Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Doogie Hawser to Barney

I have become a big fan of Neil Patrick Harris. I hate Doogie Hawser but love Barney. Don't worry I'm not talking about the purple dinosaur but the character from "How I Met Your Mother" I have no idea why I like him, probably because he's funny and makes me laugh. I also enjoy the way he yells "Suit Up" at Ted all the time. The rest of the show is okay. It has it's moments but the glue that holds it all together is Neil Patrick Harris.

Here are some of his catch phrases from the show:

Suit Up!

Flight Suit Up!


It's going to be legendary OR leg -en- dary

Friends don't let friends dial drunk.

Daddy's home.

His character blog is pretty funny too. I put the link in so you can enjoy(and hopefully it works).

Hopefully you find him as funny as I do.

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