Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Grocery Shopping...It Disgusts Me

Yes it disgusts me in ways that you can't imagine. Or maybe you can imagine because you are weird like me.
For example...
  • I don't like touching the bags of chicken because they always leak. Then there's chicken juice all over my belt. Gross.
  • When I see the total on people's orders it makes me sick to the stomach. But I have good reason. I sit there thinking that I make $7.75/hour and they just spent like $100 on groceries. Then I calculate how long I'd have to work to pay that bill. And to think I failed math.

I suddenly understand why people have anxiety about grocery shopping. I have anxiety for the people buying the groceries. I see their totals and I'm saying to myself "Holy Crap! That's a lot of money."

I think I liked babysittng better, plus I could stop the kids from screaming. Yeah, plus my craziness wasn't seen as crazy...it was creativity. Okay no I didn't because little kids wake up at the crack of dawn. Anyone who knows me knows I'm very unattractive in the morning in all respects.

So I like my new job but I'm new so let's give it another week.


Heidi the Hick said...

I could do a whole posting on all of my grocery store anxieties but I'm afraid to. I don't want to get another chest pain. You know I'm not kidding!

I found my podge bottle yesterday. Guess where it was. On the kitchen table, silly! Where else would it be?

Hang in there. All sucky jobs suck. We all gotta go through it. I'm old and I'll stop the pep talk now!

Biddie said...

Chicken juice? Ewww!

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

Yep. grocery shopping is gross. I actually don't mind my job...yet. It's sucky but not extremely sucky.

Heidi the Hick said...

chicken juice is basically toxic waste. You will shrivel if you get it on you.

be very careful!!!!!!!!

.:.KC.:. the brown eyed girl said...

It's so gross. It makes me insane because then I want to clean the belts but more customers come and I never get to clean it. Then if you say "Excuse me, I need to clean the belt" people get pissy with you. It's the bad side of being a cashier.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!