Monday, July 31, 2006


Today, I had a really good surprise. My friend L dropped by with prom photos. Which I was absolutely ecstatic about because my pictures and the camera had an incident to say the least. So, she came by with some pictures and it was all good.
]L had to go to Full Circle All Natural Food store which has been in business for many years and I have never ever gone in there today and now I have good reason not to - it was full of get this healthy food. Yeah, me and health food = negatory. So we walked to the food store and bought three dozen Free Range
Eggs and me being the spaz I am had to ask what the difference is between REGULAR EGGS and FREE RANGE EGGS. Well, here's the answer; free range eggs come from chickens who are allowed to wander around the farm and they are not kept simply for producing eggs. Also, the chickens provide eggs with harder shells. That wasn't the part that made me uncomfortable in the store. The thing in the store that frightened me was the clerk who looked an awful lot like Yoda and spoke ever so softly. Then L decided that we should look around the store. So we looked, we perused the health crap. And guess what we found... We found all natural perfume. They came in six scents. I remember a few...Patchahouli, Rain and SEX. Apparently there is a scent called sex and something tells me I never want to smell like Sex. Oh and my other question what exactly does SEX smell like? You'd think that it might smell like two sweaty bodies rubbing together. Eww.
So, after the health food store I had to make things right by going to the only place that could erase any sort of healthy food trauma. That place was McDonalds. Yep. I had a small Mc Furry. A Smarties one to be exact. So I now vow to never return to a health food store unless there some monetary bribe involved.


dilling said...

Have not been in a McD's for so many years I cannot even remember...there is one a block down from us and the smell of the grease traps is enough to make me sick, when the wind is right, literally. Ew. You know, I eat lots of "natural foods" like french fries and ice cream and's where you buy, not what you buy! mmm mmm mmm

Heidi the Hick said...

Did you know that I once worked in a health food store? Honestly it was the coolest place.

There was no perfume called "Sex."