Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Me and My Guitar

Ever since I was about nine years old I've wanted a guitar and for my eighteenth birthday I finally got one. My parents didn't want to get me one because and I quote "Either, you'll play it non stop or f*ck it in a corner never to be seen again." Well, they kinda got both because when I play it I can't stop and when I'm busy it gets thrown in the corner of my room for months. I hate not being able to play it when I want to but when I have the time I don't have the patience. For some reason, I thought I'd be a pro and all this stuff would come to me naturally but it doesn't. And after four months of having this guitar all I can play is the first two chords of "Wake me up when September Ends" it's rather unfortunate.
I never wanted lessons though, I hate the thought of having to play guitar in front of someone so they can watch me fail. It's different when you're with your friends and you're just jamming but lessons you're paying someone to watch you fail. Not a confidence booster. Not only that but I have a talented guitar player that lives with me and he teaches me when I want him too and thats way more fun.
So, since the Summer Holidays have begun, I've decided that by the end of the summer I'd like to be able to play at least half of "Wake me up when September Ends" or some other song. I would say cool song but "Wake me up when September Ends" is not that great of a song in my opinion and that's partially because Much Music played the hell out of it.
I don't know that I'll learn a song by the end of the summer but I hope I do because when school starts again I'll become dorky school girl with no time and therefore no guitar playing. I've spent some of today and some of yesterday practicing but if all else fails I can always play like Phoebe off of Friends but I'll keep you posted on how the guitar playing goes.

1 comment:

Heidi the Hick said...

The nice thing about lessons is that your teacher can give you one little thing at a time and you build on it. I made the mistake of taking group lessons and I was lost. It took me until I was in my very late 20s to start again. But I'm glad I tried. I'm like you; I play in fits. I should pick it up again. I should learn to tune it by ear.

Then again you do have the talented player in your family. You can learn a lot from him!

Keep up the job applications and don't lose faith. Reward yourself with a rousing rendition of the first two chords from "Wake me up when September ends."!