Tuesday, July 18, 2006

How to Speak Angry Foreign

Today was my first day as a cashier- not in training. It was going well, slow but well. My supervisor stood at the end of the line and informed people that we were in training. She said "These girls are in training, it may take some time" People came through pleasant and understanding until... Angry Foreign Woman and Daughter or AFWD for short. She was mean and rude and didn't speak a word of English. It was taking me some time to put her order through because she was the woman in the grocery store who filled her cart full of stuff and didn't know what she put in her cart. I was having difficulty getting the eggs to scan, which apparently almost never scan, so I called my supervisor over for help because my partner like me was at a loss as what to do with these damn eggs. My supervisor helped me and I continued putting her order through until ...the item that was in her cart and she had no idea what it was and I had no idea what it was. My supervisor came over, told me what they were (half a dozen white turnips), punched in the code and let me finish. Well AFWD was pissed. She started yelling in a language I obviously don't speak and slammed her bread products around. After slamming her bread products around, she began to bitch at her daughter and then her daughter was polite enough to inform"Please don't squish the bread products" At that point I quickly finished her order and I mean as quick as the new girl could go, I finished AFWD order, handed them their receipt, said "Thank you. Have a nice day." After they were gone I turned to my partner and said "I guess we missed the memo on how to speak angry foreign woman."


Heidi the Hick said...

Ah the joys of earning a paycheck. You know you will now have soooo much material for blogging!!!

mwa ha ha ha!

dilling said...

Oh, the joys of customer service!!! Remember the hot grocery store boys... your new mantra....

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

I've been there for three shifts and no Hedley like scenarios yet. I'm still holding out though.