anybody to help me. I'm tired of their lectures and their nagging and everything else. I'm going to make the most money I can in the next 5 weeks before I have to go back to school and hopefully prove them all wrong. and guess what I already have a $200 start because I have a cheque coming this week that I am NOT going to spend even if that means *gulp* not going to concerts or getting my driver's license (meaning I am doomed to continue to ride the bus). I'm stubborn and I'm going to do the best I can because now I am on a mission to prove myself to these people that are hoping I fail.
Friday, July 21, 2006
My New Guinea Pig
It all happened after work today. She came into do some grocery shopping and I was at my till looking like I was about to cry. (Today was my first day on Cash by myself and it was the busiest day of the week. I see no logic in doing that to me, anyways I didn't cry I only felt like it. ) So after my Mom was done milling through the store and cursing people for shuffling and so on I managed to corral her into the pet store. Well first my Dad came in because as my Mom calls him he's the "easy touch" and then he went out and my Mom came in and she gave me a little story about my empty promises regarding pets and so on, but then she said with a sigh "Yes, alright."
So I now have a 6 - 8 week old baby girl Abysinian Guinea Pig whom I named Abby (as in Abby the Abysinian but you probably figured that out). She's three colors; white, black and brown with a teeny tiny black nose. She's really jumpy and skiddish which I think is normal considering the fact that she was just ripped away from her brothers and sisters...again.

So this is my new Guinea Pig and I am really excited about it because I have been bugging for another one. Not to replace Finney but because they are fantastic pets and they are highly entertaining. (I love the noises they make.)
Thursday, July 20, 2006
I'm Only Happy When it Rains
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
How to Speak Angry Foreign
Monday, July 17, 2006
It all started with a 500ml bottle of coke. Apparently there are points that you can enter to win concert tickets, trips, CDs all sorts of good stuff. (I am determined to get at least 10, 000 points because then you can buy concert tickets.) Mc Donald's, Cineplex Odeon and Coke have collaberated to drive people like me in to debt. Yep, I'm running around like a madman trying to get enough points. And some points have expiry dates so then you have to waste your dollar and fourty-nine cents for points that are useless. Well I will admit that I do like Coke, in fact I love Coke - it kicks Pepsi's ass any day. Okay, that's a lie. Diet Pepsi is better than Diet Coke but regular Coke is better than regualr Pepsi and Diet Coke with lime is good with a little rum. (Maybe I shouldn't say that because I'm not legal yet...9 months). These are major differences in cola.
Wait, what was the point of my rant? Okay, now I remember...I'm determined to go a concert for less than the ticket price. I know this because each bottle of Coke is worth 500 points so at $1 a bottle (unless you buy from an inconvience store)and I only need 17 more bottles of Coke to get two tickets. The value of each ticket is $35. I think I'm getting a deal here. Or maybe I'm just one of those idiotic people who's convinced they are getting deal but in reality they're getting hosed. I have no idea but I'm going to a concert this summer with or without coke points...
And in the words of Mudvayne I'm so "f*cking determined."
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Under Construction
In Other News...
My question is if you are going to steal a vechicle of some sort why not a car? Why a tractor? I think this might be the hick version of the game Grand Theft Auto? I don't know, I think this just proves that Kitchener is full of coffee shops and losers.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Watching Paint Dry
(Sorry, the pictures are side ways, the computer is being funny today)
The Curtains - I made them myself. And they are Elvis themed. The background ois black with multi colored Elvis's in different poses. The poses are in green, purple, blue and orange.
The shower curtain - is Baby Sky Blue and was bought at Wal - Mart for a whoppin' three dollars.
The Shelves - are podged. I podged black and white photos of Elvis with a deck of Elvis playing cards as the border.
The Counter/Cupboard - are painted Baby Sky Blue with a brand spankin' new door knob.
The Wanescoting - is an off white which was the original color that had been slapped on by previous residents. I decided to leave it because I thought it would look bitchin' like that. (Actually it's quite similar to the old Mercury we saw at Cruise Night last night.)
The Walls - are painted Baby Sky Blue which is a Ford color, not something I made up.
Yep. I finally stopped procrastinating and painted the bathroom. It's been a "work in progress"(I use that term losely because I haven't worked on it in about a month.) since before we moved in. I stopped podging the shelves after a while because the podge was pissing me off, but after a few days I finished it up as much as possible. The top shelf has pictures of Marilyn Monroe, she's in there simply because 3 out of 5 of us in this house love her. So after four hours of painting the bathroom is complete. It feels good to tackle the "To - Do" list, sure there's still a lot on that list like
'finish unpacking my room,
put the shelves up,
put away my clean clothes
or just
clean my room,
go to the bank
Hopefully, I'll get most of this done today because it's driving me nuts that I have all this crap that I haven't unpacked yet and that I can't really live in my room because there's stuff all over the place. It's weird because usually I am the first to unpack and have my room put together but nope - been here over a month and have no desire to do it. I have to go shower right now because smelling does not attract potential boyfriends so, I'll let you know if I actually complete any of this "To - Do" list or if I continue to procrastinate.
Friday, July 14, 2006
When I brought him home from the pet store our dog Poodle would not let my other dog Porkchop any where near him and I still think Porkchop doesn't know he ever existed. I bought him a neon orange collar because I wanted him to look classy but mostly it just pissed him off. He was not a little clothes wearing pig at all, but he would let you carry him around in a bag - Paris Hilton Style. Finney was a card, he had quite the attitude and he was a mouthy bugger. If he heard you cutting vegetables he would squeal like his head was on fire. He would escape from his house and run all over ours and when we let him live with the bunnies he did dirty things to them. It made me laugh, but not my mom or sisters. He used to live in a Rubbermaid tote in the kitchen, but when we moved, he moved upstairs to the second floor of the house with my sisters and I. He would have been three on August 23.
I've never really been one to cry when a pet dies because it one of those things I expect. But today was a little different. My guinea pig died when I was grocery shopping with my mom today. I knew it was coming because last Sunday I noticed that he wasn't eating or drinking. I thought maybe it was the heat or he was sick of eating pellets because he usually gets a lot of fresh veggies. So I gave him some veggies and nothing, not a bite, didn't even touch it.
After doing some research I discovered that guinea pigs can get scurrvy from a lack of Vitamin C. He had all the symptoms of guinea pig scuurvy. Who knew? I certainly didn't, and now that I am informed it's way too late. I feel guilty because I should have done the research before buying a guinea pig, and then I could have prevented guinea pig scuurvy from invading my house and beating the snot out of my guinea pig for the last five days.
So Finney was buried in a C Plus pop box with a blanket in the backyard next to my Dad's Morning Glories. He doesn't care that he has dead guinea pig in his garden because he loved that little piggy too. My mom says that I can have another guinea pig if I get rid of some bunnies. Anybody want bunnnies? I really want another guinea pig not to replace Finney but because they are funny pets and I highly recommend them as much as bunnies?
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Green is definately my color
There are some good things about the job that do not include people, such as :
- I get money
- I can keep the job during the school year
- The only part of the uniform that they are strict about is the green golf shirt but I get to choose what type of dark pants and shoes I want to wear
- There are some hot looking packers, which makes the day somewhat more enjoyable -it's okay to watch people
So, wish me luck because training and working starts Monday - with people and I have to ride the bus.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
One of those Days
Well, today was one of those days.
I had a job interview today and it rained for most of the day, so by the time I arrived at my interview I was soaking wet. The interview was fine except that the woman who was supposed to interview me did not show up, so the store manager interviewed me. And, I think that may have worked in my favor but aside from what bugged me today.
We all know that I HATE public transit but I hate the idiots that ride it more. There was a girl on the bus, who was listening to her MP3 player which I don't care about. What I care about is her dancing all over the bus and grinding on the seats and poles. I have no idea why this bothered me so much. I do know that it bothered me to the point where I wanted to take her MP3 player and smash. I told you it was one of THOSE days.
But when I returned home my favourite people in the whole entire world were here. Heidi the Hick and Jethro were at my house with their dog, (that I wanted to steal while they were at the Junos). Heidi understands the whole bus episode and knowing that makes me feel better.
On the brightside, I think I got the job because stupidly I said "Yes, I enjoy working with the public." A little ironic huh?
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
7 Years Ago
Seven Years ago, I was eleven years old.
Seven Years ago, I received my first sketch book.
Seven Years ago, I heard Amazing Grace played on the violin for the first time in my life.
Seven Years ago, my life changed.
Seven Years ago, I stood grave side, listened to Pastor Keller say "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."
Seven Years ago, I buried my grandfather.
Seven is not my lucky number.
My grandfather died seven years ago at the age of 63, he was a very sick man despite the fact I never knew exactly what he had and to this day I still don't. I do know that after having several close calls he decided to sign a DNR form. Most of my life he was ill, but that never stopped him from doing what he wanted. I always thought eleven years was never enough, that it was unfair for him to die and I still don't think that eleven years is enough time to get to know someone. But here's some memories from my eleven years with someone I love very much.
I was the first grandchild, my mother became pregnant at 18 years old and her parents were not impressed. (Abortion was never an option with my mother). On the day I was born all my grandfather's doubts, worries and fears vanished. I was the ultimate golden child and up until a few years ago, I could do no wrong. At a few weeks old, my grandparents wanted to take me to Florida. My mother objected. As an infant, I would sleep all day, and be awake all night, that problem was easily "fixed" by my grandparents, particularily by grandmother.
My grandfather used to work at Shuh Memorials and my uncles lived in a house two doors down from Shuh Memorials. When I was a toddler, I would visit my grandpa at work where bananas, Ritz Crackers and Del Monte Fruit Punch were always on hand. I hated bananas (still do, actually) and he would always want me to eat bananas but I never did. His friend, owned Theo Motors across the street and I would go to get balloons. Sometimes, when I'm riding the bus I'm tempted to go get more balloons. One time, the dog ate the eye off my bear and my grandpa had to glue the eye back on and needless to say Ted still has one crusty eye.
Whenever I was sick and my mom wasn't home, I would spend the day with my grandpa or my uncles at their house. I always had fun despite the fact I was playing in an office were they sold memorials for the dead. Kinda creeps me out now.
When I was in kindergarten, my class performed a song for the school recital and for the majority of the performance my grandfather filmed the wrong kid but I never held it against him.
He used to give the best gifts. When I was little, he bought me my own patio set. He also bought me a jacket, that had a doll wearing the same outfit. I think my grandma still has a doll at her house.
My grandpa used to stop by when he could still drive and sometimes he'd bring candy. I remember the one car he had, had the buttons on the door so you could lock/unlock the car door. I thought that was so cool, like he was a spy or somebody extremely important. I always wanted to know the code but he never told me.
When my grandpa couldn't work any more I would go to the house and we would build mazes with dominos. My grandma didn't want us to do that on her glass table but we never listened.
Some days, I am still tempted to pick up the phone and call my grandpa. There are so many things that I wish he was here to see. There are so many things I have to tell him. There are so many things he's missed. After seven years, it's still hard to live my life without him. All I have left are memories - eleven years of memories. Is it enough?
Monday, July 10, 2006
I hate Public Transit
One might ask me and my response would be this:
- I hate sitting next to people I don't know
- The drivers are always rude.
- People are loud and obnoxious, they can never keep to themselves.
- People smell, some smell okay but some are drenched in cologne and then I sneeze. Which apparently grosses people out. But wait, I have a solution, "Don't swim in your cologne"
- It's expense. $13 for 10 bus tickets ( thats if you can get away with using the reduced for seniors or highschool students) or $2.25 for one way.
- It's crowded, and people never give up their seats for small children or the elderly.
- Students put their bags on seats so no one can sit down.
- The routes suck and you can never get anywhere on time
- The buses are either early or late, so you miss your bus no matter what you do.
- People always talk me - even if I give them the "I don't like you" face
- And finally, I must not be very tolerant of people because any one who rides the bus acts like they are mentally challenged which is somewhat of an insult to the mentally challenged because some of them behave better than others on the bus.
Now, I could continue on why I hate the bus but I won't bore you with that any longer. So, don't ask why I hate public transit and we won't go through this speech again.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Bloggity, blog, blog
I have noticed in my blogging, and my blog research there is some weird stuff out there. Some of it, I appreciate because like them I, too am a strange individual. I realize that what a person puts on a blog is completely up to them but some it frightens me and my semi -naive mind. Some of the blogs were racist, sexually explicit and not in the English language. I realize that
I do not have to read or view these blogs but they appear so quickly on your screen that by the time you hit the "Next Blog" button you have already been given a free show. Now imagine, your computer freezes with one of these free show blogs on your monitor. That has not happened to me yet but it has happened to other people in my house and I all I can say is "Yikes!"
Sometimes, I fear hitting the "Next Blog" button because I have no idea what I will stumble across. I want to read other people's blogs but how can I do that if I fear the unknown blogs and what they might contain. I guess, I'll just have to face my blog fear and continue on my blogging journey in order to seperate the crap from the good stuff.
Friday, July 07, 2006
In my head...
Okay, the first dream is about me and Jon Bon Jovi.
It's hot and steamy, like this picture.

Anyways, it goes like this...
I was in my dorm at college and it was a co-ed dorm with 3 other roommates. Two males, myself and another female. I have no freakin' idea as to why it was co-ed because the colleges DO NOT do that. Trust me, I read the booklet. So, the first roommate was my ex boyfriend No. 1, and then Jon as in Jon lead singer from Bon Jovi and some ugly red headed girl. Aside from the point. So Jon and I are friends, it's the 80's, we're all the same age, it's all good. We party together, go to concerts, pick on the ex and ugly girl. So, it flips to a couple years later and Jon and I are getting married but Richie Sambora isn't there because I don't like him. (I don't like Richie because he's dating Denise Richards and she's fighting dirty in court against Charlie Sheen. She's accused Charlie of being inappropriate with their children and I don't believe that because if that was the case Denise is such a Diva that she would never put up with that). So Jon and I are looking beautiful when this bark awakes me from my slumber and my future with Jon. The little dog, has awoken me but I quickly fall back to sleep to finish marrying Jon but all that happens is some concert going, song writing, driving nice cars and making fun of Richie. My future with Jon is pretty uneventful except for the part where I beat up the girl who does the version of "Who says you can't go home" because I absolutely hate that version of the song and she needs to be kicked for that.
My theory on WHY I love the 80's so much.
I think I love the 80' so much because I believe that I had a past life in the 80's where I died just before I was born. I probably died of some drug overdose or sexually related disease because my dad once told me all people ever did in the 80's was sleep around and do drugs, so this death is quite possible. Anyways, I think I was some party girl in the 80's with two different colored parrot earrings and a seashell necklace. I probably partied with Aerosmith and Billy Idol, and I was probably good friends with Madonna or so I like to think.
Okay, I don't really believe in reincarnation but I thought of this theory while doing my laundry today and thought it was kind of silly, random and should be posted on my blog. It also made me feel better about loving the 80's so freakin' much.
My spooky dream is about my granfather who I was really close with and died 7 years ago. I have this recurring dream where he doesn't die or he comes back to life but he only lives for three more days after he actually died. When he comes back, it's as if nothing ever changed and he has nothing meaningful to say, he's just there. And in my dreams he's not sick, he's just there and every time I say to him "Every day for the last seven years I have wanted to pick up the phone and call but I can't because you are dead." Another phrase that I often say to him is "You missed out on so much, but I'm just so happy that you are, things have changed so much."And he says nothing in return, he just keeps working on his boats in the basement workshop as if I'm not even there or sometimes he just looks at me. And when he does this, I feel like screaming but I'm just so happy he's here but then he dies again and it's a vicious cycle of everything I went through for the last seven years.
I don't know what to make of this dream. It confuses me and makes me want to cry. I think it must be because the anniversary if his death is on tuesday.
See, I told you this part of my head isn't scary, it's the other parts.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
1 day left until PIRATES!

Yes, that is correct, exactly one day left until Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest comes out and I am ecstatic. I mean that, I really do.
I am not a big Johnny Depp fan like my sister but I do love him as Captain Jack Sparrow. I loved the first movie and I cannot wait until tomorrow night when I finally get to go. I have been waiting for this movie since I saw the first preview for it a few months ago. I love the way Johnny portrays Captain Jack Sparrow, the way he carries himself, the way he walks, acts, all of it.
Now, it is rumoured that for the third installment of Pirates of the Caribbean, Keith Richards will play Captain Jack's father which would make perfect sense. I mean, Keith Richards walks or should I say stumbles around, already looks like he's been at sea for many years and I'm sure he likes rum. I think it's a perfect match - especially when Keith wears those rainbow colored headbands, sure Johnny's isn't multicolored but it is red and red is in the rainbow. Either way, I'm excited to see Pirates II and Pirates III but I'd be even more excited if Keith Richards was the Captain's daddy.

(See, I told you Keith looks like a pirate who's been out at sea for many years)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Me and My Guitar
I never wanted lessons though, I hate the thought of having to play guitar in front of someone so they can watch me fail. It's different when you're with your friends and you're just jamming but lessons you're paying someone to watch you fail. Not a confidence booster. Not only that but I have a talented guitar player that lives with me and he teaches me when I want him too and thats way more fun.
So, since the Summer Holidays have begun, I've decided that by the end of the summer I'd like to be able to play at least half of "Wake me up when September Ends" or some other song. I would say cool song but "Wake me up when September Ends" is not that great of a song in my opinion and that's partially because Much Music played the hell out of it.
I don't know that I'll learn a song by the end of the summer but I hope I do because when school starts again I'll become dorky school girl with no time and therefore no guitar playing. I've spent some of today and some of yesterday practicing but if all else fails I can always play like Phoebe off of Friends but I'll keep you posted on how the guitar playing goes.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
My Adventures at Lutherwood
So after my phone call I decided to go to Lutherwood hoping that they would help me find a job, and help me post my resume. At Lutherwood I met "Pete" who was semi cute but kind of useless. He gets paid $15+ to tell me to use "big words" on my resume and expand on my duties from previous jobs. It was kind of a double edged sword in that they were helpful in giving me pointers on how to improve my resume and a website address for job postings in my area but they didn't help me post my resume or find a job. It was kind of a waste of time. I could have gotten that address from anywhere and as for my resume it was fine the way it was because I already had an employee from Lutherwood help me write it. To top off my experience he gave me a list of big words to use on my resume.
It aggravated me because it made me feel like an idiot, so "Thanks for nothing Pete." It doesn't matter what he says anyways because, get ready for this ...I have a job interview at a grocery store next week. Go me. I am not useless. I think the receptionist job might go my way as well being that I am the only person that has applied for it. But, the receptionist job probably won't work around school in the fall whereas the grocery store job will work around my schedule. It doesn't matter right now because I need a job and will take either one.
Well, I will post my results of the interview and such next week unless it doesn't go my way and I'm upset and feeling useless again.
Monday, July 03, 2006
The Job Search Continues...Unsuccessfully
Lutherwood is an organization run by the government that helps people find jobs, they give you a "Job Counselor" and all sorts of crap like that. Apparently this job counselor helps you create a really good resume and find a job. Supposedly this counselors are so good that they can find you a job the same day or the next day. I hope all of this is true because I need a job as quick as possible. If these counselors don't live up to their reputation, I'll be pretty upset.
I feel like screaming from the roof top "Give me a shitty job. I really want one." It's like all these useless, uneducated people can get jobs but I can't. Seriously, this girl I know got a job at my volunteer placement which wouldn't bug me if I hadn't been volunteering there for more than three months, and if she could spell and say the name of the place right. Let me just tell you the name of the place is not Madeocraft. I don't know what Madeocraft is...I'm assuming it's an abbreviation for "I made a craft." but I'm unsure yet. Or maybe "Madeocraft" is a machine that pumps out crafts or craft supplies. Either way it pisses me off that I work my butt off for free and no one offers me a job knowing full well that I don't have one.
I'm convinced that getting a job is all based on who you know and where they work. For example if I knew someone who worked at a restaurant, my chances of getting a job there would be much higher than if I applied at a restaurant where I knew no one. It's all about who you know, where they work and if they put in a good word for you. By the way what the hell does "put in a good word" mean? Don't they have to put in more than one word and where are they putting these words? Unless they mean "I'll use my big mouth to say somethin' nice about you to the boss so you can get a job here." Yep, I think that's what they mean. Stupid Big Mouths. Shut Up and give losers such as myself a chance at employment.
Okay, maybe I shouldn't be buggin' the big mouths considering the fact that mine is pretty BIG. But, I wish someone would use their big mouth to get me a job. Actually,I wish my mouth was bigger because then I wouldn't get so nervous when I'm trying to hand in a resume or fill out an application. I get so worked up because I tell myself "This could be it. You could get this job. Think, think about what Mrs. W taught you in career studies. Wait, I didn't pay attention in that class, I never thought I'd need it. Damn, Luau why did we have to make comic strips about Mrs. W being the bad lady that she is." These are the types of things that go through my mind as I'm speaking with supervisors, managers etc.
But today, I actually did pretty well.
I said "Hello. Do you have any openings in the kitchen? "
Then the supervisor said "No."
I said "Well, I have my resume here, would you please call me when something does open up."
Then the supervisor said "Okay."
And I said "Thank you very much."
I said all that with stuttering or being fidgety. I think it was a big achievement. Go Me. God, I am a jobless fool. Maybe I can have a career like Paris Hilton. Famous because my parents are rich therefore I'm rich and I never have to work but just in case I"ll put out an album with a catchy little song that would be better performed by Blondie. I always have a back up plan, because I am so smart.
I think my intelligence is holding me back because everywhere I go, the most useless examples of human beings have jobs. There are millions of people in the world who like me have no skills, no experience and still manage to get a job. I don't understand it. I don't understand what it is that I am doing incorrectly that furthers me away from employment. I have taken enough programs in high school that would give me experience, I have devoted the last four months to a volunteer placement that I hoped would help me gain the skills necessary. I have completed all these things in order to gain a job and yet here I sit jobless. I don't understand how other people who have no "experience" manage to get jobs because I am like them in the respect that I have no experience.
I believe that maybe I have too much experience not with handling cash or preparing/serving food but with people. I believe this because the majority of the programs I have taken are focused on the interactions of human beings. For example, I took a sociology course where most of the expectations were to work in groups or with a partner. The course wanted you to interact with others and make notes on these interactions. Another example would be Food and Technology where you had to work on a team to prepare and serve meals to the student body. You had to be able to work with others well or pretend that you did because a percentage of the grade was based on this skill.
Maybe I'm just making this part up about being over qualified for jobs in order to make myself feel better or maybe I have stumbled upon some dirty little secret of the job world. Either way, I better find a job soon because I have college in the fall and no money to pay for it. I don't expect to save enough money for my whole education but enough to feel better and less stressed about buying something I obviously can't afford.