Friday, July 28, 2006

Today is Money Day

Today I get my very first pay cheque.
Yep, I think that makes me a grown up now. It will have my name on it and everything. But what makes today even better is I'm going out with a friend from work therefore I get to spend my own money. Yep like a grown up. I now make the money and spend the money.
I know later that after I spend the money I will regeret it but I choose fun over other stuff. I'm still going to put some money in the bank for school but I agree with everyone else; I need the fun. The fun is better. Fun makes you laugh. Saving makes you sad and greedy. Saving does not make you fun nor does it make you laugh. Okay, it might make you laugh later in life when your richer than everybody you know but then you have to buy your friends. And friends you buy aren't really there for you - ask Sandra Bullock in Crash when she realizes her only friend is her housekeeper. Another example is Oprah - do you think Oprah and Gayle would still be friends is Oprah didn't buy her stuff every now and then? I think not. Gayle would be like "Your rich, you can buy me a new car and if you don't we aren't friends anymore." Yep, that's right I think Gayle is a golddigger.
I still need to save money but this is my first real pay cheque and it needs to be celebrated. It needs to be celebrated like there's no tomorrow. So I'm off to celebrate, I mean spend.


Heidi the Hick said...

You can save and still be fun. I'm not really sure how it works first hand. But I'm pretty sure it works!

Heidi the Hick said...

Have fun tonight!!!!